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Russel Brand tells it like it is on The Pool Party

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posted on Jun, 15 2015 @ 05:59 AM
a reply to: Komodo

I wouldn't listen to anything he tells me anymore, was subscribed to his youtube, he told people not to vote for years, my view, but then came out in support of labour just before the UK election.

He obviously has more faith in the system than me, it would take a bit more than Ed Milliband to sweet talk me back into society!

posted on Jun, 15 2015 @ 06:08 AM
a reply to: Soapusmaximus

Exactly. Everyone forgot that. He talks of overthrowing the establishment ( all the time) yet conducts his own personal life contrary to public speeches

posted on Jun, 15 2015 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: rossacus

I do agree with you insomuch as a political voice, or voice of the yewf he should be taken with a pinch of salt especially as he is reported as being quite precious in reality. I just don't take him too seriously and base my opinions the (obviously not for everyone) humour which does amuse me.

I'm thinking pretty shallow with him, like I said, to me on this video he was taking the mikey out of a fox presenter, edited or not and nothing to do with the reality of the situation, it amused me and no harm done.

If people are taking him as a #blacklivesmatter spokesperson in America then he is doing OK for himself, fair play to him!


posted on Jun, 15 2015 @ 08:04 AM

originally posted by: hotintexas
Russell Brand is an idiot!

Why? His overall opinion on the state of the world seems spot on to me. and coincides with what most people on ATS seem to say every day.

originally posted by: hotintexas
Maybe if he did a little research before shooting off his mouth he wouldn't look like such a fool. Maybe you should do the same.

Maybe you shouldn't be so rude.

originally posted by: hotintexas
Well, my daughter 1) wouldn't have been there in the first place

That's what every parent thinks about their children. Many are wrong. But even so, have you never just been in the wrong place at the wrong time?

originally posted by: hotintexas
2) would have been taught better manners and would have sat down when the officer told her to.

Then she is the perfect citizen in the eyes of the government.

originally posted by: hotintexas
3) she wouldn't have been mouthing off to a cop, even if he was wrong!

And therein lies the problem. Just doing what you're told no questions asked.

edit on 0421Monday212015-06-15T08:21:04-05:002104 6 by Silicis n Volvo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2015 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: Komodo

When he was exclusively involved in television, film, and stand up comedy, frankly he made me very angry. I could not stand his manner, his delivery, and so on.

However, when he started The Trews, his YouTube channel, and piping up on matters political, I realised that I had entirely failed to realise the depth of the man. He is no genius, but what he did in starting The Trews, was to make the issues, and a more in depth look at them, attainable for an audience which may have been avoiding political matters previously. Being a man who was bought up in a crapstorm, and a man who had hit rock bottom and come back, meant that people identified with him, and therefore he found himself in a position which would allow him to talk to a wider audience about matters of state, international affairs, and so on.

There are not many people in his position, with his history, who are prepared to involve themselves with, associate themselves with discussion of this sort. The man is not old money, he is not financially incentivised to do what he does, but he does it anyway, and his actions and interest being applied to a situation, can often have benefits for those at ground level, living through the issue that he focuses on during a given period.

There was the issue of young families in London being at risk of eviction from the estate they all lived on, which was being sold or some such. Ask those people whose homes are secure, whose community is intact because of both their own hard work, but also the attention paid to the situation by Brand, if they think that he is an idiot!

I believe I know what the answer will be.

posted on Jun, 15 2015 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

It's cos of his history people see him as one of them, without realising he is just repeating sentences of those who have dedicated their lives to trying to resolve these issues. Anyone can do it. America is susceptible to the English accent as though a posh accent gives you credibility or intelligence. If you watched him on debate/political shows like question time you would not say these types of things. He has been ostracised by our media and been exposed for supporting tax evasion (when it suits him). Remember he was a public icon . He is trying to rectify his career in america and fare play to him, he is being lapped up. He saw an opportunity and took it. Fair play to him.

posted on Jun, 15 2015 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: rossacus

I do not follow your meaning here.

The man has a platform, and is using it for something he believes in, rather than just spending his time hammered on booze and drugs, and indulging his biological needs with the assistance of a string of underwear models.

And I hardly think that he can be accused of parroting the views of all the other talking heads, if only because his attitude to the issues is refreshingly honest and simple, not convoluted and obfuscatory in its aspect. I know of no other person in the limelight at the moment, who has such a capacity to be forthright and forthcoming with their viewers as he is.

posted on Jun, 15 2015 @ 10:27 AM
His points are invalid. Russell is primarily a comedian and comedians always cater to blacks out of fear of violence against them as they travel the country doing comedy.

Moreover, as an officer, when youre arresting one beligerant suspect and are aggressively approached by a gang of her friends, the gun then comes into play. Do people really not understand this? The video is quite clear.
edit on 15-6-2015 by Urantia1111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2015 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: Komodo

People need to understand something that has long been lost by the majority of not just so called Sheeple but by those who consider themselves outside the box and thinking for themselves: Russel Brand is, just like Mainstream media, reporting what he thinks will connect him with the poor or the less wealthy, much like the US media and media around the world, Russel has something to push, an agenda to get through and most of all wants to feel like he is one of us, because that way if anything ever does kick off he thinks that he will be safe from the uprising or rioters.

