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Female Concealed Carrier Shoots Knife-Wielding Robber In Houston

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posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 10:57 PM
Woohoo, yeehaa... See, this here is proof why guns is good n all... Have you guys stopped and looked around the US? Cops are crapping their pants every day that they will be shot at because there are so many guns. Sure, it's bad form on the police where they shoot first if a suspect even dares to sneeze. But what do you expect?? They have wifes at home home and kids, and a risky job against ever increasing amount of firearms.

This women did well in this limited case, but is it worth it for the hundreds killed every year? Obviously this is not a popular side to be on, but I think cheering this sort of stuff on has bred a populace of tinder. No wonder the police are becoming more militarized, you've created an arms race between yourselves and 'protectors'.

Don't you all worry about your kids heading out to school that any minor incident could turn very nasty very fast? I guess it's ok cause they have scanners checking kids bags... Seems like that would be a daily reminder that once out of school grounds the kids must beware of anyone having a bad day. I don't know, just terrifies me how stuffed up the right to bear arms has become.
edit on 9-6-2015 by Qumulys because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 11:19 PM
a reply to: HomerinNC

So far 28 flags for something that is NOT newsworthy whatsoever.

And its funny how the gun supporters can only see stuff their way. So he was going to rob her for cash....and she took his life. And all gun supporters rally round this like children around ice cream. YEs good for her that she did what she did but this is no Evidence at all that the average american should have guns in public as they are far too stupid to make a call on someone elses life.

I compare gun rights nutters to Abusive brutal cops in the US. they are all from the same bag. No idea how to deal with a situation without their trusty firearm. Useless with out it!! and full of bravado with it!!

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 12:00 AM
a reply to: aeonminder

+4 more 
posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 12:02 AM
a reply to: projectbane

YEs good for her that she did what she did but this is no Evidence at all that the average american should have guns in public as they are far too stupid to make a call on someone elses life.


It absolutely validates that the average person should indeed have the right to carry in public, as there are more than enough inviduals out there willing to put it on the line for a few bucks. Reap it...

What's next, you gonna recommend that we replace firearms with toothpicks?


posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 12:07 AM

originally posted by: projectbane
a reply to: HomerinNC

So he was going to rob her for cash...

She did exactly what needed to be done. He presented a clear threat to her life. She responded in perfect fashion in order to protect herself. You've no idea what that criminal was going to do after he got her cash. She shouldn't have to wait to find out.

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 12:27 AM

originally posted by: projectbane
I compare gun rights nutters to Abusive brutal cops in the US. they are all from the same bag. No idea how to deal with a situation without their trusty firearm. Useless with out it!! and full of bravado with it!!

So your wife is confronted by a man who jumps in her car with a knife, and orders her to drive. What is your solution, what does your wife do?

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 12:33 AM
a reply to: projectbane

So he was going to rob her for cash....and she took his life.

Do you have a link to back up that statement? The OP link I read didn't say that at all. Here's what it said:

The bad guy had to be life-flighted to Texas Medical Center due to blood loss, but they were able to stabilize him and he will be facing charges of aggravated robbery.

Perhaps actually reading a source before engaging in comments would be helpful.
She shot him once in the shoulder and he ran away. She removed him as a threat in the most efficient means available.
Now he's heading for jail. If he persists in his knife-wielding ways in the crossbar hotel, he'll find people with less self discipline and in a far worse world of hurt.
The theory is that the time in jail will give him time to reflect on his crime and figure out a way to live without doing that stuff.

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 12:58 AM
Should of shot him in the head. Now she will get sued by the family cause he obviously din do nuffin

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 01:02 AM
Any video? Or do we just have to believe some half-assed article? ATS members need solid proof or it's just rocks.

edit on 10-6-2015 by WolfBytes because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 01:06 AM
When , economy goes down and when there are no jobs you should expect more of these to happen. He could have been another Rapist or he could have been another one of those homeless hungry folks.

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 01:31 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

give 'em a call, and ask 'em.

I've no idea, frankly. Now you've got me wondering...

Good for her. Calm. Cool. Afraid, but in control. Tough lady.

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 01:37 AM
a reply to: projectbane

I compare gun rights nutters to Abusive brutal cops in the US. they are all from the same bag. No idea how to deal with a situation without their trusty firearm. Useless with out it!! and full of bravado with it!!

...and what, pray, would you have your significant other do in this situation?

Give 'em the money, and hope for the best?

Hate to break it to you, but that wasn't bravado. That was courage. There is a profound difference.

Your post reeks of "blame the victim". It might do for you to remember that the shootee was the criminal, not the shooter. She was minding her own business, when the shootee decided he'd be all scary and stuff, and rob the little woman with his big bad knife. Too bad she had a tool with which to protect herself, huh? How dare she protect herself.

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 01:38 AM
a reply to: DrakeINFERNO

No. She did enough. I'm guessing had she wanted to, she could have... She didn't have to, so didn't. He'll be in jail, but alive. No need to kill if you don't have to.

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 01:58 AM

originally posted by: ItalianDressing

You wanna know why switzerland has virtualy no violent crime? Oh wait, everyone is armed.

Firearm-related death rate per 100,000 population per year:
Switzerland 2.91
USA 10.3

I think there is more to the story than just gun control.

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 02:36 AM

originally posted by: seagull
a reply to: projectbane

I compare gun rights nutters to Abusive brutal cops in the US. they are all from the same bag. No idea how to deal with a situation without their trusty firearm. Useless with out it!! and full of bravado with it!!

