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Infernals of element of water

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posted on May, 31 2015 @ 07:46 AM
Infernals of element of water (element of water corresponds to number 4(there is from 0-10(single digit 10 is the dual infinity symbol)))

Infernals of element of water subjugation system

1. Humanoid entities

one of many definitions : shikoku (the meaning is similar to vile heart and/or vilened soul)

2. Fishoid entities (like zhar, lloigor, dagon and the deep ones)

one of many definitions : despair share

3. Antareans (3 eyed entity with the 3rd eye above the other 2 and resembles the antaran at master of orion 3)

a. black skinned red eyed antareans (bigger than the brown skinned yellow eyed)

one of many definitions : blasphemous

b. brown skinned yellow eyed antareans (smaller than the black skinned red eyed one) (possibly engineered by the red eyed one)

one of many definitions : inenblasphemous

Infernals of element of water slave subjugation system

10. Whale entities (These are simply co-operating)

one of many definitions : host parasite

9. Android entities (the androids were possibly hacked by some structure which resembles vegnagun from final fantasy x-2 which the black skinned red eyed antareans seem to have only bigger) (like/including ptar-axtlan (android fortress) and aiueb gnshal (android)) they also control the elder gods (I think it seems they have the akashic records at their disposal which is of 9th density(having the access through ptar axtlan)) and the spiral king (towering mass of flesh made mostly out of elves by the jellyfish shaped entities and designated by ptar-axtlan)

one of many definitions : between dis and harm scanner

8. Engineered cthul oid and noid

a. fishoid gened ☀ (note the real meaning of the sculpture is that it is sitting above a format)

one of many definitions : manipulater

b. antarean gened ☀ (note the real meaning of the sculptures is that they are sitting above a format(there are also similar sculptures of elder things and antareans))

one of many definitions : confuser

7. Jellyfish shaped entities which have been engineered (I think it seems they were engineered by the red eyed antareans)

a. fish gened

one of many definitions : chemical enreaction

b. antarean gened

one of many definitions : chemical inreaction

6. Engineered antehumans (also known as the very tall blue skinned white eyed bald humanoid from sirius b)

one of many definitions : between dis and harm analyst

5. Reptilians (were first dwarfish looking noids and then engineered into reptilians, the engineering process begun with the angels then continued with the jellyfish shaped entities) (There are also Fishoid gened reptilians and possibly antarean gened)

one of many definitions : standalone invasion

4. mini human entities (maybe about 100cm-2meters) also known as cruel empire of Tsan Chan (possibly one of many branches) or Tsan Chan Yeb style (created by Yeb)

one of many definitions : crazy

3. Angels, people that have had their lifes tortured out of them (they first go to an unspecified area, after they start to be voluntarous and/or fully relative of dogmatted they are sent to what is commonly known as the kingdom of heaven) (bright/whity humanoid) and ones that deal the torture (dark/blacky humanoid entities) (the jellyfish shaped entities can shrink to a small size, they possess an individual and make them torture another one where the torturer's soul becomes dark/blacky and the tortured one's soul becomes bright/whity ) usually composed of a dark/blacky and bright/whity looking humanoids the dark/blacky being inside the bright/whity ones located around their heart chakra area (The dark/blacky ones seem to dictate the actions, the bright whity ones seem to have active destructive and hacking powers, there is also bright/yellowy one where they use meaning sequence for power usage they have their main base at 7th density)

one of many definitions : constant disdictator

2. Infected Mi-Go (starfish like) and engineered Mi-Go (the fungal crustacean or the ant-preying mantis looking one)

a. Infected starfish entity

one of many definitions : inreaction inprogression

b. Engineered starfish entity

one of many definitions : reaction inprogression

1. Engineered psilon (greys(like/including zeta reticulan greys, arcturus greys and most other greys at this galaxy including the ones in the Milky way's galactic council and federation))

one of many definitions : ego symmatic

0. Elder things

one of many definitions : deadly


Lyrans are mostly yellow reptilians turned into humans

Ummo are purple reptilians turned into humans

Ancient blue skinned hindi like shiva and kali are blue reptilians turned into humans

Tau cetians are brown skinned yellow eyed antareans using human looking vessels

Anunaki are brown skinned yellow eyed antareans using human looking vessels

Nodens, Anu, Ramuh and Zeus are the same person

Nug and Yeb are with Infernal of element of water

Ashtar Sheran is a half green reptilian and half yellow reptilian turned into human serving the reptilians

