Eh ChrisB76728, here's some food for thought.Take this with a grain of salt.
I read over your other thread, and was kind of on the fence when it came to replying. Lately it appears that communications have been kind of hit and
miss around me.
I can see that you have an ability to recognize patterns in a certain way.I can't remember if you stick to a particular method or take a systematic
approach to this.It appears to me to be a little unrefined to say the least, I don't think this is necessarily the challenge, though.
IDK, how much research you have done.You definitely seem passionate about this, I haven't come across many using the face of the clock for example
(like in the other thread).Typically, individuals usually look to different forms of gematria, notarikon, or numerology for insights, when it comes to
this.I have worked with those myself.
They can be productive when it comes to looking at ideas differently.A kind of creative exercise, if you will.From experience, I strongly recommend
not using these tools to examine others at this point.It can interfere with your relationships, inadvertently even. I've found it more fruitful to
learn more about my individual self.
I often figure that the realizing how interconnected the universe is, is largely a matter of awareness.I feel like given an unlimited mind, time
itself is the only barrier to recognizing and linking everything on every level.Individual awareness tends to be dynamic depending on where they are
in their journey.
It can be difficult coming to this kind of awareness, the depth of unity one observes in their lives.I consider it a magnificent glimpse, a chance to
see with new eyes.It's an awe inspiring experience.Please be careful, not to get overwhelmed.
Idk, I often read accounts about others experiences looking at life like this.Reading about it, is not the same as seeing for yourself.It's easy to
get carried away by enthusiasm and forget others have gone there before.If they are able to verbalize it is another story.I'm sorry to hear about the
hardships you have gone through trying to make sense of this.Usually, if an interest appears to begins interfering in one's day to day life, it
becomes a bit of a red flag to loved ones.Try to practice not feeling frustrated with them, it's scary.
People worry when they see someone start to become overwhelmed by their experiences, and they can't understand the logic behind their actions.That's
natural and an invitation to take a closer look at how you are managing.I'm not big on labels, I don't measure someone's ideas and opinions the same
as their actions.
Idk, I still have much learning to do when it comes to schizophrenia.Some of my friends have had this diagnosis, I'm more interested in their way of
looking at things.
In conversation about "other worldly" topics, he had mentioned to me some studies.I'll share the gist of it now, I can dig them up later on.(It's past
my bedtime
)He mentioned having difficulty screening out stimuli constructively.Basically it all got down to one's ability to receive
information.The fine line between integrating these perceptions related to one's capacity to intellectually process it.I reminded him that it's
important to exercise caution relating to others, as their capacities vary.Oh my, simply, meeting on common ground.
I have a soft spot for him.He could see different kind of patterns.It was challenging trying to have productive conversation with him due to the
distractions other's presented.There is a kind of logic at work like this, just try to practice maintaining your individual perspective.There are
other tools to practice learning with.
Look at it as a sign to work on developing yourself in all areas of your life.It's beautiful to have a sense of unity.Use that to anchor further
edit on 27-5-2015 by dffrntkndfnml because: grammer
edit on 27-5-2015 by dffrntkndfnml because: x2