I believe all intellect can be seen from two viewpoints. Some intellect is obtained through persistence while other intelligence cannot be explained
by education, so it appears inherited.
Persistent Intelligence (Learned)
Most People Under the supervision of an instructor find it possible to master any given task.
Persistent Intelligence (Willed)
These are born with a will that drives them to become what is in their hearts to become. They are self motivated and purposed.
By persistence in doing any given task most people can reach a level of Mastery at that task.
There are however specialized tasks that require a different form of Intelligence.
Inherited Intelligence (specialists)
If you look past academics, the number grows quickly. A NASCAR crew chief, a professional athlete, and a Broadway Entertainer can all be considered
inherited Intellects. The level that they have achieved has surpassed what can be learned through persistence. It is inherited simply because it can
not be taught. For the Athlete and Entertainer we get to See thier inherited Intelligence. Everyone can play football but not everyone can make the
NFL. Only a physical and mental Genius (in terms of football) can make the NFL.
Some have physical and mental abilities that exceeds what is common. Genetics might help us understand how, but I believe the why is the purpose it
serves for humanity.
Inherited Intelligence (Genius)
A rare level of progressive intelligence. In terms of science and philosophy these are the prophets; Pythagarus, Plato, Einstein, Tesla... These are
men who have been able to access knowledge that was revolutionary.
To those who are spiritual, I am a firm believer in the Akashic records. - Where thinkers go to find what they are thinking about.
If you were created by God can you be arrogant about your Intelligence?
edit on 13-6-2015 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)