posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 02:28 PM
There's a problem alright- too many humans.
The police are owned and operated by the banking cartels, they're nothing but foot soldiers in the war against freedom.
The police violence probably isn't getting worse- it's just getting better covered. Something to distract us from the real problems. Police have been
executing people at will for decades, and now all of a sudden (after sopa/pipa was used to distract everyone from the 99% riots) police brutality is
in the limelight.
"We demand change!" you'll scream. The change isn't going to help you, because it's not by you- or for you. The change will be instituted by those in
charge- they already know what the change is going to be, they just need you to push for it- so they're pulling the right strings to get you to react.
That way, when they institute a change that makes things worse for all of us, they can say "but you asked for this..."
The only thing we can do is rise up and tear it down- but even talking about such things is now an "execute on sight" type of offense, so nobody that
is smart enough to see the writing on the walls is going to do anything- they're going to hide.