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‘It Sure Looks Like Some Ferguson Protestors Were Paid To Do So By Liberal Organize Missouri’

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posted on May, 20 2015 @ 12:38 PM
‘It Sure Looks Like Some Ferguson Protestors Were Paid To Do So By Liberal Organize Missouri’

And another similar article from the same site:

#BlackLivesMatters Protesters Protest Soros Group After Getting Stiffed

Soooooo... no surprise here -- especially for ATSers. Old news, right? It was pretty much common knowledge that the legitimate concerns of the Ferguson protests were being co-opted, manipulated and exploited for political purposes by non-Ferguson folks. Likewise, it seems to me that these articles are little better, simply co-opting, manipulating and exploiting the protests/protesters for their own political purposes.

What we the public needs to know is exactly what was asked/expected of these protesters. What exactly were they being paid to do? Hold signs and march? Acts of vandalism? Looting? Attacking law enforcement??? Someone needs to get to these people while they're still angry -- before the "organizers" find a way to placate them and shut them up. Also, how were they approached/recruited? Were any other promises made to them? Just as important, what were their stated goals? Just to demand charges against Officer Wilson? Police reform? Policing-for-profit reform? Reform of the investigative/charging process in police shootings?

As even Oprah pointed out, there was much protest, but little in the way of practical "demands" or proactive steps going forward, what she called a lack of leadership:

Oprah Winfrey: Leaders Need to Step Up Following Ferguson, Eric Garner Unrest

But while she was full of criticism, she sure didn't step up to the plate and offer that leadership she saw lacking, and it seems to me that she would be a voice that the protesters could trust and respect. Instead, she just stirred the pot like so many others. (Note my use of the word "seems"... I don't trust anyone, but that may just be me!).

This is how the game is played... how we are played. Divide-and-conquer. Keep people angry and defensive -- against each other -- while offering no real solutions and exploiting people and situations for personal/political gain.

It would make my day if one of these Ferguson protesters decided to spill their guts -- here or elsewhere! Not likely, but I can still dream, right?

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 12:46 PM

Protesting injustice is as American as apple pie, but left-wing rent-a mobs have a long, shabby history of exploiting the First Amendment to push an unAmerican collectivist agenda. They do this by distorting the issues, disrupting lives and creating chaos until the American people cry uncle. People will bend to the will of the mob just so the constant hectoring will stop.

The average rent-a-thug probably has no idea who is behind the real agenda and movement. He/she just wants their promised $$$ cash, preferably. No money trail.

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: queenofswords

The average rent-a-thug probably has no idea who is behind the real agenda and movement. He/she just wants their promised $$$ cash, preferably. No money trail.

I think you're probably right. Can't have the tools knowing too much, that way they can't tell too much. But I'm betting dollars to donuts that if enough of the protesters started comparing notes, we all could learn much -- far more than anyone wants us to know!

My hope is that this will be a wake-up for those feeling disenfranchised and therefore most susceptible to being used and exploited by the "organizers." In my opinion, the protest was hijacked to make sure NOTHING good came out of it...

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

There was multiple organized groups protesting, its probable that all or some of these groups have financial backing from groups that support there postions. I wonder if any of the militia groups that were involved with the Bundy ranch had some financial backing from political groups that supported there effort.

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 01:14 PM

originally posted by: LDragonFire
a reply to: Boadicea

There was multiple organized groups protesting, its probable that all or some of these groups have financial backing from groups that support there postions. I wonder if any of the militia groups that were involved with the Bundy ranch had some financial backing from political groups that supported there effort.

They didn't burn down businesses nor did they go around assaulting people did they?

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: LDragonFire
a reply to: Boadicea

I wonder if any of the militia groups that were involved with the Bundy ranch had some financial backing from political groups that supported there effort.

I've wondered that very thing myself.... except I would substitute the word "exploited" for your word "supported."

For example, the Oathkeepers, who we know were part of the Bundy Ranch fiasco... and I say fiasco not because I don't feel Bundy had a legitimate gripe against the feds/BLM (much like the people of Ferguson have a legitimate gripe), but because of how it all played out. Complaints about/against the BLM are common and longstanding in the west... but like Ferguson, it focused on the personal problems of one, rather than the common problems of all.

