posted on May, 29 2015 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to:
Terrible thing that happened but I'm gonna throw in a different perspective.
The police are often victims of the information they are given. They rely on the operator to prioritise the information accordingly, so the police can
take the correct course of action. From the article, I will assume, that the key words that would have been passed on is "suicidal, alcoholic and
armed with a knife and distressed wife concerned for his/her safety". We must remember that most spouses will assume their partners will do no harm to
em, with the police system knowing fine well this is not the case through experience.
These key indicators might activate an "assault rifle protocol" in which the police force acted in accordance with training.
However I completely disagree with the decision and outcome of what took place. If they knew the person in question personally, and we're able to
take into account all variables based on a wealth of correct information then they may very well of just brought a negotiator. But they didn't have
those tools, thus this tragedy took place.
They should be held accountable and have the full force of the justice system bestowed upon them.
Sorry to be the voice of reason but in these types of threads people do tend to get Emotional ally involved based on a snippet of information. I am
merely highlighting the difficulties associated with communication within the police and I'm sure any police officer would find reason in my post