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We are being played

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posted on May, 29 2015 @ 01:25 PM

originally posted by: and14263
a reply to: payta

They can do what they want.

Not one of us on here has the balls to stand up and do something - don't care what anyone says - if you had the balls you wouldn't be on here typing away.

If we did have the balls then we don't or will never have the means to do something.

We were beaten centuries ago.

We need a leader. Where's JC?

posted on May, 29 2015 @ 02:17 PM

originally posted by: TrappedPrincess
Ok now that I've had time to LOL at your comment (thanks to the well timed server transfer write-lok). I must say sir that you are full of sweeping generalizations and bold assumptions. Especially in regards to my active or otherwise efforts in political or legislative change for the better.

If I were in some way contributing in a big way I certainly would not share it here with you...a forum troll.

t reply to: JUhrman

Thank you fir this. Exactly, he has been making assumptions right from the OP.
Pointing out the blatant display by those in power was the purpose of my thread. The way they seem to treat us as if we were fools, and no longer care in hiding their deeds and intentions. I do believe there's a secret agenda being push by those in power. But I've never said they are the source of all evil, and that all of our problems as humans would go away simply by removing these groups from power.
There are certain matters that are bigger than the secret groups and societies that run this world as we know it today. Many have nothing to do with them, but with our own nature, and those things will have to be sorted out as humanity keeps walking the path of history. War, hatred, greed, intolerance, all of this things have nothing to do with the current state of affairs, they have always been there, since the dawn of men.
So I'm not pointing out the Illuminatti or whatever you's like to call them, as the source of all evil, and the only thing preventing humanity from a state of compete happiness and wellbeing.

That said, I believe you are being completely naive and innocent, if you think the people who have the most power, are just like you and me, simple people that go to walmart on sundays, and go out on saturdays with friends. They are not, their existence is competely different from ours. Is like comparing the way a king and a peasant experience life. There is nothing similar between their ways of existence, therefore their way of thinking will be completely different. The way one thinks life, is determined by the way one experiences it.
Those in power, will form groups to help maintain their power, and enhance it. That's what the Illuminatti is, and they are out there. They run things. It's common sense really, if you could run the world the way you wanted, if you could control millions of people's life, would you do it? Do you think these people would turn that chance away. It's a real possibility for them, not just a fantasy.

Go ahead, march against Monsanto, it's pointless, it really is. The problem is not Monsanto or any other enterprise, is what's behind them. You can march all you want, hey maybe you even get monsanto to go into bankrruptcy, but GMO will not go away, another company will take its place. You can get Obama off the presidency, but another one wil take his place, and he will be working for the same goal than those before him. He will be pushing the same agenda.

posted on May, 29 2015 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: MimiSia

add on: given talking to ARTISTPOET assuming he is not kidding I will also add here
from chatting elsewhere what i understand ARTISTPOET is talking about is a group of recognised 6000 members (where yourself can become a member) who share this enlightenment or something along those lines

ARTISTPOET - please add if you wish

No I am not "kidding" Re: Illuminati ... I have never stated the organisation has 6,000 members but it is true that any adult can apply to join at a "Citizen" level.

The term "New World Order" is not an organisation ... it is a term ... as opposed to the "Old World Order" which consists of those who for millennia have sought and held power over the rest of Humanity for their own gain and glory and at Humanity's expense ... The New World Order has yet to come to fruition

edit on 29-5-2015 by artistpoet because: Typo

posted on May, 29 2015 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: JUhrman

Like the recent website "" which proposes you to join their rank by buying a vacuous pamphlet and a necklace, and to rate the book highly on amazon and social medias to be accepted as a member.

Please speak truthfully ... No one is required to do any of the above which you have erroneously mentioned ...
The only request is that one is loyal ...... no more no less
edit on 29-5-2015 by artistpoet because: Typo

posted on May, 29 2015 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: artistpoet

thank you that..

can you state the purpose of the group?

posted on May, 29 2015 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: MimiSia

can you state the purpose of the group?

In short ...
To bring about an age of enlightenment

posted on May, 29 2015 @ 07:35 PM

originally posted by: JUhrman
a reply to: TrappedPrincess

And I want you to realize there is a whole world outside the US where all this is not in application, where unions and marches and boycotts are powerful tools.

