posted on May, 25 2015 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to:
Its only wrong if white people do it. Black people kill each other every day and no riots because that's ok. Black people sold their own into slavery
and we don't have to talk about that because its black people. The first slave owner in the US was a black man and we don't have to talk about that
because he was black. Only a very small percentage of white people were slave owners when slavery was at its peak so lets hold all white people alive
today accountable for something that happened 200 years ago.
While you are thinking about that, think about this too. Why is it only in the US that black people are still going on and on and on about slavery?
Black people live all over the world. I have travelled. I have seen them myself. And only in this country do they act like idiots. Yes, I said it. If
I drive up to Canada I see black people that are in every respect just like white people, except for the color of their skin. They dress the same,
they talk the same, they act the same. And guess what? They are treated the same. In this country black people act like fools, dress like fools, talk
like fools, and guess what? They are treated like fools.
Sorry, but I had to say it. Its not hate speech, its just observation. Yes, there are always exceptions. I don't deny that.
Before anyone goes off, yes, I know there are white idiots too. I see them every day. But in this area if I were to estimate a percentage of whites
who act/talk/dress like that compared to the percentage of would be very very lopsided. Again, just telling the truth about what I see. I
am not out looking for differences, just saying what I see.
Think of it this way: Every day there is a black person on television saying that black people don't get hired as often as white people. Every day a
black person says black people don't get paid as much as white people. Every day black people say the white people are keeping them down. I hear it
every day. So do the police. Then they go to work and the first thing they see is a young black guy driving a $100k Jaguar. What are they supposed to
think? They were just told by black people that black people cant afford cars like that. But they are wrong for believing them because that means they
are assuming the car is stolen. They are in a no win situation. And that's not their fault.
I don't condone the excessive force police are using these days. Not at all. Lots of people get shot every day in the projects downtown and its not
white people going down there shooting the place up, its the people who live there. So when police show up thinking there is a strong possibility that
the people there are armed they are automatically put in a no win situation. That doesn't mean its ok to shoot an unarmed kid or an old lady who
reaches into her handbag. But it means that black people have to take some responsibility for they way they act and subsequently the way they are