While going through some memory files,
tucked deep inside My mind,
I'm seeing a lot of Negatives,
more Positives I hope to find...
I don't need any of The bad of My past,
to keep tripping Me up while On My way,
Forward on a Journey of Better,
I cast them out hoping there they'll stay...
Now That I have cleared the way,
to Move Onward on This Journey of Mine,
I have room in there now for,
better Times to remember,
of Smiles With Dear Friends that I'll most likely find...
I long to find some of My Older Friends,
Along the pathways of which I'll move My feet.
I will see some of them soon, of that I am sure,
Along with new Friends that I will Gladly Meet...
This is beautiful, thanks for sharing. My internal fantasy usually revolves around "woulda, coulda, shoulda's". It could at least be more positive
in how it coulda been LOL
It reminds me of Honey Boo Boo's mom when she said in an episode I glanced at for a second that "it's all about making memories". hahahah
Thanx for the reply Corsair! I like to say,
"Keep the Good Memories Close to Your Heart.
Keep making New Good Memories,
for Others to have when We part..."
Ummm...Well...here's from one of your...older...friends...
I can certainly respect the...Begone Satan...(Jeff Dunham's Walter voice required there)...aspect...
Glad to read your voice again Syx...This is an amazing poem...It reminds me of a story I heard once that.....Nah...
We don't need to hear that...