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The secrets hidden inside the book of Psalms.

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posted on Jun, 6 2015 @ 03:51 PM
This thread is dedicated to those who love praying and worshipping the one true God. May God bless you and protect you and your family.

Some of us have spent most of our lives researching and studying various religions and sects with the hope of finding answers to our questions. Most have “passed on” (died) without finding the answers; while others have simply given up and then there are those who have prospered from what they have found.

This is the first thread in a series called: “The Book of Psalms and how to communicate with God.” This is about Kabbalistic teachings of the book of Psalm, the 72 names of God hidden within the book of Psalms and its importance within the Kabbalah.

Kabbalah is an ancient wisdom that originated in Judaism that reveals how the universe and life work. On a literal level, the word Kabbalah means “to receive.” It's the study of how to receive fulfillment in our lives.

Have you received fulfillment in your life? If not, maybe you should take a close look into the Kabbalah.

For all purposes I want to inform you that I worship the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. I acknowledge that Yeshua is the Messiah and “Begotten” Son of God whom is my King and savior.

I take no credit for this information. The information supplied has come from the Bible, Torah, Talmud, Mishnah and numerous scholars. They will be mentioned throughout the threads.

I ask you to not judge and have an open mind when reading these threads. I believe many things will be revealed to you if you take your time and closely examine the material presented here. The information is designed to help you have a relationship with God.

I find it overwhelming that most of mankind around the world, even those who are cut off from the world; have a need to pray and worship to an invisible creator. To me this is proof that mankind is more than simply “a piece of meat” (flesh) with an intellect. We are also spirit - which remains with us until death. Unfortunately most of us cannot connect with our spirit because we do not know how and/or what we eat, drink, smoke, etc…… reason why we “fast”. Poisons inside the body that dull our senses. The idea behind “fasting” is to realign the spirit with the host so they can speak and think as one.

We understand that Moses received the laws that were engraved into stone, but he also received certain verbal laws while on Mount Sinai during the for 40 days and nights he remained on the mountain, where all doctrines, explanations of mysteries, holy names of God and the angels and how to apply this knowledge to the best interest of man was given to Moses. All these doctrines which God pronounced as good, which were not generally made known and in time became known as The Kabbalah, or traditions that Moses passed down to his successor Joshua, who handed them down to the elders, then on to the judges, which descended to the prophets. The prophets entrusted them to the men of the great synagogue, and these gave them to the wise men, and so the Kabbalah was handed down from one to another, from mouth to mouth……to the present day.

Often it is quoted in the Torah (five books of Moses) “For it is your life”.

Proverbs 6:22 – “When you go it shall lead you, and when you sleep it shall keep you.”

That the Psalms and the Torah are equal in holiness and worthiness will not be called into question. The Psalms are formed into five books, just like the Torah.

Five books of the Torah = (Five books of Moses) - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

Five books of Psalms:

BOOK ONE - Psalm 1 through 41,

BOOK TWO - Psalm 42 through 72,

BOOK THREE – Psalm 73 through 89,

BOOK FOUR – 90 through 106

BOOK FIVE – 107 through 150

We can therefore trust in the doctrines of the enlightened Kabbalists, when they assert that God gave equal talents and powers to the Psalms as he did to the Torah, and that in them many names of the Most High Majesty of God and his angels, besides many mysteries are hidden.

Through a pious life and by a rational use of the Psalms you may obtain the grace of God and protect yourself from danger, to escape suffering and to promote your own welfare.

Read the treatise of Rabbi Schimschon bar Abraham in his book Responsiones Raschaba. Take a look at the words of enlightened Rabbi Jochanan ben Sackas in his Treatise of the Talmud and Sanhedrin where he speaks of magical conjurations and asserts and proves that it is allowed, in dangerous and incurable diseases to make use of words and passages in the Holy Scripture for their cure. You will find similar references in the Treatise of Sabbath in the Talmud as well as in Responsonibus by Zemach, son of Simonis, in which the 92nd Psalm as a certain means to avoid suffering and danger, enabling us to escape unharmed, free, secure and without hindrance.

For those who have read the Sixth and Seventh book of Moses – a word of caution….. there have been a few authors who have made weak attempts at translating these books from Hebrew and German. I highly recommend you purchase this book from author: Joseph H. Peterson.

