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Sixth sense

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posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 04:18 PM
Are there any signs that would point out that you might have a kinda sixth sense. Dreams,dajasvoo i think that's how you spell it. A feeling that's always around, knowing something but can't put the finger on it.

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 05:22 PM
It is too general to explain it with "sixth sense". Once you realize that you have it, you can access every living human being's mind without restrictions. This involves mind control, telepathy, unique ways of understanding people, and many other brain capabilities called "paranormal" issues.

This sixth sense exists, and can be developed to very advanced skills, which are far beyond the imagination of a "normal" person. In fact, this is the future uf humans within 500 years. The fact is simple: who has it, is lucky, who doesn't, he will learn it in school. Imagine, being graded for the lesson : Telepathy!

Also imagine, that I know who you are, and why you posted this thread... not hard to find that out!

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by onebone
Are there any signs that would point out that you might have a kinda sixth sense. Dreams,dajasvoo i think that's how you spell it. A feeling that's always around, knowing something but can't put the finger on it.

Actualy, it's something you alway have and use and depend on, something you can't imagine having to live without. I'll compare it to walking around blindfolded. If I were to blind fold you and have you walk around the house, you'd put your hands out in front of you to be sure you didn't stumble or bump into something. The sixth sense, as they call it, is like your hands in front of you when your blindfolded. It would be VERY uncomfortable for you to walk around blindfolded with your hands bound behind your back as well - that's how I'd feel being 'normal' - like my hands were bound behind my back.

To me it was a normal thing - something I thought everyone had. I guess I thought some people just 'had more' than others when poeple would be suprized at something I'd do or say or know. Then one day as you get a bit older, you realize that other people don't have it and that's when you begin to think of yourself as different in some way.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 11:00 AM
There have been 2 times in my life where I knew what was going to happen that day and told people before it happened. One of the interesting things, on the first time, I tried to change the outcome by leaving town and driving a couple hours away, and by leaving, that is what caused it to happen!

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 10:46 AM
I've had premonitions, maybe a feelin or two before doing something from time to time, but that's about it. Most of the time it's very random.

posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 01:14 AM
I answer peoples questions before being asked, ALOT, I pick up the phone, before it rings, I look out the window, just before a person I know pulls up to visit, ( even if it's been years seeing them ). I can pick the lotto, but only seconds before its drawn. I have dreams, that usally come true. Most recent, a house fire, next door. I also can speak a laug, that i know nothing of, or heard about, It just sounds like jibrish.

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 06:37 PM
hey rerednow...thats VERY kewl!...I also have preminitions r visions if you will....I will space out for a minute, well actually i dont know how long it is but im just guessin like a few seconds because when i come back...everything seems the exact same...but when i come back, ill kno i had a "vision" but i wont know what it is about...untill later on when that happens its liek HEY ...this happened before...or ive seen u do that ...and in some cases i can know what they are going to do next...but most of the time i just watch until the "replay" ends...a lil astounded a couple years ago but now im growing used to it....i dont really have the visions anymore just the "replays" least i dont remember having a vision in a while....and i really wish i knew how to like control it and remember my lil visions but so far unsuccesfull...but to answer whats-his-name's question...i belive we all have a "sixth sense" its just that some people have a stronger or a different kind...and some sixth senses could be as simple as like remember a question to a test that you dont remember studying for...or hearing like predictin a death
....but in anycase...we all have different levels of our to only figure out how to use them

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 06:41 PM
i also forgot that sometimes lately...just started about two weeks ago...i have been able to like think something...or say somethign and only to later find out that day or at most(a week later) what i was wondering(and these arent liek ordinary things...they are stuff you dont normally wonder...or in other words...someone normally doesnt just come out and say the meaning of this....) or say the same thing someone was thinking...or liek tell something to happen..and it does...its kinda new to me and im still takin grasp to it...but i think that it has somethign to do with not having my visions anymore...its liek a new talent ive taken on...cuz i dont remmy havin visions in a while...but instead got this new thing!...but iono how to use it so if anyoen has any help on this subject...lemme kno

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 07:33 PM
@ Vertu/AngelaLadyS: Hi, reading your reply I assume the both of you have already developed your Sixth Sense, or you are developing it. Do you have any suggestions, or do you know any good method to start?

