posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 11:12 AM
Originally posted by cargo
Where are the ATS right-wing members in this thread? Why do you guys pounce on left-wing authored posts making just as ludicrous comments as
Sleeper's here, but remain awfully quiet on topics such as this? Seekerthereof? Horacid? LostSailor? Thomas Crowne? Others? Where are you guys to
join with us in laughing at this rubbish? Or is it that you actually agree with Sleeper that the global left is sucking up the worlds resources?
Personally, I take your absence from threads like this as confirmation of your non-support for the topic at hand. Sleeper, you have little support
from your right-wing brethren it seems. That should be telling you something.
As a member of the "Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy" I have to agree with cargo.
National Socialism was not socialism! Period. It was Fascism.
Socialism=People/Government controls production.(1)
Fascism= Private ownership of productions, but government controls what is produced (2)
I agree with your point. Our consumption rates are what are to be expected, given the size of our GDP. And there are mitigating factors behind with
the consumption rates. Take for instance the amount of fossil fuels we consume, what we do with it and the size of our population verses the EU. With
a slightly larger GDP (3), the EU consumes fossil fuels at a slightly lower rate than the US (4). At first this appears that we are in fact very
inefficient, but now look at the size of our population (5). Europe is almost 30% larger than the US. This fact dramatically shows that it is
erroneous to assume that the consumption verses population rate is an indicator of excess. One must also factor in the size of the nations population
and the rate of population grown (6) and GDP growth (7), all of which additionally favor the US and not the EU. Given these facts it would not be too
far out of the realm of logic to say that the EU is actually a more careless consumer of the world�s resources than the US.
But the quest for increased efficiency is not to be forgotten. Remember that increased efficiency brings greater profit. It is in our nation�s best
economic interest to be as efficient as we possibly can.