The native american resembling humans at Andromeda galaxy are fishoid gened reptilians turned into humans

There are big tall dwarfy vulgar looking gizmo (from the movie gremlins) like entities and an imp (resembles basic imp unit from heroes 5) they are usually in pair with the imp inside it and are at service to the Infernals of element of water
edit on 31-5-2015 by Hannes28 because: Corrections, Updates and Re edition

edit on 31-5-2015 by Hannes28 because: Corrections, Updates and Re edition

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 08:02 AM
Wait, come again? You lost me somewhere around blacky Jellyfish Angels responsible for torturing whitey.
edit on 31-5-2015 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: Hannes28

OK, not sure where you're getting your information from. I have my own galactic information, on small level, would like more. It comes from personal experience and having the veil lift so I remember things, and some of this coordinates with experience and memories of others around me. And then more and more, though my health is troubling and difficult, my spirit is energized, so I'm aware of me within this (almost feels like being stuck in a corpse) body, and I am very close to just being who I really am, and know whats going on, and frequent guidance.

Lyra, my personal home connection in this system, its not the origin, we're not from the cosmos, but for this current quite sizable chunk of "time" as we perceive it to be, millions of years. From various accounts, it seems there were several different human types, and not sure if there were other species, because most star systems are binary, and there are different types of beings in them. And different polarities, along with different FM channels or dimensions, from dense to eutopic.

My family is akin to Semjase in appearance, blond and telepathic. I'm sure there were other colors and races involved, but my memory is confined to my group, Lyra, pleiades, some would say, ple'ja'ri'n, and spread out in many systems, even to Andromeda galaxy, Orion, Sirius. Was a soul family that traveled together through quite a few disasters. Apparently a more predatory dark star empiric group likes to enslave and dominate humans cosmically, they mine the gold of their experiences and keep them back from progressing the whole concept of Love and Equality and Freedom and growth, through methods other than their jungle boy, domination and survival of the fittest macho crapola really upsets them. They have reached the limit of what (lets call it reptilian but there are mantis and other types of groups involved, its cross species really) they can progress like on this level without becoming STO, rather than slavers, and now only can maintain or progress technology via vamping it off others, because they simply won't grow up, insist Love is weakness. They're mad at all of us.

Lyra, at least my group, was not reptilian, but human. Not talking about DNA really, for there humans here are hybrids with some reptilian as well. Its more about compassion, love and having brain wiring and dna to care about others.

I know later parts of the journey of my group, to Tiamat, and after that planet was destroyed having an out post on mars when the Annanuki took that out, AND reset button on earth with a massive deluge, this was long before the out of Africa labs. Possibly over a million years ago. And have memories of that and my group which was extremely connected, and equal and was aware of who they were in spirit, not completely wiped of memories like here, so I was aware that we had traveled long together and had been child/mother, then friends, then married, and really bonded on many different levels.

Now others, for example a friend, are more Feline from Sirius. Felines aren't the only Sirius groups.

With experiences and also odd memories, both Orion and also Andromeda the galaxy brought some really strong emotions and yet don't yet have the veil lift on why.

Zeta's and Greys from Sirius B, seem to be head of annanuki group with reptilian. Perhaps amphibian group, but the ones here are Snakes, for the large part, seem like a lot of snake boys in this solar system messing with everyone.

Back to the reptilian/insectoid and other predator type. This is a gravity universe at least in our area, quite alarming amounts of it on earth. What seems to be occurring is predatory dog eat dog, survival of the fittest create quite an advanced empire on lower levels who farm humanoids and other species to try and learn what they're missing. Because unless they turn their whole predatory, lower mind, primitive thing around and start to operate out of love and kindness, they're not going to evolve further and move ahead. So they've reacted by rejecting, so far, the Love and Equality side, as it interferes with their empiric status, and achievements so far, and are trying to prevent others who can move ahead, from rising above them to the next levels or densities.

edit on 31-5-2015 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: Hannes28

Yeah, I had a bad feeling about Ashtar Sheran.

Thanks for the much throughout list, I will compare it with some of the data I already have.

Any source so I can investigate further?



posted on May, 31 2015 @ 08:18 AM

originally posted by: Rosinitiate
Wait, come again?