According to celebrated Kabbalsit Rabbi Issac Luria, “Each human being except only the ignorant idolater can be a pious and have a virtuous life enter into the consecrated temple of the true Kabbalah and can avail himself of its benefits without being able to speak or understand the Hebrew language. He can pray, read and write everything in his mother tongue; only the holy name of God and the angels must under all circumstances, be written and retained in the mind in the Hebrew tongue (for they must in no case be uttered) because if mispronounced it would lose all its holiness, worth, and efficiency.

So without further ado…….lets get started:

PSALMS – BOOK ONE: Psalm Chapter 1 through Chapter 41

Now do not become confused when we get started – I am not explaining the teachings/meanings behind each Psalm chapter and verse instead I will explain “cause and symptoms” that are tied to each Psalm in accordance to Kabbalah teachings and within its appropriate chapter.

NOTE: I recommend using a Hebrew-Greek key study bible. (KJV)

Psalms Chapter 1 – When a woman is pregnant and fears premature delivery, death of the child, and dangers to her and/or the child while being pregnant:

1. Recite Chapter one out loud.

2. The woman is to take deer skin (parchment) and write on it the first three versus of Psalm one, along with the hidden holy name of God and appropriate prayer contained below and then placed in a small bag made expressly for that purpose and tie it around the neck so the bag will rest against her naked body.

3. The holy name is called El Chad, which signifies, great, strong, only God, and is taken from the four following words: Aschre (found in verse 1, Lo (found in verse 4), Jatzliach (found in verse 3), Vederech (found in verse 6).

Prayer: May it please you, Oh El Chad, to grant to this woman (insert name), daughter of (insert name) that she may not at this time, or any other time, have a premature confinement; much more grant to her a truly fortunate delivery, and keep her and the fruit of her body in good health. Amen! Selah!

edit on 6-6-2015 by DeathSlayer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2015 @ 03:52 PM
NOTE: Anytime a parchment is used extreme care is to be given. Only use parchments that are approved to be used by scribes. You can order these online through the internet.

Psalms Chapter 2 – Should you be exposed to danger in a storm at sea, any your life is in danger:

1. Recite this Psalm without delay and VERY reverently and think respectfully of the holiest name contained namely, Shaddai (which means mighty God), then recite the prayer below.

2. After reciting the prayer write it on a fragment of a clay pot and with full confidence in the omnipotent, who fixes the boundary of the seas and restrains its power, throw it into the foaming waves and you will see marvelous wonders, for the waves will instantly cease their roaring.

3. The words, letters of which constitute this holy name, are taken from Rageshu, verse 1, Nossedu, verse 2, and Jozer verse 9.

Prayer: Let it be O Shaddai (Almighty God) your holy will, that the raging of this storm and the roaring of the waves may cease, and that the proud billows may be stilled. Lead us O merciful Father to the place of pur destination in safety and in good health, for only with you are power and might. You alone can help. And you will surely help to the honor of your name Amen! Selah!

NOTE: Notice both prayers in Chapter 1 and 2 end with Selah? You will also find this word many times within Psalms.

This Psalm is also effective remedy against raging headaches. Write the first eight verses of this Psalm together with the holy name and appropriate prayer, upon PURE parchment, and hang it around the neck of the patient, then pray over the person with Psalm Chapter 2 along with the appropriate prayer for a headache. Do this in humble devotion and the sufferer will be relieved.

Psalms Chapter 3 – Severe headache and backache:

1. Pray this Psalm with the holy name and appropriate prayer below over a small quantity of olive oil, anoint the head or back while in the act of prayer . This will give the person immediate relief.

2. The holy name is Adon (Lord) and is found in the words Weattae verse 3, Baadi, verse 3, Hekizoti, verse 5, and Hascheini, verse 7.

Prayer: Adon (Lord) of the world may it please you to be my physician and helper. Heal me and relieve me from my sever headache and backache, because I can find help only with you, and only with you is counsel and action to be found. Amen! Selah!

