posted on Jun, 7 2003 @ 12:08 PM
What's wrong with the swastika? It is four L's that mean Life, Liberty, Light, and Love. Yes Hitler used it, but Hitler was evil, not the symbol.
Kind of like words, how are there bad words? They didn't do anything, so why bad? Because people say they are. People say Swastika evil, so it is,
even though it isn't, in fact it is a good thing.
Besides, nothing wrong with Manga, it is the edited dubbed down s*(*t they put on tv. Watch a Manga movie(either Manga company or Urban Vison, they
the best) and you will learn to love it. Ghost in a Shell, Ninja Scroll, Vampire Hunter D, all great anime. But then America and other countries get
ahold of Pokeman and other crappy anime, and people think, gee, that sucks, it all must suck. Watch Yu-Yu Hakusho, or Cowboy Bebop, they both great.
Or the one with the Botosi, can't spell it, but is great, and unlike some, is set in the Menji(sp?) era, when stuff like steam powered trains was
just coming in to Japan. Heck, one episode has one, and one character is freaking out because he can't understand how steam is powering it. Or
doesn't want his picture taken because it steals your soul. Another one wants to try out western clothes and the western candy chocolate.
Depends on who makes the anime, and how it is edited. It is like the Godzilla movies, get japan version, america edited them to make them worse than
what they already are so people wouldn't like the stuff from Japan. Ask me, still happening with Pokemon and the Yu Gi O bs.