posted on Jun, 6 2015 @ 05:38 PM
originally posted by: Urantia1111
a reply to: whyamIhere
Interesting experiment. Notice how many animals are curious and lovey, but the apes are instantly suspicious and aggressive. Sounds just about right.
Jives with the current state of the human world quite nicely.
Well, a few things to put that in context:
The film does show mostly apes, so it would make sense we'd see more apes acting mad since there are more of them shown.
The chimps, which are closer to humans than the gorillas, are far less aggressive
The bird also seems to be attacking the "other" bird and who knows what those reptiles were doing at the end, looked like some form of kung-fu
As a fellow ape, you are far more in tune with the body language of the gorilla and chimp compared to the other animals, so they could have been
throwing up major "f- you" signals to the mirror that we didn't notice.
Cool video but it just confirmed to me that humans are no different than any other animals out there, with all the good and bad that goes along with