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Is there a link between meditation and demonic entities?

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posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 12:20 AM
Is what I typed in google (title thread) and what I found was a crazy story from some dude who had to deal with demonic attacks after he started meditating. I'm here to share his story wich he posted on

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I Had a Supernatural Experience
My Meditation Experiences And Opening Doors To Demonic Realms. Hi well I had alot of scary, terrifying, strange, captivating experiences. It all started when I was watching music videos on youtube and alot of comments were saying how there are alot of occult in those videos and luciferic, evil symbolism. I bet you probably heard about illuminati. I believe that they are real. But any way so I started researching the occult things I seen in the videos, and little by little I was straight up reading about new age, occultism, satanism, eastern mysticism, kabbalah and every other possible religion and belief you can imagine. Thats when the scary things started to happen. Like I became entirely engulfed in fear, I couldn't explain why. I would go to sleep just to enter sleep paralysis when evil presence or spirits would be around be and torture me, science and medical community calls this hallucinations but I am not too sure about that. They started being constant like every night, I never had them before in my life. I became very drawn to dark things, music, movies, that had demonic materials. When I would watch them or listen to that music my whole body felt this ecstacy going through it that it would tremble, it was very addicting. Than I read about meditation and decided to give it a try, I suffer from depression and have racing thoughts all the time, so I though if this could help me empty my mind and maybe I will really feel relaxed and peaceful. The first time I decided to meditate on an apple, very simple innocent object. I never did any meditation on mantras. It was hard first time, took me about atleast 50 minutes of hard repeating and focusing on apple to get my mind empty. And than I felt complete absence of though, complete emptyness. I stay at this state for like 5 minutes and than I felt a wave of energy going through my body, I started to shake uncontrollably. Than I started feeling extreme pressure in my forehead, and started seeing light flashing, and other weird things, while having really weird sensation in my body. Than I seen a shadow move while my eyes were close it was moving closer and closer to me and I felt a presence that I wasn't alone. That kind of freaked me out and I decided to stop meditating. That same night when I went to sleep, while I was lying on my bed the I started to feel the same energy in my body again, but this time it was many times amplified and all of a sudden, like 10 or so dark living shadows started flying around my by bed, whispering something. It felt so evil and dark, I had to start praying and ask for God's help than they slowly disappeared. After that when ever I started going to sleep my body would always start to vibrate and I would enter altered state of consciousness and see spiritual and evil things. Like I would be completely be aware of everything just as normal but I was in some other state of consciousness. Like I would see demons all the time in sleep paralysis, one time I had 15 sleep paralysis in one night, like every half and hour and it was always two same evil beings attacking me. Meditation became easier and easier as you the more you do it. After a while I could've empty my mind in just couple minutes. Felt presence and other weird stuff on multiple occasions while meditating, some times I seen what I could only describe as visions, like snake crawling up my body. One time when I went to sleep when I closed my eyes I appeared in our living room and there was something very tall in black robe standing there. When I came closer to see what was that it turn around and looked at me, I froze from fear, I never seen anything more scary in my life. That thing grabbed me and lifted me up like I was nothing, I felt every bone brake and every muscle rip in my body, but that was nothing compared what I felt in my soul, like darkness, evilness unmeasured proportions was infecting me and consuming me entirely. I felt so hopeless and helpless the only natural thing to do was to yield for God's help, I yield like 10 times God help me, than that thing spoke in very deep voice and said this is 2nd out of 8 and left. I was brought in very conservative christian family so maybe thats why it helped me. I am not christian now but I strongly believe that there are demons so there must be God and Jesus, and I need to become christian. One time I remember after listening to Rihanna's song disturbia for like 2 hours straight, I went to sleep woke up in the middle of the night, and realized my body was moving but it wasn't me moving it, like I was in the backround. I felt a very dark evil presence inside me. I started to pray but couldn't pronounce God or Jesus just gibberish came out, I tried again with more effort than I heard very loud roars come out of body it was very terrifying. Than the presence left. One night after meditating on a light, when I went to sleep that night I woke up and there was light litteraly shining from my forehead illuminating the whole room, I even put my arm on my forehead and it blocked some of the light, I think hinduism and buddism call this some sort of enlightening, but I think in reality its some evil manifestion that is just trying to deceive you. While researching sleep paralysis I read people saying that you can separate your spiritual body from you physical. I tried that next time when I had sleep paralysis and than I started feeling very light, and realized I slowly started flowing up from my bed, I turned around and seen my body still laying on the bed, as I was about to live my room I heard a loud alarm like sound in my ears got scared and returned to my body. Next time when I astral projected I entered some spiritual realm, where I seen spirits, energies, colorful spheres all in space like environment, I was astral traveling probably for around 2 hours this time, but than I entered some white temple where I heard alot of whispering as I tried to listen to what they were saying I heard somebody very close to me on the left tell somebody on the right, Take him and eat him. I knew they were talking about me, so I went back to my body than something grabbed me and I flew up really fast, I had to concentrate as I hard as I can to get back to my body again, while you astral projecting you can telepathicly always connect and see your body where you are. Afterwards I was scared to try it again and everytime I felt the separation I just stopped my self. If I wanted I could have done it numerous of times. Sometimes I started hearing latin words in my mind, like one of those were Imparatus, which means not ready or not prepared. Spirit appeared to me once, as an blonde man, could not hear him first but than he started tuning in on my wave length frequency like when you tune in fm radio on stereos and than I heard him clearly, I just snapped out of it when he appeared I didn't want to communicate with something that might have bad intentions for me. New agers called them spirit guides. I started to realize that there is some much more to life than physical world. But the more I meditated and reasearched all these things, had mystical, scary experiences the more I became withdrawn from real life, thinking and obsessing about super natural and spiritual things. I became even more depressed started drinking every day, I couldn't fall asleep if I didn't drink because the scary things that would happen. I litteraly started sleeping with the light on, but that didn't help much. The only thing that always worked when I had scary experience was calling out the name of Jesus for help. So I decided to put an end to it. Stopped reading about all the occult, new age, mysticism, eastern and everything also completely. Stopped meditating I think you open the door to evil spirits when you meditate that is my opinion from my experiences, so think before you do something you might regret. Afterwards all my experiences stopped, fear is gone. They can give it many different names kundalini, enlightnening, chakras, higher concsiousness but the source of this power and manifestion I think all come from demonic spirits, they have great powers too you know. Looking back it seemed like I was under some very powerful spell and was able to break away, but if I would go in even deeper I have no idea what would have happened. I would strongly advise people not to meditate, you could be asking for real trouble. Before all this happened I didn't believe in any of these stuff. Email me with any questions you guys might have.

