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Firefighters run their hose through ‘illegally’ parked car

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posted on Jun, 1 2015 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Here it is usually the police who are first on the scene as they are already patrolling, and from every fire I've ever seen nobody gets in the way of the brigade, traffic stops naturally, and I can't imagine anyone even thinking of driving over hoses or whatever.
I guess there are some idiots who do but it's something I've never heard of happening, and every search on Google for such a thing once again results in only US incidents.
Must be a cultural thing.

posted on Jun, 1 2015 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: grainofsand

I have never seen it happen personally and my brother-in-law only had it occur once so I do not think it is a systemic issue, just some random jackass who is not thinking.

posted on Jun, 1 2015 @ 10:39 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus
just some random jackass who is not thinking.
Yep, every country has them.
We get prick youths throwing stones and bottles at firefighters in some of the less desirable areas of the UK. That always disappoints me because I grew up in a rough poor city estate and we wouldn't dream of attacking the fire brigade, or ambulance. That is a sad reflection of change in the generations, it does disappoint me.

posted on Jun, 1 2015 @ 10:41 AM

originally posted by: grainofsand
Yep, every country has them.
We get prick youths throwing stones and bottles at firefighters in some of the less desirable areas of the UK. That always disappoints me because I grew up in a rough poor city estate and we wouldn't dream of attacking the fire brigade, or ambulance. That is a sad reflection of change in the generations, it does disappoint me.

Perhaps you saw the animal in Baltimore who used a knife to puncture one of the hoses the firefighters were using to combat a blaze in the neighborhood near where the Freddie Gray incident took place.

posted on Jun, 1 2015 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Yep, mindless.
Certainly in my generation the fire brigade and paramedics were always sacrosanct, even if it was all violently kicking off in the crowd/police situation. From mini-riots I found myself in to football/soccer violence, nobody touched them in the rough 80's Britain poor concrete estate I grew up in.
Times have sadly changed.

posted on Jun, 1 2015 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

I still think that it was something they did out of spite and should have done things different. Ya I know, it would tick me off big time, someone parking like that, but being a public servant means acting like it and not abusing your power. I do understand the frustration though.

posted on Jun, 1 2015 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: grainofsand
a reply to: someoneinnewengland

Sorry, I don't buy it.
When it appears to be a solely American thing it can only be because you have a unique system of hoses and hydrants which no other countries in the world use, or you have more dick firefighters than the rest of the world.
Again, just one news story link from anywhere else other than the US where this smashing of car windows happens. Just one?
I've searched for far too long since yesterday and it certainly seems to be 'only in America' so I remain wondering why that is.

You know something you clearly have not considered as you have taken all of this time to troll this board? THE DIFFERENT WEATHER WE DEAL WITH IN THE U.S. Have you ever stopped to think that in MANY locations here your system would not work because of the snow and ice and salt issues? That ever occur to you while you have been slapping yourself on the back about how awesome your system is and how stupid ours is? You ever stop to consider that maybe, just maybe there is some reason for our system other than "Everyone in America is a moron"? Yeesh. . .

posted on Jun, 1 2015 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: jaffo

I can't even find stories online of any Northern European nations fire services smashing car windows because their hose/hydrant system cannot negotiate obstacles. You know, places with weather as found in Winter USA, Russia included, never mind the UK. It seems a curiously US thing.
Perhaps you are aware of other countries which are forced to smash windows of cars to feed their hose through?

I can't find a single story online from anywhere outside of the US.


"Everyone in America is a moron"?
Those words are solely your invention, not mine. I wonder who is really trolling here?
edit on 1.6.2015 by grainofsand because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2015 @ 01:31 PM

originally posted by: grainofsand
a reply to: jaffo

I can't even find stories online of any Northern European nations fire services smashing car windows because their hose/hydrant system cannot negotiate obstacles. You know, places with weather as found in Winter USA, Russia included, never mind the UK. It seems a curiously US thing.
Perhaps you are aware of other countries which are forced to smash windows of cars to feed their hose through?

I can't find a single story online from anywhere outside of the US.


"Everyone in America is a moron"?
Those words are solely your invention, not mine. I wonder who is really trolling here?