I wasn't aware this thread was about the US only

Oh yeah, you are totally right. I'm well aware of the power of marches and demonstrations in Venezuela, or Eritrea, Myanmar, Syria, Russia.
There's a world outside of Europe too. And demonstration are meaningless, education is controlled and people is kept in poverty to be more easily controlled. Mexico is not a third world country, neither it is Argentina, how much freedom of thought do you think people have in this places in order to stand up and fight for their rights. They don't even know what rights they have.
Where I live, most people have no chance -sorry, no time to march, they have to work everyday in order to sustain their families cause of meager salaries.
Do you think demonstrations are a powerful tool in 3rd world countries? Which is pretty much the whole world except for Europe, America, and a couple of other countries.

So yeah sure, outside of the US demonstrations are a very powerful tool...

posted on May, 29 2015 @ 07:40 PM
a reply to: Elementalist

It's all magic and is stacking events 1, 2, 3 all recently, that point to the same thing, aquaman, gods of old, he was based on poisedon. And 9/11 was buried into those events, in fact, its like stacking 10 different elements. Then anthrax mailed out just like 9/11. Then Hoover's dam with a projection on it, and I didn't even research that photo to find out if it was really projected and on the news or a altered shot. But somebody wanted hoover dam and 9/11. Poisedon and 9/11 message yet again. Its all magic like I said and some way of shoving it into the faces of the aware and trying to shove karma on people, for their own soddy trips.

What i see planned in this is: some kind of disasters with water, possibly earthquakes as poisedon has also to do with earthquakes on the wiki. Some events that then may trigger into reshaping the new world order with civil unrest, possibly even some terroristic events. Squashing America and Freedom.

I hope I'm wrong, however, to me the more people see the kind of allignment of many different aspects of their spell casting, and see through them, maybe it would force them to drop their bad agendas.

By the way the Texas storms seem to focus on the borders of Texas in a most unusual way....

edit to add: the re-echoing of the 9/11 meme is to open new wounds and to open a direction from where the possible civil unrest may come, ie disaster, take out the stronger parts of the US, ie Texas is in major opposition. Think Oregon is doing good too. So more could be planned, and possibly isil or some type of civil unrest that is tied into our perceptions of 9/11.

I call the whole thing a spell. And people should be 1. doing their best to treat everythign as a false flag, or their doing.
2. not react and go into that civil unrest mode they want.
3. find safety if things get rough but also sane minds, see them clearly, hand their karma back 100% to them where it belongs, and help those around you always. don't be selfish in any event.

I don't believe they get to win.

That rainbow thing, it was repulsive considering Obama and Hilary and Isil and all the murders of innocents and children.

But it also ties into Poisedon, god of flood. Noah's ark.

edit on 29-5-2015 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2015 @ 02:27 AM
a reply to: payta



posted on May, 30 2015 @ 02:59 AM

edit on 30-5-2015 by MimiSia because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2015 @ 03:02 AM
a reply to: JUhrman

I really don't think u are saying something completely contradicting to everyone else here

U are correct in so many ways.. Actually almost everything you said

What I dislike is that jumping in and saying how everyone here is small minded
What is small minded is ranting like that... Without having zero intention for two way discussion
It is someone's opinion it is your opinion no one can Change it. I am not trying it to change it but what is the point of yapping if there is no dialog

Same goes for the people replying to you

the hostility here is ?! aweful
edit on 30-5-2015 by MimiSia because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2015 @ 03:46 AM
Regarding civil unrest and protest

Those in power did not gain their positions through being nice ... though they will appear to be nice if it serves them.
To gain such power one has to be totally ruthless or conspire and usually both
Such one's who head nations and organisations will not allow the unwashed masses to take their power from them.

Yet those in power are afraid ... afraid of being revealed for who they truly are ... afraid of losing their power which is but a form of mind control.

People react and regret later ... Those who wish to tear down this status quo by violence will be met with even more violence ...

Protest and the freedom to disagree are inherent ... Mass peaceful protest and refusal to submit to that which is unjust is a good thing however ... It forces the hand of power to change tack to appease the sway of public opinion.

