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Most Violent Large City in California Per Capita

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posted on May, 28 2015 @ 03:26 AM

The City of Oakland is the most violent large city in California per capita and was selected in 2014 as one of five cities to be included in the United States Department of Justice's (DOJ) Violence Reduction Network (VRN).

Partnering VRN cities are selected to receive enhanced support from the federal government to tackle persistent challenges caused by violent crime.

According to the FBI, Oakland's current sworn staffing level (722 officers at the time of this writing, which equates to approximately 17 officers per 10,000 people) is the lowest number of officers per 10,000 people for any major city in the United States with similar crime rates (seeTable 1 below).

By contrast, San Francisco has approximately 30 officers per 10,000 people, yet less than a third of the violent incident crime than Oakland.

Oakland PDF Report:
FBI-OPD (Oakland Police Dept) Joint Workspace

FBI-OPD (Oakland Police Dept) Joint Workspace


Oakland is one of the most ethnically diverse major cities in the country.[75][76]

Oakland was ranked the 4th most diverse city in America, with an overall diversity score of 91.4.[77]

The city's formerly most populous ethnic group, whites, declined from 95.3% in 1940 to 32.5% by 1990.

Since the 1960s, Oakland has been known as a center of Northern California's African-American community.

However, between 2000 and 2010 Oakland lost nearly one-fourth of its black population.[78]

Wikipedia's Oakland, California - Shifting of Cultures


Did These 10 FBI Agents Volunteer For This ???

( or wished to walk in the shadows of ... elliot ness )

edit on 28-5-2015 by FarleyWayne because: (no reason given)

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edit on Thu May 28 2015 by DontTreadOnMe because: shortened two overly long quotes

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 05:33 AM
a reply to: FarleyWayne

As goes Oakland, so goes all major metro areas.

If your not in one and are smart enough to avoid going there....what does it matter?

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 07:24 AM
I find it rather worrying and sick that the black communities in Oakland seem to be surrounded by fences of various kinds.

Inverted gated communities. Easier for police to round up, corner and catch criminals.

Isn't this the case?

Destroy the family, distribute crack, glorify the gangster lifestyle with popular culture and then build fences around the communities. *sigh*

Did I miss anything?

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 09:58 AM

originally posted by: TheLaughingGod
I find it rather worrying and sick that the black communities in Oakland seem to be surrounded by fences of various kinds.

Inverted gated communities. Easier for police to round up, corner and catch criminals.

Isn't this the case?

Destroy the family, distribute crack, glorify the gangster lifestyle with popular culture and then build fences around the communities. *sigh*

Did I miss anything?

Stop making excuses for their behavior. Lot's of white people listen to that crap music also. Lot's of white people also have no fathers, yet they are not running around committing the mass amounts of violent crime like they are.

edit on 28-5-2015 by ItalianDressing because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: FarleyWayne

I've heard starting pay to be a LEO down there is over $200k. Your life expectancy also falls through the floor.

A buddy of mine was there last summer. He went to a 7-Eleven and guys with AK's were out front. They even opened the door for him. If that wasn't strange enough, there were cops parked across the street "monitoring" the store...smh.

Sometimes I think about going down there and attempting to catch such a scene on video, but then I think..."No thanks, I choose life."


posted on May, 28 2015 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: FarleyWayne

Why should this be surprising? In economically depressed communities, per capita crime is significantly higher and per capita tax revenue is significantly lower than in other communities.

Another thing that seems pretty obvious is that former manufacturing hubs that have been decimated by the decline in manufacturing jobs since the mid-70's are the worst off. During the early to mid 20th century, waves of black folks relocated from the deep south to work in factories and for decades, there was steady progress toward wage parity. Manufacturing jobs peaked in the mid-70's and the American middle class has been in decline ever since but black folks were disproportionately affected. This led to there being a lot of jobless people with no means (or reason) to relocate.

Examples are all around us: Oakland, Detroit and Camden, NJ to name a few.

Unfortunately, the people with the political power in this country are either ignorant of history, stupid, unconcerned or some combination there of. What we're left with is race based identity politics. Blame welfare, blame black culture, blame rap music, blame the "victim mentality," blame the "entitlement mentality," blame whitey, blame teachers, blame whatever or whoever — it's all about pointing a finger and not dealing with the actual issue — the answer is more decent paying jobs.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like the people running the show have any idea how to really encourage the creation of decent paying jobs so they just push BS. Cut taxes! Subsidize! Educate! Dismantle unions! Dismantle the EPA!