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 12:21 AM
I will use the word OP2 to refer to the guy that wrote the story above.
Now you may wonder, what made me research the link between meditation and demons?
I too have experienced encounters with demonic entities also known as jinn, you have good jinn and bad jinn, bad jinns are also known as demons. Good jinns do not mess with us in our ‘human’ dimension according to my religion (Islam). My case of demonic terror was not as extreme as the OP2’s experience but I also experienced stuff similar to what he described but most of the stuff happened to me after waking up in the middle of the night like for instance I once saw a black figure in human shape standing in my room wich only dissappeared after reciting a couple special verses of the Quran… In another case I was sleeping while all of the sudden my arm was being pushed the same way some1 would push your arm in order to wake you up… What I experienced after waking up was disturbing as hell, my arm was raised by itself and both my legs were +/- 70 degrees lifted in the air while I was laying on my back.. I screamed like a little girl but I was in such big fear that my voice couldn’t produce a lot of sound, no1 home heard me. After my scream my arm and my legs were dropped back to were they belong. In both cases I stood up and went downstairs because I wasn’t able to fall in sleep after that, so I was in no way dreaming or having a sleep paralysis. Luckily, both of those cases only occured to me once. The other terrorising experiences happened in my sleep while I was dreaming I would have demonic entities attacking me without showing their appearance, kind of undescribable but I once wrote a thread about my demonic nightmare and how I found a way to cast them out of my life. I’m not going to explain what happened there because I wrote a thread about it on ats a while ago, you can check it out on this link if you want to.

