A parable. The lost Alien - How to Tell the World
An alien crash lands on earth. His ship and all evidence is completely destroyed. The alien looks and talks just like humans. It is impossible to
tell the alien apart from humans.
The alien was sent with a message for earth. A message so profound that it would change how we think, how we perceive religion and politics, and how
we interact with one another.
The alien was certain his spaceship would be a physical sign to the people but alas all physical evidence was destroyed in the crash.
Without the physical evidence the Alien is afraid that people will think he is crazy. Or worse they may not understand his peaceful message and the
confusion could lead to chaos.
At first the Alien decided maybe it was fate that caused the crash, because the world was not ready for the message. So the alien tried to be human.
He worked, paid his bills and fit in. No one suspected he was different.
After some time the Alien began to despair. Everyday he read the news and everyday his heart was anguished. Murder, Rape, and Wars it was more than
he could bear.
He remember the message he was sent to deliver and knew it could change the world. But he was still without a plan, so he wept for many days.
He tried to reach out to the religious and political leaders of the world. He hopped to gather them and reveal the message to them first. His attempts
became futile, their ear eluded him.
The alien knew that if the leaders would believe and stand united the citizens would also believe and stand united. He knows his plan is good and will
eliminate much of the chaos and confusion.
The Alien waits impatiently, the news is too much too bear. Will the leaders help the Alien or will he be forced to act alone?
Is anyone listening to the Alien?
An Alien living in a foreign land.
edit on 14-6-2015 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)