posted on Jun, 15 2015 @ 07:27 PM
I'd like to keep this thread as open to various traditions as possible.
It is dedicated to the beliefs that fall outside the major World Religions, and their style of worship and music.
This thread is for the shamans, the followers of the ancestors, goddesses and gods of old.
Perhaps it's a song about paganism, or about a theme (like Valhalla) which could be any style from heavy metal to folk.
I'd also like to encourage networking on songs, concerts or performances that facilitated practices associated with paganism, like trance, or
mystical experiences.
Maybe you became interested in a group, and had an out-of-body experience, or started shape-shifting to their music?
This happened to me.
Of course a danger is that definitions become too open-ended, and the rave, trance-music, metal, folk (various ethnic music), and New Age/World Music
genres can be useful to pagans.
If you do post something without a particular pagan theme or background, then please explain how it was useful to you as a pagan, or within the
context of a pagan experience (don't just post a rave song, without indicating why as a pagan - there's other threads for certain styles of music).
Any language is welcome, but as far as possible a short explanation of a chant or song is always nice.
Whether it's just a song about celebrating Pagan Pride, or a drumming piece to share, be welcome and enjoy!