You cant proclaim to 'see the truth' and then say 'Oh but Russel cant be telling a lie, he is one of us. He sees the world for what it truly is'. Russel is a very rich man, he lives in a multimillion pound apartment or rents it. He has said over the last few years (I'm searching for it now on Google) that he would only put others before himself if he was already set. He doesn't have your best interests in mind and remember the higher number views he gets the more money he makes from Youtube, that's how it works on that site.

Why people are suddenly proclaiming this guy as the hero of the poor, as the man to look up to, is far beyond me. I have said this a few times on here, on his Facebook and youtube pages and I will repeat it again and make sure you read these words 'A WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING IS MUCH WORSE THAN A WOLF IN ITS OWN SKIN' It is based on an older saying but I've added to it, it basically means that when you're dealing with someone who is pretending to be on your side for their own gain then you dont know their true selves but when you're dealing with someone who tells you that they're going to take your house, or neighborhood because it's what is best for the community or something, then at least you know that they are dickheads on the inside.


posted on Jun, 15 2015 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: Dwoodward85
Comparing Russell brand to Hitler? I think your Stretching things a little here

posted on Jun, 15 2015 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: michael1888
Im not in the U.S but i dont agree with police carrying guns in everyday situations. Specialist officers or SWAT should have guns for extreme situations, not silly boys with a chip on their shoulder. Cops, police, douchebags...whatever you choose to call them should be engaging with communities not pulling guns on them.a reply to: Komodo

I agree with you but in the environment today in the US the bad guys are armed better than the cops. If cops didn't have a gun there would be a lot of dead cops. The best thing we are doing is the use of non-lethal weapons but this technology is very expensive.

Didn't Scotland band firearms recently? How is that working for you?

posted on Jun, 15 2015 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: Soapusmaximus
a reply to: Komodo

I wouldn't listen to anything he tells me anymore, was subscribed to his youtube, he told people not to vote for years, my view, but then came out in support of labour just before the UK election.

He obviously has more faith in the system than me, it would take a bit more than Ed Milliband to sweet talk me back into society!

He's a loon. He may make a valid point every so often, but he clearly doesn't have a direction of his own...he's like a wind sock in a storm - he'll blow whatever way gets him publicity.

Used to really like him - but when he started chiming in on things he was clearly under-informed, ill-informed, or just plain ignorant on and acting as if he had the 'inside track' or some deep understanding of the matter, then presenting it as fact...well, let's just say I respect my dogs opinion on things before I take anything he says seriously.

Now it's not to say all of what he says is wrong, but much of it is based on partial information - so if he stirs the pot, check the story and sources before backing the guy.

How I wish he had stayed his original course, I think he would have been far more popular in general and probably well-respected to boot.

posted on Jun, 15 2015 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: Shamrock6

Don't be hating on the man bun!

He has some good points but he can get pretty one sided at times.

posted on Jun, 15 2015 @ 11:35 AM
It's not like anyone forces you to watch Brand. In fact you have to make the pro active effort to watch his videos by going to YouTube and searching for his videos. If you don't like the guy don't watch him. I certainly wouldn't hunt out Hannity videos, because I don't want to listen to a whinning video of someone with his opinions. Now that's an idiot and a loon for you, yet he has his own radio show.

posted on Jun, 15 2015 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: Komodo

I agree with you he makes a couple of very good points that perhaps some of us are missing.

Shat he said about the numbers of soldiers killed in Iraq and the number of American citizens killed by police hit home with a wallop. More die at home than during a war - unless the war figures were taken for a shorter period - which he doesn't specify. That should shock people, in fact alert them to something that is going very wrong.

He's right (by a british perspective) again I don't know if its the same in the USA, but that cop manhandles a young woman whose scantily dressed, again dodgy ground. He seem to pick her up and thrust her down far too roughly to be acceptable - would anyone like their daughter treated like that, I wouldn't.

However I see his point at a slightly different perspective, in the UK we are being slyly frightened off of protesting by rough police tactics from protesting e.g. having a voice the government don't like to hear. In short, suck it up public we will do what we like. The police although filmed on camera attacking the public illegally get away with it by dumb, deaf and blind judges, who protect their backsides in court and are in their turn protected by the police against public anger.

I suspect the elite have worked out that they are so outnumbered these days, that were people to combine their efforts to get rid of the offensive bankers, bent politicians and all the rest of the institutionalised criminals that escape justice under our current legal services etc, the people would win hands down and our jails would reflect the real criminals in society, not the majority of petty offenders that are in there long-term. (I obviously don't include seriously dangerous and devious criminals in that number).

posted on Jun, 15 2015 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: hotintexas

You teach your daughter to be a spineless capitulator then?

posted on Jun, 15 2015 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: Komodo

Awesome! Russled Brand nailed it! I agree with him 100%.

And, yeah, that part about how the cops have killed more people than all the American soldiers that died in the Iraq.......

posted on Jun, 15 2015 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: Komodo
Russell Brand should stick to being a stand-up comedian.....

he is funny indeed!

posted on Jun, 15 2015 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: woodwardjnr

I wasn't comparing the person, I think it might not have been clear enough. I was giving an example of doing one thing but meaning something completely different or having an alternative agenda to it. Trust me, of all the people I'd compare him to Hitler would be the last for obvious reasons.

posted on Jun, 15 2015 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: windword

He does get a little over the top, but he did make a good point about the gun pull.
I have been saying he didn't go over board pulling it, but how Brand described how it is a natural reaction to go to some ones aid that is getting treated like she was makes me rethink it.

I still won't say that it was a smart move by the kids, but I understand why they did it.

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