posted on Jun, 3 2015 @ 07:26 PM
I have had a pretty rich history with the unusual and the bizarre, and have discovered many unusual things about myself with the help of guides and
teachers who entered my life at the right time. I'm an artist and would love to share some of my work if anyone is interested in seeing. I spend a lot
of time meditating and thinking about things, wondering who I am and where I've been. I feel a strong connection to the planet and to the stars.
I have received intuition and confirmation that I lived in Atlantis and have had dreams of tornadoes and tsunamis that I believe are from the
terrastorm that destroyed it. I think my soul has been to many places and in certain dreams I feel as though I am witnessing places from other areas
of the universe. I've had OBE's veiled as dreams and on occasion have consciously felt myself slipping into one although I can't say I've had a
full-blown OBE that I can recall lucidly.
I am also bipolar, but I have conquered this aspect of myself and can say that I am proud and blessed to be this way, because it has enlightened me
and given me a roadmap to understanding myself. My bipolar experiences have been like "growth-spurts" and they have been truly amazing. I have had
flashes of insight beyond the scope of my human mind come to me during my manic episodes and have experienced limitations that I feel are akin to
deeply religious experiences and moments of zeal and nirvana. If I can impart any wisdom during my stay on Earth, it is that mental illness is not
necessarily something to be feared but can be used as a tool for growth. I have hopes of becoming an art therapist someday to help those struggling
with these issues.
Sometimes I feel very lonely on this planet... like I don't belong, like I'm drifting in a sea of people whose lives are too far-fetched for me to
understand. I think this is because I lived here during a much different period that has been described by Edgar Cayce and others. I have dim
recollections of what this place was like... but when I play video games (mostly RPGs) I feel like the collective consciousness of this planet
channels the memory of places like Atlantis and Lemuria, the rich and lost history of our world. I am an INFP personality type by the way, so part of
my feelings of being alone are encoded in me it seems.
My greatest inspiration has been the works of Carl Jung, although I'm very grateful for the teachers I have here now that have made life less
terrifying and confusing. I am really trying to embrace a truth that seems insuppressible right now which is that I have teachers who are off-planet
as well.
Anyways, I just want to say hi and really hope to connect with the community here!
edit on 3-6-2015 by Blumenkranz because: Changed