Oh stop it, you've been trolling this board with your backhanded nonsense since the story was posted. If we all just admit that your system is clearly superior, can everyone else just have a laugh at the story as was clearly originally intended? Would that do it for you?

posted on Jun, 1 2015 @ 01:37 PM

originally posted by: jaffo

originally posted by: grainofsand
a reply to: jaffo

I can't even find stories online of any Northern European nations fire services smashing car windows because their hose/hydrant system cannot negotiate obstacles. You know, places with weather as found in Winter USA, Russia included, never mind the UK. It seems a curiously US thing.
Perhaps you are aware of other countries which are forced to smash windows of cars to feed their hose through?

I can't find a single story online from anywhere outside of the US.


"Everyone in America is a moron"?
Those words are solely your invention, not mine. I wonder who is really trolling here?

Oh stop it, you've been trolling this board with your backhanded nonsense since the story was posted. If we all just admit that your system is clearly superior, can everyone else just have a laugh at the story as was clearly originally intended? Would that do it for you?
Why should I stop? Because you disagree with my observation that I can find no examples anywhere outside of the US where firefighters break car windows if they are parked near hydrants?
Forget the UK, this is not a UK/US pissing match, just find me a news story from anywhere else in the world where this happens. I can't find any.

Surely that raises legitimate questions? Or are you that sensitive it gets you a little emotional?
Find a couple of news stories from countries with similar climates/whatever, just one, and I'll concede.
Unless of course the US has a totally unique system of hoses and hydrants compared to the other 195 countries on Earth?

posted on Jun, 1 2015 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: Bovah2

Working with hydrants and actually USING them in the event of a fire are two totally different things. The hydrant will still flow, yes, but the friction loss caused by the kinks in that supply line would render the hydrants practically useless.

The person parked illegally. Period. Lives and homes were potentially at risk. So what if the firefighters were making a statement? People who know nothing about what we do other than what they see on TV or assume are so quick to judge our tactics when things don't go perfectly. I've got news for you: it NEVER goes according to plan, but we make it work anyway. There are signs, designated no-parking areas, etc... but people still think it's okay to block the hydrants. That's endangering others and as far as I'm concerned, the owner of that vehicle is lucky it wasn't impounded or worse.

Rules exist for a reason in our society and when you violate them, you pay a price. When it comes to public safety, there should be be no leeway.

posted on Jun, 1 2015 @ 02:18 PM

originally posted by: sqd5driver
So what if the firefighters were making a statement?
Ah, so it is possibility then?
I think such action is a big deal. Public servants are subject to the same laws as anyone else.
It is not the responsibility or remit of firefighters to exact justice by property damage.

If smashing the windows is required to access the hydrant then yep, fair enough, but acting as street judges, no not so much.

...I still find it strange that this only seems to happen in the US, must be the unique system of hoses and hydrants which cause difficulties negotiating obstacles such as nearby parked cars.
Obviously now I see the consensus of opinion is that US firefighters are never just being dicks acting outside of their remit, but it is curious I can't find a single similar story from a country other than the US.

posted on Jun, 1 2015 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: grainofsand

originally posted by: sqd5driver
So what if the firefighters were making a statement?
Ah, so it is possibility then?
I think such action is a big deal. Public servants are subject to the same laws as anyone else.
It is not the responsibility or remit of firefighters to exact justice by property damage.

If smashing the windows is required to access the hydrant then yep, fair enough, but acting as street judges, no not so much.

...I still find it strange that this only seems to happen in the US, must be the unique system of hoses and hydrants which cause difficulties negotiating obstacles such as nearby parked cars.
Obviously now I see the consensus of opinion is that US firefighters are never just being dicks acting outside of their remit, but it is curious I can't find a single similar story from a country other than the US.

The system is not unique and you are still clearly trolling. Several northern European States use the exact same system. A simple Google search confirms this.

posted on Jun, 1 2015 @ 02:50 PM

originally posted by: grainofsand

originally posted by: jaffo

originally posted by: grainofsand
a reply to: jaffo

I can't even find stories online of any Northern European nations fire services smashing car windows because their hose/hydrant system cannot negotiate obstacles. You know, places with weather as found in Winter USA, Russia included, never mind the UK. It seems a curiously US thing.
Perhaps you are aware of other countries which are forced to smash windows of cars to feed their hose through?