Psalms Chapter 4 – If you have been unlucky so far, in spite of every effort, then you should pray this Psalm three times before the rising sun, with humility and devotion, while at the same time you should impress upon your mind its ruling holy name, and each time the appropriate prayer, trusting in the help of the mighty Lord, without whose will not the least creature can perish. Proceed in peace to execute your contemplated undertaking. And all things will result to your satisfaction.

Psalms Chapter 5 – If you have business to transact with the government.

Psalms Chapter 6 – With this Psalm all diseases of the eye may be healed.

Psalms Chapter 7 – When evil persons conspire to render you unfortunate, if your enemies watch for an opportunity to attack you.

Psalms Chapter 8 – If you wish to secure the love and good will of all men in your business transactions.

Psalms Chapter 9 – The principal attributed of this Psalm – male children who are feeble in health.

Psalms Chapter 10 – If anyone is plagued with an unclean, restless and evil spirit.

Psalms Chapter 11 – Will be safe from all persecution (not government) and will not have any great evil to fear.

Psalms Chapter 12 – Conspiracies against you.

Psalms Chapter 13 – Protection from violent, sudden death and from all other evil accidents and severe bodily harm.

Psalms Chapter 14 – Find favor with men and free from slander and mistrust.

Psalms Chapter 15 – Against the presence of an evil spirit, insanity, and melancholy.

Psalms Chapter 16 – Identify the thief who stole from you. Also change all your sorrows into joy.

Psalms Chapter 17 – Traveling and pray this Psalm in the morning protection from all evil while traveling for 24 hours.

Psalms Chapter 18 – Stop from being attacked – causes the attackers to leave you without harming you.

Psalms Chapter 19 – Multiple blessings depending on what you seek out: Protection against certain death (health), your children to be successful in school, drive away evil spirits.

Psalms Chapter 20 – Heading to trial and want a good verdict? Mercy from the court.

Psalms Chapter 21 – Protection against storms – petition to the government.

Psalms Chapter 22 – No misfortune will happen to you.

Psalms Chapter 23 – Interpretation of your dreams and visions.

Psalms Chapter 24 & 25 - Escape danger and harm.

Psalms Chapter 26 – extreme danger and imprisonment.

Psalms Chapter 27 – To be welcomed in a foreign city or land.

Psalms Chapter 28 – Your enemy to become reconciled with you.

Psalms Chapter 29 – Casting out evil spirits.

Psalms Chapter 30 – Safe from all evil occurrences.

Psalms Chapter 31 – Escape slanders and evil tongues who try to do you harm.

Psalms Chapter 32 – Receive grace, love, and mercy.

Psalms Chapter 33 – Children constantly dying.

Psalms Chapter 34 – Visiting high government officials.

Psalms Chapter 35 – Lawsuit pending in which you are opposed by unrighteous, revengeful and quarrelsome people.

Psalms Chapter 36 – Against all evil and slanderous libels.

Psalms Chapter 37 – Protection for those who are drunk or on drugs from hurting themselves.

Psalms Chapter 38 & 39 - If you have been so much slandered that the government has turned against you and are taking measures to punish you.

Psalms Chapter 40 – Free ourselves from evil spirits if we pray daily.

Psalm 41 to 43 can be combined or used separately. I will discuss this in BOOK 2.

Many Psalms use a different name of God. Prayers are also different.

If you need further clarification on any of these revelations in BOOK 1 just ask and I will release the entire procedure.

God bless you.

edit on 6-6-2015 by DeathSlayer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2015 @ 03:59 PM
I mispronounced one of the words. Now whale eye beef hooked?

posted on Jun, 6 2015 @ 04:02 PM

originally posted by: kenzohattori69

I mispronounced one of the words. Now whale eye beef hooked?

There is no way you read this entire thread.

A troll making jokes?

posted on Jun, 6 2015 @ 04:22 PM
So which is more powerful against evil spirits?

Psalms Chapter 15 – Against the presence of an evil spirit, insanity, and melancholy.

Psalms Chapter 29 – Casting out evil spirits.

Psalms Chapter 40 – Free ourselves from evil spirits if we pray daily.

Is psalms 15 for insain evil spirits? Or would chapter 29 work better? or is it only more specifically for evil spirits rather than insain melancholistic evil spirits?

posted on Jun, 6 2015 @ 04:29 PM

originally posted by: AnuTyr
So which is more powerful against evil spirits?