But emotion rules Humanity ... emotion can be manipulated and is.
One has only to be completely honest with oneself to know this ...

Demand the truth of oneself first and you will never be manipulated again

posted on May, 30 2015 @ 03:55 AM
a reply to: artistpoet


posted on May, 30 2015 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: Hefficide

I like it here in the wilderness, it's like the intellectual Wild West. More space for thought.
Eventually our population will reach a critical mass, probably around the same time that the government starts cracking down on dissent. They've been building the necessary infrastructure for 14 years now and has probably been making plans for several decades longer. Brzezinski's book the Technotronic Era comes to mind.

Get the minorities out on the streets, provoke them, kill them. Same old formula of creating problems and inventing convenient solutions. Get the patriots and the so called domestic terrorists riled up. Divide and conquer.
Will whites and blacks stand together or fall together?

Bye bye middle class, bye bye freedom, bye bye to any notion of a calm future.
The USA will have its dark night of the soul, but in that there is also hope.

posted on May, 30 2015 @ 03:29 PM

originally posted by: artistpoet
Yet those in power are afraid ... afraid of being revealed for who they truly are ... afraid of losing their power which is but a form of mind control.

Look at a bill, seems to me they don't care anymore, they are writing their name on our money. They make films to be showcased to us.
This is my point, it seems they don't mind showing themselves to us. Looks like they are confident enough as to do so, as if they lost their fear, one could say tey are being reckless, but probably not they are certain people will never rise up against them.

posted on May, 30 2015 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: payta

Just to clarify ... The symbols of the Illuminati have been hijacked historically and many misrepresentations are put out in ignorance or intentionally

The Illuminati do not believe in many things they have been accused of.
In fact they stand opposed to many things and actively work to undermine efforts of Eugenicists and other anti Human groups.

War and poverty are the enemy of the Illuminati in reality ... the Human Race is one species ... one family

posted on May, 30 2015 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: payta

just want to make sure I understand you

when you say them who do you mean?

posted on May, 30 2015 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: artistpoet

I will stand by one thing

no human can decide what is good for humanity

picturing natural ecosystem

If you always artificially intervene you will only end up with temporary solution
and ultimately end up out of balance again
problem is that the ecosystem is actually worse off then before

but if everybody in ur group thinks similar to you it is all good

edit on 30-5-2015 by MimiSia because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-5-2015 by MimiSia because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 05:48 AM
a reply to: MimiSia

picturing natural ecosystem

If you always artificially intervene you will only end up with temporary solution
and ultimately end up out of balance again
problem is that the ecosystem is actually worse off then before

but if everybody in ur group thinks similar to you it is all goo

Human Beings are connected to the Earth ... The body is made of the same substances of the Earth
... and so made to inter act with the Earth ...
If through neglect a gardener allows their garden to be over run with weeds ... They must weed their garden if they want their crop to grow well ...

My point is ... That the Earth has been neglected and abused ... it is up to Humans to rectify what they have caused through their past actions.
The Earth is not a supermarket where one can just take and take without consequences.

Oil and gas amongst other things are seen as a commodity ... Yet what is not understood is that they serve another purpose as part of the function / purpose of the Earth and Solar system.

In ignorance radio active material is taken from within the Earth and used as a form of powering homes and industry.
Such things are safe when within the Earth but highly dangerous in the way Humans now use it.

There are answers to all that ails Humanity ... but Humanity has to be prepared to accept the way IT has been before new ideas can be presented and so put into use.

The Illuminati as well as others do have answers that are in accord/harmony with Universal Law
But until Humanity is ready such ideas are withheld for Humanity's own safety

Much like how Leonardo Da Vinci hid designs for an underwater vessel ... knowing the mindset of those who would use such things as a weapon of war.

As for how everybody in the Illuminati thinks ... I can only say I speak for myself but share many similar ideas

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 06:49 AM
a reply to: artistpoet

so ur own legacy for this world is what exactly

sorry I don't know how to structure the aboveto make sense or sounding more sincere
it is very intriguing

you don't need to answer either
It's a nice change to just share these type of outlook

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