I can't find a single story online from anywhere outside of the US.


"Everyone in America is a moron"?
Those words are solely your invention, not mine. I wonder who is really trolling here?

Oh stop it, you've been trolling this board with your backhanded nonsense since the story was posted. If we all just admit that your system is clearly superior, can everyone else just have a laugh at the story as was clearly originally intended? Would that do it for you?
Why should I stop? Because you disagree with my observation that I can find no examples anywhere outside of the US where firefighters break car windows if they are parked near hydrants?
Forget the UK, this is not a UK/US pissing match, just find me a news story from anywhere else in the world where this happens. I can't find any.

Surely that raises legitimate questions? Or are you that sensitive it gets you a little emotional?
Find a couple of news stories from countries with similar climates/whatever, just one, and I'll concede.
Unless of course the US has a totally unique system of hoses and hydrants compared to the other 195 countries on Earth?

Stop it. You are utterly full of it.
Here is a fire hydrant in Norway:
And here they are in Finland: Q
And in France: Q#tbm=isch&q=fire+hydrant+%2B+france
And in Germany: Q#tbm=isch&q=fire+hydrant+%2B+germany

We done here? You trolled enough to feel better about yourself yet?

posted on Jun, 1 2015 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: grainofsand

your fire hoses might be underground.... but your laws and justice system is sheet..

so you lose either way
edit on 1-6-2015 by noxxen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2015 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: jaffo

originally posted by: grainofsand

originally posted by: sqd5driver
So what if the firefighters were making a statement?
Ah, so it is possibility then?
I think such action is a big deal. Public servants are subject to the same laws as anyone else.
It is not the responsibility or remit of firefighters to exact justice by property damage.

If smashing the windows is required to access the hydrant then yep, fair enough, but acting as street judges, no not so much.

...I still find it strange that this only seems to happen in the US, must be the unique system of hoses and hydrants which cause difficulties negotiating obstacles such as nearby parked cars.
Obviously now I see the consensus of opinion is that US firefighters are never just being dicks acting outside of their remit, but it is curious I can't find a single similar story from a country other than the US.

The system is not unique and you are still clearly trolling. Several northern European States use the exact same system. A simple Google search confirms this.
So if that is the case why are the only news reports of firefighters smashing car windows to access the hydrants in the US?
A legitimate question you cry 'troll' at in a rather childlike manner.

edit on 1.6.2015 by grainofsand because: Typo

posted on Jun, 1 2015 @ 03:06 PM

originally posted by: jaffo

originally posted by: grainofsand

originally posted by: jaffo

originally posted by: grainofsand
a reply to: jaffo

I can't even find stories online of any Northern European nations fire services smashing car windows because their hose/hydrant system cannot negotiate obstacles. You know, places with weather as found in Winter USA, Russia included, never mind the UK. It seems a curiously US thing.
Perhaps you are aware of other countries which are forced to smash windows of cars to feed their hose through?

I can't find a single story online from anywhere outside of the US.


"Everyone in America is a moron"?
Those words are solely your invention, not mine. I wonder who is really trolling here?

Oh stop it, you've been trolling this board with your backhanded nonsense since the story was posted. If we all just admit that your system is clearly superior, can everyone else just have a laugh at the story as was clearly originally intended? Would that do it for you?
Why should I stop? Because you disagree with my observation that I can find no examples anywhere outside of the US where firefighters break car windows if they are parked near hydrants?
Forget the UK, this is not a UK/US pissing match, just find me a news story from anywhere else in the world where this happens. I can't find any.

Surely that raises legitimate questions? Or are you that sensitive it gets you a little emotional?
Find a couple of news stories from countries with similar climates/whatever, just one, and I'll concede.
Unless of course the US has a totally unique system of hoses and hydrants compared to the other 195 countries on Earth?