Psalms Chapter 15 – Against the presence of an evil spirit, insanity, and melancholy.

Psalms Chapter 29 – Casting out evil spirits.

Psalms Chapter 40 – Free ourselves from evil spirits if we pray daily.

Is psalms 15 for insain evil spirits? Or would chapter 29 work better? or is it only more specifically for evil spirits rather than insain melancholistic evil spirits?

Actually Psalm 15, 29 and 40 each deal with a specific problems/issues and you will find even more Psalms that I have not yet discussed that addresses evil and evil spirits.

Psalm 15 discusses the presence of evil spirits.

Psalm 29 is a very small part of an exorcism - casting out a evil spirit from someone.

Psalm 40 - self exorcism (I have never seen it work but it will bring temporary relief)

posted on Jun, 6 2015 @ 04:31 PM
Psalms chapter 29 -

29 Ascribe to Yahweh, you sons of the mighty,
ascribe to Yahweh glory and strength.
Ascribe to Yahweh the glory due to his name.
Worship Yahweh in holy array.

Yahweh’s voice is on the waters.
The God of glory thunders, even Yahweh on many waters.
Yahweh’s voice is powerful.
Yahweh’s voice is full of majesty.
Yahweh’s voice breaks the cedars.
Yes, Yahweh breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon.
He makes them also to skip like a calf;
Lebanon and Sirion like a young, wild ox.
Yahweh’s voice strikes with flashes of lightning.
Yahweh’s voice shakes the wilderness.
Yahweh shakes the wilderness of Kadesh.
Yahweh’s voice makes the deer calve,
and strips the forests bare.
In his temple everything says, “Glory!”

Yahweh sat enthroned at the Flood.
Yes, Yahweh sits as King forever.
Yahweh will give strength to his people.
Yahweh will bless his people with peace.

Yeah that would send any spirit evil or good. Running for the hills. But all dem humans caught in the crossfire during the flood were just in bad luck.
IThappens when a world wide wipeout is nessisary and i understand it. No sarcasm in that. Can't stop space wars from leaving planets unscathed.

However, I fail to see how this has anything to do with banishing evil spirits.
The chapter is badass. But as a ward against evil ghosties? Not so much.
This verse is something... That deserves a whole threat of it's own.
How do you come about writing this list if you don't mind me asking?
Genuinely curious.

posted on Jun, 6 2015 @ 04:35 PM

posted on Jun, 6 2015 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
Any insight on why won't god heal amputees?

God is a miracle worker, not a Genie.

posted on Jun, 6 2015 @ 04:44 PM

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
Any insight on why won't god heal amputees?

Actually there are many eye witness accounts of people who have had limbs grow back, curved/damaged vertebrates straighten out, arches on feet appear to those with flat feet, people dead for hours waking up, etc..... all in our time frame not some 2,000 years ago.

Miracles are real and do happen.

posted on Jun, 6 2015 @ 04:55 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Interesting. I'm finding it hard to believe that. Care to provide some sources? Particularly in regards to limb regrowth. Thank you.

edit on 6-6-2015 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2015 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Fascinating thread. I've always been interested in the Kabalah. Thank you for authoring this. I'll be keeping my eye on it to see if you add more

posted on Jun, 6 2015 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

can you show me some of these things? show m limbs growing back by faith alone. Yeah the human body has some amazing regenerative qualities. But without technology how is that possible? Repressed sophesicated regenerative genes?

Do you think our creator and the universe are separate things? Because they are.

God and the universe are not one thing. If it was, That means you are God. But only a tiny fraction of God, Because we are made of the universe. We exist within the universe. We are not separate from this universe therefore if you think the Universe is god then we have never been separated from god. That means that God is dying and is constantly being reborn in each and every one of us and anything that exists as physical mass.

Now if you think the Universe us autonomous acting just because it does. Than a creator, would be something already existing in the universe that forms shapes. Shapes the universe. Obviously not in entirety. But anything that can create life is a creator. Anything that can mold what already exists is a creator. A creator is another word for Architect. Which is why the Pyramid is on the 1$ bill and why its the symbol for God. Because it's the symbol of the Architect, Our Architect.

