There is no simple explanation to this, no matter how the people without the experience try to convince the people with the experience that they are
loons, bad at geography, or have bad / wrong memories.
But now that time has passed, I have learned to accept it a bit. Everything local seems identical, exactly as I'd expect it to be, down to the last
detail that I can remember.
Earth, however.. seems somehow shrunken, very small all of the sudden, and I have noticed so many other changes.
Frankly, I don't really care about when Mandela died, or that Graham-guy, or whatever it was, but I was mildly shocked to realize Jon Voight didn't
die a long time ago.
I mean, all that 'celebrity/movie/name' stuff doesn't mean anything to me - if Australia would retain its normal place and shape (and other countries
as well), and Earth was bigger again, I would have absolutely no problem with this other stuff. Though I can understand it being just as shocking to
I have to say, my understanding of others and sympathy has grown because of this experience.. I can totally emphatize now, when before, I approached
this with only 'intelligence', without emotional or heartfelt involvement.
However, I need to correct some of my statements. I had only read a few reports the day I was so freaked out about all this, and all of THOSE were
identical to my memories.
Since then, I have read and researched the phenomenon more (and there are A LOT of people, who have experienced it - thank goodness that I am not
alone with this!), and come to realize there are variations in the memories, not EVERYONE remembers it the same (but certain 'debunking-obsessed,
narrow-minded individuals' probably don't read my posts fully anyway).
Some actually DO remember New Zealand existing in Northeast, some Southeast, but higher, some remember it a bit closer, or a bit further away. But a
number of people seem to agree with me on every detail. I was convinced of all those details before reading anyone's posts about them. I had only
known about 'Mandela effect' through the New Zealand and Mandela dying in prison, and some bear-names - before experiencing it myself, I didn't know
about the 'roundness', 'location' or 'spike'.
In my 'timeline' (for the lack of better term), Italy was also a 'country shaped like a boot', not a 'country that's shaped like boot with a rag glued
to it'.
So, I apologize for reaching hasty conclusions based on only a handful of other people's descriptions (I honestly didn't know how wide this phenomenon
was at the time, I thought I was lucky to find even ONE that had the same memory, and I was almost rejoicing every time I found out there's YET one
more.. I imagined only around ten people or so might have the same memories, if I was lucky).
I didn't know there were SO many of us - some seem to have lived in slightly different timelines from 'my group' - but at least two details seem
consistent; that Australia is in the wrong place (too far north, and usually also to the west), and that the spike just isn't supposed to exist.
Those islands above Australia also look unnatural and out-of-place to me. It's like I am seeing them for the first time, and I am ready to sign an
affidavit to the fact that I saw the 'this timeline's shape of Australia' for the very first time only a couple of days ago. Never saw that shape
before, as far as I can remember.
I loaded the 'Map of the world' program to my old Commodore 64 (it's a very old 'educational game'), and also placed my "made in the early seventies"
Atlas on the table, and looked at that freakish-looking Australia in both instances. Of course, not surprisingly, it was the same on both.
The most freaky and perhaps scary part of it all is that besides these curious details ("Sex IN the City, "Interview with A Vampire", celebrities
being alive/dead, Earth's size, Australia's shape and location, and also New Zealand - Size and shape of Germany, Poland, Italy, etc. etc.),
everything is still the same.
Exactly the same. The desktop background picture didn't change. The internet protocol still works just as it always had. The songs, movies, TV shows -
same, exact dialog, same exact gestures, completely identical. All my own works, perfectly as I remember creating them.
If this shift happened to me a couple of days ago (and another shift a couple of years ago, possibly), then why are things from decades back still the
same, why is everything physical exactly like it's supposed to? How can one _HUGE_, faraway thing change, but nothing small and localized did at all?
I agree completely with anyone who says this doesn't make sense, or that continents can't move, or that timeline shifting sounds both ridiculous and
ludicrous, and brings forth questions and almsot 'plotholes', like, why didn't anything else change, or why isn't Australia blue-and-red-striped in
the departed timeline, etc.
No one is doing this to insult anyone or to make any wild claims.
It's just something that HAPPENS to you, apparently - and you can't control it. You can only try to find some kind of explanations, hopefully, from
these discussions. But these are more like accusations and judgments, parties to point and laugh at the poor fools, who dare express their really
weird and shocking experience to others.
It's like kicking cripples, when they are down. They experience something shocking, and then people gather around and point and laugh at them and tell
them they DIDN'T experience it, as if that somehow helps them.
I can only ask: What's wrong with you people, who insult others?
I don't think I would have been ready to accept anything this wild (I never subscribed to the 'multiverse' theory anyway), either, and would have just
chalked it up to bad memory or whatever 'easier' and more 'comfortable' explanation. So I can't really blame people, who do that - they are only
human, and even taking this kind of thing seriously without considering the people who experience something like this are at least a little bit
bonkers, requires a LOT out of someone. Perhaps too much.
But those people shouldn't still be INSULTING and BELITTLING, and downright mean and hostile. There's no reason for that. If they don't like this
discussion, they are free to leave it, they don't have to bring down everyone who dares express their thoughts about a life-shattering shock that they
experienced. They need understanding, not accusations, for crying out loud!
I would never have insulted those people, even if this hadn't happened to me. I would probably have taken it with a grain of salt or more, but I would
still have taken it as a possibility - just pushed it in the back of my mind with the other mysteries, and probably still thought that maybe they
suffer from some kind of psychosis or other form of hallucination or delusion, perhaps they have secretly or unknowingly ingested drugs or are victims
of hypnosis or simply have bad memories. I wouldn't still claim any of these things to be necessarily the truth, and I certainly wouldn't berate,
judge, insult, accuse or say they shouldn't be talking about it or that it'd be insulting to the Australians to express their experience.
There's no reason to be mean or insult anyone. So, someone presents an experience that they are shocked about, that might not fit your own worldview
tightly and snuggly. Does that mean you have free range to just take shots at them? No.
They are still human beings. And maybe if you can just take it as a -possibility- that something very dramatic and emotionally disturbing and shocking
has happened to them recently, perhaps you could tone down your hostility and verbal violence and just treat them as human beings. You don't have to
believe their story to be kind to them, you know.
What are you afraid of? Are you afraid to be kind to people who don't share your worldview exactly 100%?
I am not going to accuse anyone of being a paid shill or somehow benefitting otherwise from doing that evil activity, or otherwise being directed to
do all that to these people.
But it -does- seem awfully like an almost organized campaign to shut up people about certain topics. I bet I could make much wilder claims and not be
insulted and belittled as much. If I claim that a color-changing Unicorn lives under my Saab, I probably wouldn't get as much flack as if I honestly
express that Australia isn't where, or shaped as, it in my decades of being on this planet has taught it should be.
This phenomenon about why posters write such awful horror towards innocent human beings would be an interesting topic of a very 'Above Top
Secret'-type investigation..
By the way, if it WAS just 'poor memory', etc.. then why would this 'poor memory' not appear everywhere, but only in this one area? Why don't I
misremember other things, like the color of my couch or bicycle, or where I put the spoon, or what things I possess? Or the lines in movies or TV
shows, or scenes in them, or .. why only geographical things? Why don't I misremember mathematics? (Unless I do, and 2+2 is not 4 anymore)
Why would poor memory be so limited and predetermined, and only work in one area, but not anywhere else? Shouldn't it appear everywhere, where any
memories exist?
edit on 1-10-2015 by Shoujikina because: (no reason given)