Stop it. You are utterly full of it.
Here is a fire hydrant in Norway:
And here they are in Finland: Q
And in France: Q#tbm=isch&q=fire+hydrant+%2B+france
And in Germany: Q#tbm=isch&q=fire+hydrant+%2B+germany

We done here? You trolled enough to feel better about yourself yet?
What does any of that prove exactly?
My question is why firefighters in the US appear to be the only ones who feel the need to smash car windows if they are parked near hydrants? No other country seems to do it.
As I said, find me a story from another country and I shall concede, but crying 'troll' like a child is not really very mature discussion.

Come on, as you've shown that other countries use a similar system of hoses and hydrants why is it only US firefighters who smash car windows for being illegally parked?
Street justice? Punishment? Feelings of authority?
...or do they really need to do it? Strange how yours are the only ones yet you all seem in denial about it.

posted on Jun, 1 2015 @ 03:07 PM

originally posted by: grainofsand

originally posted by: jaffo

originally posted by: grainofsand

originally posted by: jaffo

originally posted by: grainofsand
a reply to: jaffo

I can't even find stories online of any Northern European nations fire services smashing car windows because their hose/hydrant system cannot negotiate obstacles. You know, places with weather as found in Winter USA, Russia included, never mind the UK. It seems a curiously US thing.
Perhaps you are aware of other countries which are forced to smash windows of cars to feed their hose through?

I can't find a single story online from anywhere outside of the US.


"Everyone in America is a moron"?
Those words are solely your invention, not mine. I wonder who is really trolling here?

Oh stop it, you've been trolling this board with your backhanded nonsense since the story was posted. If we all just admit that your system is clearly superior, can everyone else just have a laugh at the story as was clearly originally intended? Would that do it for you?
Why should I stop? Because you disagree with my observation that I can find no examples anywhere outside of the US where firefighters break car windows if they are parked near hydrants?
Forget the UK, this is not a UK/US pissing match, just find me a news story from anywhere else in the world where this happens. I can't find any.

Surely that raises legitimate questions? Or are you that sensitive it gets you a little emotional?
Find a couple of news stories from countries with similar climates/whatever, just one, and I'll concede.
Unless of course the US has a totally unique system of hoses and hydrants compared to the other 195 countries on Earth?

Stop it. You are utterly full of it.
Here is a fire hydrant in Norway:
And here they are in Finland: Q
And in France: Q#tbm=isch&q=fire+hydrant+%2B+france
And in Germany: Q#tbm=isch&q=fire+hydrant+%2B+germany

We done here? You trolled enough to feel better about yourself yet?
What does any of that prove exactly?
My question is why firefighters in the US appear to be the only ones who feel the need to smash car windows if they are parked near hydrants? No other country seems to do it.
As I said, find me a story from another country and I shall concede, but crying 'troll' like a child is not really very mature discussion.

Come on, as you've shown that other countries use a similar system of hoses and hydrants why is it only US firefighters who smash car windows for being illegally parked?
Street justice? Punishment? Feelings of authority?
...or do they really need to do it? Strange how yours are the only ones yet you all seem in denial about it.

You are moving the goalposts. Over and over again you have assailed the U.S. for its "unique system" when it comes to hydrants. The system is not unique. You've been exposed so quit wasting everyone's time and go away.

posted on Jun, 1 2015 @ 03:07 PM

originally posted by: grainofsand

So if that is the case why are the only news reports of firefighters smashing car windows to access the hydrants in the US?

Here is one from Australia:

edit on 1-6-2015 by AugustusMasonicus because: networkdude has no beer

posted on Jun, 1 2015 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: noxxen
a reply to: grainofsand

your fire hoses might be underground.... but your laws and justice system is sheet..

so you lose either way
Oh really?
Our laws prevent our firefighters damaging property unless there is a need or requirement for them to do so.
Your laws appear to be ignored so firefighters are 'allowed' to exact street justice for illegal parking when there was no real operational need other than punishment for illegally parking.
Hmm, and so many folk here seem to think that is fine.

Again, find me a single news story of firefighters breaking car windows because they were parked 'in the way' from any other country.
Then ask yourself why you can't.

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