posted on May, 30 2015 @ 08:51 PM
Yeah it's lens flare. You can even see the second one start to form as the video conveniently ends. Man, I've been seeing this exact kind of thing for
ten years. Ever since Nancy failed to deliver back in the early 2000s with the excuse along the lines of "I got the translation wrong" or something,
people have been posting all kinds of things about how Planet X is out there RIGHT NOW! The thing has been apparently hovering in our skies for ten
years, going no where fast, with picture after picture of a red planet with moons or no moons near the sun in x part of the world where it can only
been seen there! And every government is in cahoots, hiding it from us.
Lol. I'm sorry I'm not trying to ridicule anyone for this, but...ten years I've been seeing this very claim. Somebody posts an edited video of what
they want you to see, or a photoshop picture or lens flare picture with moons attached. 12 years or longer since everyone figured out once and for all
Nancy was full of it, with only a single promise left for her to give her diehard believers "don't worry, planet X is still coming...someday! I might
have been off by a decade or so"
In those days I didn't believe any of the planet X business, but I kept my eye on things because I didn't like any of the doomsday talk and what would
happen in the event a rogue planet was to suddenly fly by us. The aliens and mining gold was so lol to me and still is. When the day came and passed,
all I saw out of Nancy was some serious PR for days. She caused real harm to people back then with the things she told them to do in preparing for PX.
Why it's myth continues to survive to this day boggles my mind, aside from the monetary gains out of gullible people, of course.
To this day the zetatalk website is exactly the same in design, with pictures dating back to 2003 and as recent as 2015 last month showing the
supposed Planet X with it's moons behind it in fast pursuit. /sigh I know because I just checked. First time since 2003... so for 12 years planet X
has been up there, staring us down. Daring us to look at it wrong at which point it will fire it's engines and come and end us. The zeta will take our
gold and leave. Great.