What I and the OP2 had in common was that my trouble with the other dimension also started when I was experimenting with meditation… After some practice I was getting pretty good at meditating, for instance after a while I was able to take a ice cold shower without having to hyperventilate and without my hart pounding like crazy wich I normally couldn’t do without me almost having an heart attack… Or I would fall asleep while meditating and waking up 2 hours later to go to school feeling completely refreshed and awake as if I slept for 10 hours. And I’m not the kind of person that does fine with 3-5 hours of sleep… Anyhow, after that period of meditating I also started to experience what I explained to you and what I wrote in my other thread.

The questions I have:

As u’ve read in the story of OP2, those evil entities always left after he called to God. The same thing happened to me when I recited a special verse of the Quran wich I explained in my other thread. Every single time they would disappear. Is there something about those demons not being able to stand a call to god or words of god? (words of god IMO ofc.)

Many people meditate and never had demonic encounters as a result, what did I and OP2 could’ve possibly done wrong?

My demonic nightmares don’t occur anymore since I became a more practicing muslim, Luckily those demons left me as I described in my other thread but I do not know how OP2 is doing, I have sent him a message today and I hope he will reply me because I also want to ask him some questions.

I know many people don’t believe in stuff like demons etc but after what I experienced there is nothing that can convince me they don’t exist. Demons are IMO real, as I said earlier: We muslims believe The jinn have a world of their own, different from that of the humans or the Angels. They do, however, possess some characteristics in common with human beings, such as the ability to think and reflect. Likewise, they have the ability to choose between good and evil. However, they substantially differ from humans in one very important characteristic or rather property: their origin.

They are called 'jinn' because they are obscured from human sight. Allah, said:“ Verily he (Satan) and Qabiluhu (his solders from the jinn or his tribe) see you from where you cannot see them”(7:27).

Since english isn’t my native tongue you may find many spelling and grammatical errors, forgive me for that.
I would appreaciate your opinion on what happened to me and OP2 without turning this thread in to a never ending religious discussion.

My original plan was to study for my exam wich I have tomorrow but when you’re trying to study everything starts to become very interesting all of the sudden and that’s how searched for the link between meditation and demons and that’s how I found OP2’s story…

Because just like OP2 I also remember that everything started to happen after my meditation experiments.
Since english isn’t my native tongue you may find many spelling and grammatical errors, forgive me for that.
I would appreaciate your opinion on what happened to me and OP2 without turning this thread in to a never ending religious discussion.

I hope this thread was worth reading,

edit on 8-6-2015 by ElectricFeel because: Typo

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 12:23 AM
Holy wall of text, Batman!

And no, there is no link between meditation and fairy-tale creatures.

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 12:25 AM
a reply to: AdmireTheDistance

Come back with your opinion when u actually have read my thread. What a lame attempt to get stared, a typical response that gets a lot of support thinking that everything can be explained through logic and science.
edit on 8-6-2015 by ElectricFeel because: typo

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 12:29 AM
a reply to: ElectricFeel

It depends.

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 12:34 AM

originally posted by: ElectricFeel
a reply to: AdmireTheDistance

Come back with your opinion when u actually have read my thread. What a lame attempt to get stared, a typical response that gets a lot of support thinking that everything can be explained through logic and science.

Excuse me? I did read your thread (including that ridiculous copy/paste job in the OP), everything most certainly can be explained through logic and science, and I could care less about stars.

But hey, thanks for making asumptions and not wanting to allow opinions that don't coincide with your own!

If you have any evidence that Jinn and/or demons are anything but fairy-tales, I'd love to see it.
edit on 6/8/2015 by AdmireTheDistance because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 12:36 AM
According to the story OP2 had problems with demons before meditation:

They started being constant like every night, I never had them before in my life. I became very drawn to dark things, music, movies, that had demonic materials. When I would watch them or listen to that music my whole body felt this ecstacy going through it that it would tremble, it was very addicting. Than I read about meditation and decided to give it a try,

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 12:50 AM
I have never experienced any link between between meditation and demons. But when I meditate I am not trying to develop special powers to reward my ego (third eye etc), I meditate for purpose of becoming one with my own spirit.