It is a list of extraterrestrial species.

edit on 31-5-2015 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 08:19 AM

originally posted by: swanne
a reply to: Hannes28

Yeah, I had a bad feeling about Ashtar Sheran.

Thanks for the much throughout list, I will compare it with some of the data I already have.

Any source so I can investigate further?



Care to link your data? What's the story on the jellyfish?

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: swanne

originally posted by: Rosinitiate
Wait, come again?

It is a list of extraterrestrial species.

I understood that, where does this info come from. I haven't heard of evil angel jellyfish before.

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 08:25 AM
Holy crap.
I read some of this thread.
I am going to try to not retain any of it in my memory.

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: Rosinitiate

Me neither. Fascinating, isn't it? That is why I asked OP for a source, I need to dig deeper.

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: swanne

Or just a load of made up bs

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 08:29 AM
Also when talking about Lyra, this is to me akin to talking about a work station that a group of souls was involved for lessons, and its the one I remember. It doesnt mean other times weren't spent in other groups, other work stations. Infinity is a very long "time" and most people have been at this for a long time, at many different and varied work stations. And not all of them stayed in the cosmos, some probably graduated the levels and came back to help. Some are past the duality levels altogether. So my Feline in source friends, may have also had stints on human planets, I sense that in my friend, actually Annanuki human, which would make a kind of cousin to my group.

Humans are very common, as are hybrid blends. But also reptilian, insectoid, cat, dolphin, whale, even plant dna is utlized in various cases. Some are big ford trucks, mean to intimidate. As if entities or people can don the macho male godzilla look to intimidate a system, so sometimes its not even real, their forms aren't even real. They're just using technology to intimidate, and they could be either very wasted and diminished forms, like in Doctor Who, the darliks within the suits, or they could be any number of types of hybrids, or even, which I assume to be the case, the dead, or demonic forces, ie failed death stars, gravity stars, the ones left behind that didn't graduate and pass their tests, may be working technologies to try and remake the lower levels of the universe their dog eat dog way because they're upset that their principles didn't get them to graduate. And so want to force their principals of survival of the fittest, pryamid systems of slavery, elites are superior and have a natural right to rule.

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 08:35 AM

originally posted by: TheBlackDog

Or just a load of made up bs

Maybe. And maybe not.

Do you know for sure?

The fun thing about having a brain is, you can entertain several possibilities at once. It's called, "investigation".

But of course, that very notion may seem quite esoteric to minds who are accustomed to always think inside a box.

edit on 31-5-2015 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: Rosinitiate

I have updated that part

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 09:16 AM
a reply to: swanne

You can check on Cthulhu Mythos and Lovecraft

Other data I received through interactions with them, from others at different densities, traveling the densities and clairvoyance and clairaudience
I confirmed the information through relativity, puzzling and resonation.

The reason why what they can do here is limited is because this planet is under a reality grid by Ubbo-Sathla which also proginated the earth's dreamlands

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: swanne

Well 30+ years of investigation into this subject has lead me to believe stories like this are just fantasy.
Thinking outside the box is one thing , losing touch with reality is entirely different.
We don't even have proof that alien life exists yet some people claim to know all the different species visiting earth? Yet there's not a shred of evidence to prove it.
Sorry but this all reads like some bad Sci fi made up by people that want to feel special and above everyone else when they really don't have a clue.

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: Hannes28

Pictures would have been nice.

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 09:28 AM

originally posted by: Hannes28
a reply to: Rosinitiate

I have updated that part

Thanks but still utterly lost. It would take quite a leap on my part for me to even pretend to follow along. It does however remind me of another ATS members discussion on "trickster gods" so I sent him a U2U with your thread.

Edit to add: wait! I think I get it. When I had a couple OOB experiences I felt like I was moving through a sea of viscous material. Traveling in such matter would be far easier as a jellyfish. Interesting.
edit on 31-5-2015 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: TheBlackDog
a reply to: swanne

Well 30+ years of investigation into this subject has lead me to believe stories like this are just fantasy.

The H.P. Lovecraft reference saved me 30+ years of research.

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: Hannes28

First off, I don't believe you were supposed to post per the rules for joining.
And you might want to simply delete that piece, it has absolutely no value except to provide a reflection.

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: Aliensun
a reply to: Hannes28

First off, I don't believe you were supposed to post per the rules for joining.
And you might want to simply delete that piece, it has absolutely no value except to provide a reflection.

Is he your brother?

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