Mass Effect Andromeda, Fallout 4, Star Wars Battlefront, Dark Souls 3, and For Honor were my favorite announcements so far.
No gameplay of the new Mass Effect or Dark Souls 3 yet though.
Fallout 4 is probably my most hyped game.
Battlefront looks pretty good from the gameplay, but some of their decisions to take out some features have me a bit weary. No space battles, no clone
wars era. Either way, I do like DICE as a company and have faith they will make a good ground battle game.
I really really want to see some Dark Souls 3 gameplay though (maybe they will show it at the Sony conference, about 2 hours from now?) , same with
the new Mass Effect, but the latter wont be out until "holiday" 2016.
For Honor was a game I never knew about, but it looks like it may have potential. It's essentially 3rd person knights vs samurai vs vikings I think.
Big troop battles and you're a commander of the troops, 4 vs 4 multiplayer so far.
ETA - I forgot about Rainbow 6 Siege. Definitely hyped for it to.
edit on 15-6-2015 by buni11687 because: (no reason given)
ETA 2 - I also want to mention that Kingdom Come : Deliverance is a game Im waiting for to see at E 3 to. I dont think they've done much at E 3 yet
but we will see in a few days.
More info about For Honor and its combat system.
edit on 15-6-2015 by buni11687 because: (no reason given)
Would love to hear of a Super Mario Galaxy 3 announcement for WiiU. But there haven't been any real noteworthy games for that system, so I won't be
holding my breath.
originally posted by: Lysergic
Good year to be a gamer.
2015 has been awesome for gaming so far. The previous couple years have been not so good overall, but this year has already been off to a great start
and E 3 is going amazing so far. Im watching Sony's conference now and they're doing pretty good so far. DinoRobot hunting game called Horizon, more
No Mans Sky stuff The Last Guardian gameplay, and still some time left.
edit on 15-6-2015 by buni11687 because: (no reason given)
I really want to like this but i'm afraid it won't live up to expectations.
I stayed up to watch uncharted 4, they didn't really show anything but a little gameplay. I really hope this won't be the last one.
I could never really get into FF. It's a huge series and I understand the massive hype behind it, but I could just never really get into it.
Watched the Uncharted gameplay to. Most was just driving around, and a little bit of shooting in the beginning. Not really the most exciting IMO. Im
guessing it was a bit awkward when they tried to play it the fist time, and the character wouldnt move for a few minutes. They had to restart the
gameplay again after that. Not sure if the player was AFK or it glitched out.
Anyways, here's the gameplay footage + some of the backstory to what's happening in this game. (The aliens have taken over, I think 20 years after the
first XCOM game.... and procedural generated maps!)
edit on 15-6-2015 by buni11687 because: (no reason given)
My OCD nature just went SPROING!! I will enter into the No Man's Sky universe and never, ever emerge. At least until our own Sun exhausts its fuel
and consumes the solar system... then collapses in on itself. If I haven't put plans in place already and moved to a different location, I may miss
the collapse.
Saw the conferences... watched the trailors... voted.... only game I actually enjoyed watching was uncharted 4. The only game that was overly
imaginative was dreams. The only game that looked at least somewhat strategic? Horizon. Racing? Need for speed. Combat? Gigantic. Multi-player?
Destiny. RPG? FF7 REMAKE.
I was saddened by Microsoft. I was bored with Nintendo. Bethesda has fallout and doom. But the funny thing is I wanted to see something new. And
playstation has nothing but new ideas. Except for FF7. But I have wanted to see FF7 remade for over a decade. Crisis core was awesome. Advent children
was ok. Dirge of cerberus I skipped. But the remake is what we wanted.
And where the hell was tony hawk and resident evil?