When meditating it is very easy to slip in and out of dream states and since the person already suffered from nightmares, its not surprising that he/she experienced them during meditation.
edit on 8 6 2015 by glend because: spelling

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 02:39 AM
I've tried a sort of meditation a few times, and at one point, I did achieve what I believe to be a higher state of consciousness. While positive at the time, I assume the same thing could open a person up to negative experiences as well... Kindof like handing the car keys to a teenager for the first time. Sure, they can use the car to get to and from work or school, but they could also have a catastrophic crash.
I'll be honest, I didn't read the wall of text, but that's just my 2 cents based on my own understanding.

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 04:08 AM
a reply to: ElectricFeel

** ill make this reply concise, and if anyone fails to take notice, or argues too much thats too bad...

demonaic-spirits (of the osiris and hebrew type) exist YES (yes), and if you make any attempt to prove that, you are asking for TROUBLE. once you start opening your mind to such thoughts (via meditation etc), they will start to get in. THEN what do you expect ? they gonna help you ?! haha. you will start to become mentally unstable and talking useless gibberish just like the seemingly opposing christ-spirits, who will not help you either, only fill your head with promises and treachery. Spirits are the (non-ufo) "aliens" that everyone keeps asking where are they, and very comparable to Hallucinogens, that become INSIDiOUSLY ADDICTIVE and hook you with their bullsh*t. you will think youre onto some Big Mission, but only end up in the madhouse. the only hope you will have is to REPEL them MAXIMALLY, and return to your Quiet Common Senses (QCS)..... goodluck, kaman.

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 04:11 AM
meditating make you more sensitive for things beyond the materialistic world.
seems plausible these "things" (good or bad) also get interested in you.

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 04:22 AM
a reply to: ElectricFeel

He who studies evil is studied by evil

If you are meditating and researching occult and satanism or illuminati or free masons

You will attract bad things.

If you are meditating and focusing in good and light and God

It will turn out good.

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 06:23 AM
In a word; Yes

Meditation is the same thing as prayer - an intention to contact someone or something.

A lot of new age spiritualists teach to use meditation to let something (anything) come to you. This leaves the door wide open with a lovely welcome mat to malevolent spirits.
edit on 8-6-2015 by markosity1973 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 06:28 AM
a reply to: ElectricFeel

Guten Morgen- As-sealmu Alaykum- Wouldn't Siddhartha tell Us that Our main objective through meditation is an "empty mind"? That is after an exhaustive discussion on what is "good" or "bad" ? How could You "judge" a situation as being "good/bad" before it plays ALL the way out? Hasn't anything ever happened that started out "good" but quickly turned to "bad" or versa/visa? Why is the D-I-V-O-R-C-E rate so HIGH? And then after some divorces the recipient/involvee will say/type/utter "That was a good divorce"

This just proves the 'Law of Attraction'...

Watch: You ever take a test that asks "Have You ever thought about suicide"? What is the first thing You think of? When You read "Pink Elephant" what color elephant are You thinking about?

You typed "There are good jinn and bad jinn" and some who have read this have thought to their Self "and there are no jinn" wanna bet?

There is no 'good' or 'bad' there just is...


P.S. I used meditation to heal MySelf and do it daily, some 'may' (judges) say/type/utter that I spend more "time" 'there' than I do 'here' and I've NEVER had a "bad trip", but then again how would I "know" ?(KNOW trumps 'felt' "thought" 'believed') As long as the dogs are walked/fed and the dishes are done, then ALL is "good" in My neighborhood...

But then again I'm on "My 4th Wife" (per The Buddha- I'm still on My first marriage; 25 yrs. on Sunday.)

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 06:35 AM

originally posted by: ElectricFeel
But the more I meditated and reasearched all these things, had mystical, scary experiences the more I had..

So I decided to put an end to it. Stopped reading about all the occult, new age, mysticism, eastern and everything also completely. Stopped meditating

It's like Nowornevertill said. To the extent the story is true, it wasn't just meditating. It also had to do with the other things he was focusing his mind on.

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 06:44 AM

originally posted by: JimNasium

There is no 'good' or 'bad' there just is...