So tell me when you are praying to god. What are you praying to? The Universe? Our your Creator? Because as established. If you think the creator and the universe are one. Then that means you, yourself are the creator. Because you are made of the Universe....

posted on Jun, 6 2015 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: AnuTyr

This Psalm is highly recommended for casting out an evil spirit. The manner of proceeding is as follows: Take even splinters of the osier (a type of willow) and seven leaves of a date palm that never bore fruit, place them in a pot filled with water which the sun has never shone and repeat over it again in the evening, this Psalm with the most holy name of Aha, ten times with great reverence, and then in full trust in the power of God, set the pot upon the earth in the open air and let it remain there until the following evening. Afterward pour the whole of it, at the door of the possessed, and the Ruach Roah, evil spirit, will surely depart.

The two letters of this holy name are contained in the words Jehovah, verse 11 and according to the alphabetical order called Ajack Bechar and Habu, verse 2.

posted on Jun, 6 2015 @ 05:07 PM

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Interesting. I'm finding it hard to believe that. Care to provide some sources? Particularly in regards to limb regrowth. Thank you.

I can easily understand your belief but it is true.

There are numerous sources and at the time I can only think of one - Steven Brooks - author of the book - How to operate in the gifts of the Spirit. He discusses a case where a pastor had lost a finger and had it reattached however the attachment did not take and one evening while standing on the podium teaching he shook his hand and his finger flew off and when he looked down a new finger had grown back. Hundreds of witnesses.

You can contact Mr. Brooks for additional information at: P.O. box 717, Moravian Falls, NC, USA 28654

posted on Jun, 6 2015 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: DeadSeraph

Thank you. It is an interesting subject and not taboo.

There is a part of the magical realm where real magic is accepted by God.

Zealous Jews have hid the numerous names of God throughout the bible and other books out of fear of the common MAN mispronouncing the correct names of God. At least this was their excuse.

posted on Jun, 6 2015 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: AnuTyr

can you show me some of these things? show m limbs growing back by faith alone. Yeah the human body has some amazing regenerative qualities. But without technology how is that possible? Repressed sophesicated regenerative genes?

It is supernatural not a natural human process. If God can create everything within the universe is it not possible he allows limbs to grow back? Here is the key: If you take a second look at my thread I mention the NEED that any person following this practice MUST a pious person.


devoutly religious.
"a deeply pious woman"
synonyms: religious, devout, devoted, dedicated, reverent, God-fearing, churchgoing, spiritual, prayerful, holy, godly, saintly, faithful, dutiful, righteous
"a pious family"

Do you think our creator and the universe are separate things? Because they are.

And I agree with this statement. I am not God and neither are you.

God is the supreme being, an entity who has created everything that is in existance which includes the universe and rules from the third heaven. This God that I speak of is who I pray to. I do not pray to a universe.......

posted on Jun, 6 2015 @ 05:24 PM
The Psalms are beautiful prayers. I love the Compline chant of the Psalms.

That being said, it should be noted that the Psalms were not all written by David as is claimed. Many of them are actually pagan prayers from ancient Egypt, and elsewhere. (some are on Egyptian temples for worship of the sun god). They pre-date the Hebrews. They weren't originally written for the God of Abraham.

posted on Jun, 6 2015 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

i know where this is all from now.

This is from a book.

Called Secrets of the Psalms by GodFrey A. Selig

I think you failed to mention that in the OP, but il forgive you. I was just having some trouble back tracking some of these ritualistic prayers trying to find relevance to scripts to quote from the bible rather than what could be a minority of Jews.

But im just assuming now.

Secrets of the Psalms

posted on Jun, 6 2015 @ 05:28 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
The Psalms are beautiful prayers. I love the Compline chant of the Psalms.

That being said, it should be noted that the Psalms were not all written by David as is claimed. Many of them are actually pagan prayers from ancient Egypt, and elsewhere. (some are on Egyptian temples for worship of the sun god). They pre-date the Hebrews. They weren't originally written for the God of Abraham.

Thanks for posting this FF. I was looking for a link to just this and saw your post when I refreshed. If you do run across a source, I'd appreciate it. I'm wanting to show this to a friend of mine.

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