Lots of people looking for magic bullets while ignoring the reality of the new world we live in and the effects of globalization, wage equalization, computerization, automation and a lot of other words ending in "tion."

Now I've depressed myself.
edit on 2015-5-28 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: FarleyWayne

It is not just Oakland in many cities Blacks are trying to get out of the violence by moving into other neighborhoods.

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: ItalianDressing

Lot's of white people also have no fathers, yet they are not running around committing the mass amounts of violent crime like they are.

Step back with that bigoted statement. This issue is not about race but rather poverty and economic opportunity. the problem is is that violent crimes committed by whites aren't reported on the news as prevalently as it is with black people.

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: DrumStickNinja

A buddy of mine was there last summer. He went to a 7-Eleven and guys with AK's were out front.

so what? if they are law abiding citizens and obviously aren't harming anyone then there is no problems. if anything, them standing there in view of the cops proves that not only where they NOT doing anything wrong but you sir, are feel threatened by armed citizens that are minding their own business.

why is that?

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 02:32 PM

originally posted by: cenpuppie
a reply to: ItalianDressing

Lot's of white people also have no fathers, yet they are not running around committing the mass amounts of violent crime like they are.

Step back with that bigoted statement. This issue is not about race but rather poverty and economic opportunity. the problem is is that violent crimes committed by whites aren't reported on the news as prevalently as it is with black people.

So the FBI lies about their crime stats showing vast majority of both perpetrators and victims of violent crime to be black? Of the 400 or so murders annually in Chicago, less than 10 of the victims are white. Nearly all are black.

The crime and violence in black neighborhoods has nothing to do with racism or even poverty. Black community has always had higher rates of poverty, but they have not always had as high rates of crime so you cannot blame poverty nor can you blame racism. Also, if poverty were solely the cause, you'd expect to see more shoot outs in Appalachia and other poor white areas but you don't.

The most logical and highly correlated change in the black community over the past 50 years is the exponential increase in single parent households during that time period which is a direct result of liberal war on poverty policies that marginalized black men in the home. The government effectively kicked black men out of the home and used financial incentives to reward having children out of wedlock. In the 60s, the out of wedlock birth rate among blacks was only around 23%. It is now pushing 75%.

Basically what we have now are hordes of feral black youths with no successful male guidance to emulate. All they see day in and day out are the hustlers, dope fiends, and other losers who hang out in the hood. I see this EVERYDAY as I drive through the west side of Chicago. Corners with nothing but young black males hanging out doing nothing positive with their lives. You then see the 9 & 10 year olds looking up to the 18 year olds starting the cycle over and over again.
edit on 28-5-2015 by Edumakated because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 02:37 PM

originally posted by: cenpuppie
a reply to: DrumStickNinja

A buddy of mine was there last summer. He went to a 7-Eleven and guys with AK's were out front.

so what? if they are law abiding citizens and obviously aren't harming anyone then there is no problems. if anything, them standing there in view of the cops proves that not only where they NOT doing anything wrong but you sir, are feel threatened by armed citizens that are minding their own business.

why is that?
If there's people with guns standing outside a store, I ain't going in that store. They're not "minding their own business," they're minding EVERYONE'S business, with a gun.
edit on 28-5-2015 by AshOnMyTomatoes because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: cenpuppie

Lol, dude where did I say I felt threatened. I have no issue with open cary when done responsibly. I was telling a story.

I gave a very high cut as well. To further the story, the cashier told him he needed to get out of the area as the two guys at the front were part of a gang defending their territory from a rival gang and tensions had been high.

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 06:31 PM

originally posted by: cenpuppie
a reply to: ItalianDressing

Lot's of white people also have no fathers, yet they are not running around committing the mass amounts of violent crime like they are.

Step back with that bigoted statement. This issue is not about race but rather poverty and economic opportunity. the problem is is that violent crimes committed by whites aren't reported on the news as prevalently as it is with black people.