So, say the scourge of Isis with their murdering raping ways is neither good nor bad, it just 'IS?'

You might follow that philosophy up until the theoretical point where you find yourself in an orange boiler suit being lead off to be beheaded for being an infidel by them me thinks

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 07:32 AM
a reply to: Nowornevertill

** youre almost right Nowornever, but you made one HUGE ERROR by using the "little" word g/o/d

GOODNESS and HUMANITY are aspects of our Souls which have to be Developed INSIDE ourselves and amongst other Humans. but the INSTANT you introduce that demonaic religious word g/o/d you UNWITTINGLY transfer you Attention and hopes of getting Advice AWAY (away) from your (and your friends) existing Core Awarenesses of what Goodness is, and TOWARDS the very OPPOSITE thesis of "Entities in the Sky" / god(s) /spirits /angels /aliens /devils /"christ" etc. it is a very Treacherous System we are all enmeshed in - even mr.jesus got tricked by it
DO NOT "pray" (talk to spirits), and during self-Centering concentration, DO NOT "open your mind" trustingly to whatever #* ideas happens to float near you. DO NOT seek "nirvana" or any other magic or Dreamy state, only seek CONCLUSIONS to thy QUESTIONS within the Matrix....

** you correctly said "he who studies evil, is studied by evil" now add "he who studies god, is studied by evil AS WELL..... [since "god" and "good" are VERY DIFFERENT WORDS ]. so the SAFEST route is Science and Logic - which ironically CAN (if applied properly) even rationalise Mysticism ... [orianti heaven in this hell ] [yaskawa Machii motoRobot ] trust me, i know what i speak of ........ kaman
edit on 8/6/15 by MasterKaman because: corrected the Links

edit on 8/6/15 by MasterKaman because: correction of Links

edit on 8/6/15 by MasterKaman because: correction of Links

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 07:39 AM

originally posted by: Nowornevertill
a reply to: ElectricFeel

He who studies evil is studied by evil

If you are meditating and researching occult and satanism or illuminati or free masons

You will attract bad things.

If you are meditating and focusing in good and light and God

It will turn out good.

Great answer!

Meditation is a TOOL. It is generally used to gather your awareness on a specific point. Think of a flashlight, or a laser. Therefore, whatever you FOCUS that attention on, is very important to the results you wish to have.

Meditation alone, by itself, can be used for many different results. In fact, meditation can improve or influence just about anything you do on the physical realm. Anything you do that needs attention/awareness can be affected.

A person who is already being pulled by nonphysical entities in a particular direction, or into a relationship of sorts, is going to be possibly be pulled STRONGER.

In many religions and spiritual paths, it is important to say prayers of protection before and after going into meditation. It is also VERY important to make sure you OPEN and CLOSE each session properly.

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: ElectricFeel

Meditation can be dangerous if done wrong. Some meditations say "Empty your mind and relax" - doing this drops your guard leaving you open to communicate with anything. This also has to do with frequencies signals our brain releases and accept from our immediate surroundings.

Just to let you know....above info is step one when wanting to practice within the "occult" to speak with the dead and many meditations start off this exact way so forget this step!

Yoga is OK but yoga meditation can be dangerous so I caution you to rethink this.

So many get hurt not knowing the "unknown"......ever heard of the saying - "He was at the wrong place at the wrong time".

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 08:14 AM
No. There is no innate link between meditation and "demons".

What you and the other guy have in common is fear and fears that control your thinking. You already have concepts and expectations of things like god and demons in your mind to start with. Note how the other guy was raised. Of course things got better when he cried out to "god". Duh. That's what he was raised to believe.

I'm not making light of your situation, or criticizing you. What you and the other guy experienced has much more to do with your mind than anything else. Your own mind is the most horrifying and merciless terrorist you can imagine(pun intended). Stop looking for demons, and start examining your own beliefs and fears.

I have meditated countless times. I have experienced some very interesting things to say the least. The subconscious mind can be a scary place if you haven't come to terms with the issues and fears in your life. That's where you need to start. Know Thyself!

Stop carrying your emotional and experiential baggage into meditation.
edit on 6/8/2015 by Klassified because: eta

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