And, another question... in your opinion, how can a person discern Sixth Sense from an "excellent" intuition?

I mean, just because someone has foreseen or perceived something, this does not mean he/she has used the Sixth Sense: his or her brain may have simply cleverly analyzed some informations, and produced an exact and excellent deduction (

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 07:42 PM
I've had a few serious deja vu incidents, I attribute it more to a past life type of sensation, I've been here before, I've done this before...

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by Sparhawk
@ Vertu/AngelaLadyS: Hi, reading your reply I assume the both of you have already developed your Sixth Sense, or you are developing it. Do you have any suggestions, or do you know any good method to start?

And, another question... in your opinion, how can a person discern Sixth Sense from an "excellent" intuition?

I mean, just because someone has foreseen or perceived something, this does not mean he/she has used the Sixth Sense: his or her brain may have simply cleverly analyzed some informations, and produced an exact and excellent deduction (

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 06:20 PM
So, you don't have a techinque you use to develop your sixth sense... it just happens naturally, "automatically"...?

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 06:29 PM
I have said this before and I will say it again, etc etc.

Sixth sense is the first sense, present in all sentient creatures for millions of years in the evolutionary path before "all" of the "five senses" developed. As in all such things acuity varies.

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by Sparhawk
So, you don't have a techinque you use to develop your sixth sense... it just happens naturally, "automatically"...?

That's right. Nobody taught me to use the sixth sense, it is there, and in use. There is no way to learn it from anybody, you have to explore it yourself. My learning was unintentional, and is still developing.

You would be amazed if you knew, what things is the mind capable for!

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 06:45 PM
@MaskedAvatar: Interesting point of view, and I can say I do agree with you.

@Vertu: I think I can understand what you are meaning... still, some times (at least, as far as I'm concerned), these perceptions come in such a subtle way you have to do a "volountary suspension of disbelief" in order to understand them... and it's not always this simple...

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 06:49 PM
These preceptions aren't "coming". They are formed in the mind deliberately, and being used intentionally. Nothing hocuspocus, only the scientific definition is missing. But if you live with it for at least 27 yrs, you will realize that it's part of your body.

posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 07:43 AM
I am not particularly sure as to what you mean by sixth sense - like premonitions? psychokinesis? telepathy? empathy?

Well, I assume you mean premonitions, I have many premonitions through dreams and they also happen for no apparent reason during the day.

They are usually either pointless for me or they are very significant (as in someone dying). And they are usually within a day the event occuring.

I believe most of these 'psi', 'psychic' or 'sixth sense' abilities are normal brain functions except we aren't usually given the opportunity as a child to develop them.

posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 09:12 PM
@ Vertu: I think I can understand what you are meaning... 'cos I've been doing so for more or less 23 yrs so far. Still, when one of these feelings grows inside my head, my rational part wakes up shouting something like "Watch out, this could just be your simple guessing, or who knows, maybe I'm playing a trick on you".

For personal experience, I've learnt to listen to those feelings and keep a little at bay my rational mind, practicing some kind of willingful suspension of disbelief... thus, I was wondering if there was some practical way to "consciously" explore this phenomenon (

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by Sparhawk
Still, when one of these feelings grows inside my head, my rational part wakes up shouting something like "Watch out, this could just be your simple guessing, or who knows, maybe I'm playing a trick on you".

thus, I was wondering if there was some practical way to "consciously" explore this phenomenon (

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 03:11 AM
I have had some intense deja vu experiences. In fact, I distinctly remember finishing sentences for someone at one time. However, could be that intuition/predictability thing of knowing friends well. Here's a fun little link concerning deja vu:

It also mentions that deja vu has been associated with temporal lobe epilepsy. "Reportedly, déjà vu can occur just prior to a temporal-lobe epileptic attack."

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