posted on May, 27 2015 @ 04:12 PM
The second i read your naturalist BS I stopped wasting my braincells on it, first of all the only thing thats going to cure AIDS and Cancer are
nano-caccoon covered micro-organisms like THC, bee venom, tequila particles cant remember the specific one, private msg for links and remind me what
im linking too, otherwise DDG or google this yourselves its not hard to add, cures cancer on a non direct search, but only when we can control nano
vehicles (Which IS SOON be patient!!!!! This is beyond rocket science!) to bring shells directly to every cancer cell and battle them like the bodies
a war field and replace all the missing broken proteins and cells will we be able to end immune diseases, there is no magical cure in anything, this
is the reality and you have to face that these cures you talk of are mere supresants ONLY. We the brightest minds are 5 or less steps away from having
this lock down and secured, we can even deliver drugs right into the brain now to battle brain tumors, and when we get too it, when its able to
happen, we will be able not only to gene therapy and alter everyones genetics to be entirely immune to disease in general, but battle all future
illness. Its only a few bits of technology remaining, and graphene can already cure cancer but costs about 8000$ for a fraction of a pixel, so if you
wanna spend a googles ammount of money on it, go ahead, the money doesnt exist to even do the treatment with all funds put together. Harsh reality,
but thats it, humanity just needs to wait a bit longer.