...and what, pray, would you have your significant other do in this situation?

Give 'em the money, and hope for the best?

Hate to break it to you, but that wasn't bravado. That was courage. There is a profound difference.

Your post reeks of "blame the victim". It might do for you to remember that the shootee was the criminal, not the shooter. She was minding her own business, when the shootee decided he'd be all scary and stuff, and rob the little woman with his big bad knife. Too bad she had a tool with which to protect herself, huh? How dare she protect herself.

< snipped out needless personal attack >

So, if any of you read my post I did say GOOD FOR HER. However, my main point was that only in the states do you people rely on guns. Without them, like YOUR police officers you can't and dont know how to handle a situation that requires any kind of diplomacy.

I was not condemning this individual woman for her actions I was stressing that only in the STATES do you have such people who are stumped when no firearm is at hand. Rampant in meds for every conceivable mental anguish such as depression to ADHD the whole US society is one that is nonfunctional at its base core.

Every other western country has guns banned (except canada) but they dont have permission to carry them around. So these other countries citizen have to learn to deal with life using something else besides their gun.

You're precious second amendment is their to form militias etc against tyrannical governments YET you guys over there who complain about government ruining your country and taking away your constitutional rights are too afraid to fight back against them. Which you would lose anyway but at least try.

Now its all about so called protection on the streets and home for why you love your guns. All such BS.

edit on 6/10/15 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 02:45 AM
a reply to: projectbane

So, if any of you read my post I did say GOOD FOR HER. However, my main point was that only in the states do you people rely on guns. Without them, like YOUR police officers you can't and dont know how to handle a situation that requires any kind of diplomacy.

What you see and hear on the news does not represent us as a whole. Not a very good way to make a point.

I was not condemning this individual woman for her actions I was stressing that only in the STATES do you have such people who are stumped when no firearm is at hand. Rampant in meds for every conceivable mental anguish such as depression to ADHD the whole US society is one that is nonfunctional at its base core.

What does any of that have to do with anything. People go about their lives every day without the need for a firearm. I'm just as capable of "cold cocking" as I am at de-escalating a situation. And there are millions more capable of it as well.

Every other western country has guns banned (except canada) but they dont have permission to carry them around. So these other countries citizen have to learn to deal with life using something else besides their gun.

This isn't every other country. This is the United States. We have the 2nd amendment and those who disagree with it can respectfully get over it.

You're precious second amendment is their to form militias etc against tyrannical governments YET you guys over there who complain about government ruining your country and taking away your constitutional rights are too afraid to fight back against them. Which you would lose anyway but at least try.

It's not quite come to the point where an armed revolution is necessary. A quick bit of research will show you how we are fighting to protect our rights. Though, your biased point of view can't recognize that we are because you believe that we need a firearm to fight for anything.

Now its all about so called protection on the streets and home for why you love your guns. All such BS.

It's called not being a victim.

edit on 6/10/2015 by EternalSolace because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 02:46 AM

originally posted by: projectbane

I was not condemning this individual woman for her actions I was stressing that only in the STATES do you have such people who are stumped when no firearm is at hand.

So again. Your wife is in the car. Man jumps in with a knife and says drive. What do you suggest she do?

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 02:49 AM
a reply to: projectbane

First off better make sure I don't offend YOU as you are a moderator and well can't say to many things that go against your ideals just in case my account is suddenly blocked or banned.

Good thing I'm not like that, isn't it? Because that would certainly give me all the reason I required.

So, if any of you read my post I did say GOOD FOR HER. However, my main point was that only in the states do you people rely on guns. Without them, like YOUR police officers you can't and dont know how to handle a situation that requires any kind of diplomacy.

Yes, we never, ever settle things by talking. Oh, no, we just yank out the ol' six shooter and just start shootin' up the joint... Yep, that's the way of it, alright... Sheesh...stereotype much?

Every other western country has guns banned (except canada) but they dont have permission to carry them around. So these other countries citizen have to learn to deal with life using something else besides their gun.

Since I have no idea where you're from...

You're precious second amendment is their to form militias etc against tyrannical governments YET you guys over there who complain about government ruining your country and taking away your constitutional rights are too afraid to fight back against them. Which you would lose anyway but at least try.

Make up your mind, would you? First you castigate Americans for resorting to guns before talking...then you fuss because we aren't??? Time for talkin' ain't quite over yet, and hopefully never will be, because contrary to your over the top hyperbole, the vast majority of Americans don't want to go shootin' at folks we disagree with.

Now its all about so called protection on the streets and home for why you love your guns. All such BS.

In this particular instance it was indeed protection, wasn't it? ...and there are many other instances that don't get reported where having a gun has prevented harm, not just to the gun owner, but to the would be criminal. I have just such an instance: A young man tried to break into my home a few years back, I pulled the revolver that lives in my desk drawer and put it on the top where he could see it when he looked in the window...he left. I didn't have to shoot, and he didn't get shot. This happens on a fairly regular basis.

Now then, where's that ban button...?

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 02:59 AM
She did what she was allowed to do and also the right thing to do.
Glad she was trained and didn't miss.
Don't get all whoopy do-ing yet there will be a story where having guns is bad, I just hope more good stories (well as good as things like this can be) come than bad ones.

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 03:02 AM
a reply to: boymonkey74

Problem being no national outlet will carry these stories, only the bad ones. So no matter what the bad stories will always outnumber the good ones.

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