You are flat out wrong. Read some statistics. Whenever you hear someone say "that is a bad part of town, don't go there" who resides there? The media is out to paint the white man as the evil aggressor. They would LOVE to report about how bad whites are committing violent crime, if it were true. Also, if statistics and how the media treats the "evil" white man aren't enough to prove to you, pick up a police scanner. I have a ham radio license, and my radio also picks up police/ems freqs. It is constantly "black male, black male, black female, black male. This isn't the cops harrassing them, it is people making calls on them. Sure there is traffic on the airwaves where white males come up also, but it is usually for minor stupid stuff.

I have known plenty of awesome decent black male and females in my life, I judge a person by their character and there actions. But the black community and crime, as a whole, the "ghetto" ones, are a huge epidemic.

edit on 28-5-2015 by ItalianDressing because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

Maybe the CIA moving 'crack' in to Black neighborhoods had something to do in the rise of both violence and single parent homes. Maybe the lack of decent jobs had something to do with the rise of desperation which causes crime and violence.

Begun under St. Ronnie's watch. He was terrified of 'nigg**s with guns' and started gun control too. Actually it wasnt' St. Ronnie himself but rather his 'handlers'.

edit on 28-5-2015 by FyreByrd because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

So the FBI lies about their crime stats showing vast majority of both perpetrators and victims of violent crime to be black?


posted on May, 28 2015 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

Are you familiar with what is arguably the first ghetto in America, Five Points?

"At Five Points' "height", only certain areas of London's East End vied with it in the western world for sheer population density, disease, infant and child mortality, unemployment, prostitution, violent crime, and other classic ills of the urban destitute."

Crime rates have ALWAYS been significantly higher among the impoverished in the US and everywhere else for that matter and slums have existed for thousands of years. The sort of social welfare programs you're blaming didn't come into being until the early 1930's.

"The most logical and highly correlated change in the black community over the past 50 years"

Highly correlated to what? Certainly not crime rates.

Notice how the percentages of children born to unwed mothers has been on the rise across the board since the 60's? Meanwhile, we have the arrest rates for kids 10-17 from 1980-2012 which matches up pretty well because a 17 year-old in 1980 was born in 1963 so right about the time of the beginning of the uptick in births to unwed mothers.

The data does not bear out your hypothesis at all.

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 11:53 AM
Most violent city, and they just banned the suspension of black and only black students from Oakland schools regardless of their offense.

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 12:06 PM

originally posted by: cenpuppie
a reply to: ItalianDressing

Lot's of white people also have no fathers, yet they are not running around committing the mass amounts of violent crime like they are.

Step back with that bigoted statement. This issue is not about race but rather poverty and economic opportunity. the problem is is that violent crimes committed by whites aren't reported on the news as prevalently as it is with black people.

You must be high. The media would bend over backwards and take it with no lube to report a crime as a White person, on virtually every mainstream media outlet, Whether it is to appear more neutral or to try and counter negative stereotypes, they would love to. The fact is, White people aren't out killing black delivery boys. White people aren't breaking into rich peoples homes, taking them hostage for a day, demanding a ransom then killing them and burning their houses down, white people aren't robbing liquor stores then attacking cops in their own police car. Whether you like it or not, their is a rebellious culture towards police in the black community, the more you fight the police the 'cooler' you are. And if you get injured in the course of it? SWEET, now you have become a martyr for the black community and you got a nice shot at a sweet settlement.

Not every black person is out to fight the police or slander their name, but it is a huge problem in the black community as a whole.

Makes you wonder how many so-called police brutality cases are really legit.

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: TheLaughingGod
Did I miss anything?

Yup, personal accountability for people that act that way.
I know though , it's always the fault of someone else.

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: opethPA

I know all about victim mentalities, if you've seen me around the boards you would have seen that I'm a staunch opponent and critic of cultural Marxism. I rarely miss an opportunity to point out its inconsistencies and the cognitive dissonance.

I also always believe in full personal responsibility, beyond ordinary circumstances into the realm of metaphysics, i.e. karma.

People with externalized control loci are often drawn to leftist politics, I don't dispute that. But I also don't dispute that blacks have been played just as much as the white man has. The only difference is in what they've had to work with. To me both groups are serfs being dominated and misled. And that is also about personal responsibility and accountability. When the iron curtain falls over the US people in general will have to come to terms with the fact that it is their fault, their failure, their lack of vigilance.

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