ETA: There were also specific accusations of agent provacateurs trying to infiltrate the Bundy supporters; and if memory serves, there were also reports of same in the Sanford protests (Trayvon Martin). I haven't seen such claims in Ferguson or Baltimore (yet), but maybe that just didn't work out so well so they're moving on to new and improved tactics?
edit on 20-5-2015 by Boadicea because: ETA

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 01:25 PM
a reply to: seeker1963

They did point weapons at federal authorities and that is a felony. A few weeks later 2 left the site and killed police in Las Vegas.

Oh and some received welfare and unemployment while there babysitting the ranch.

edit on 20-5-2015 by LDragonFire because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 01:31 PM
This article focuses on some of the goings-on behind the scenes at Ferguson.

Seems it's more organized than many want to believe.

Perhaps this wasn't all just spontaneous reactions.

Many professional players involved.

Professionals that do these things for a living.

One individual in particular, Lisa Fithian, has seen much action ...

So just who is ?*Lisa Fithian*?

The Ferguson riots are not what they seem and those behind them are professionals. One of the top organizers of the protesters for the Ferguson riots is Lisa Fithian, someone who was intimately involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement. She has been deemed “Professor Occupy.” In 2005 and 2008, Lisa Fithian, Root Activist Network of Trainers, (2005), Alliance for Community Trainers Inc. (2008), was voted onto the Steering Committee for United for Peace and Justice. United for Peace and Justice is a partner organization of the George Soros linked Institute for Policy Studies. Several Marxist organizations are involved in the UFPJ leadership, but the most influential has been the Communist Party USA.

Lisa Fithian joined the labor movement through the AFL-CIO Organizing Institute in 1993. She is considered a legendary organizer. She also served as a human shield in actions conducted by the International Solidarity Movement in the Palestinian cities of Jenin and Nablus and has accused Israel of “slaughter[ing] Palestinians every single day in Gaza and the Occupied territories.” These are just a few of her credits.

The Movers and Shakers Behind the Ferguson Riots

older related thread...

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: seeker1963

They didn't burn down businesses nor did they go around assaulting people did they?

Your point is well taken, but I have to point out in all fairness that may have more to do with geography than anything else -- nothing out that way to burn or loot! There were reports of vehicles (and the occupants) on the highway being hassled, and a couple of Bundy supporters were later arrested for killing a couple cops (if I remember correctly.) I'm not finding any links right now tho, just stuff about Bundy's son being arrested.

But it shows how easily the bad acts of a few can taint and de-legitimize the cause, and is therefore an effective tool for those who wish to do just that.

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: LDragonFire

Did anybody in Ferguson invite or even contact the Militias ???

Did anybody in Ferguson (or Baltimore or New York) give any support to the Militias ???

Remember many groups spit on the Militias before, during, and after the Bundy Ranch thing.

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Thank you. I did a search with the title and didn't find it so thought I was clear. Ooops!

If the mods want to close this thread and we revert to discussion on the standing thread, I'm happy with that.

ETA: I watched the video -- thank you again. Why am I not surprised? Ms Fithian is quite the instigator and rabble-rouser, but she sure isn't getting much accomplished for those she claims to be working for... just one more hijacker for her own agenda. I read the article from your previous link quickly. Lots of info there. I'll have to read it again... slowly...
edit on 20-5-2015 by Boadicea because: ETA

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

The purpose of the thread was that some Ferguson groups had outside backing from groups.

The Bundy ranch got outside backing from groups including Sean Hannity and Americans for Prosperity and a host of media and political groups.

Laws were broken in Ferguson including rioting, looting theft and assault.

Laws were broken at the Bundy ranch including contempt of court, threatening federal officers, and transporting weapons over state lines.

Oh and Bundy is still grazing his cattle for free.

Both sides got outside help and both groups broke the law.

edit on 20-5-2015 by LDragonFire because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 01:44 PM
Of course these riots and protests are manufactured. I thought the horribly slanted media coverage was enough to illustrate that.

A Nationalized Police Force is next on the Commie/Globalist Agenda...

Expect more manufactured protests and riots until they get their Nationalized Police Force
edit on 20-5-2015 by Noobarino because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: Noobarino
Of course these riots and protests are manufactured. I thought the horribly slanted media coverage was enough to illustrate that.

I sure don't disagree. What disappoints and alarms me though is how many people don't see that. If their news anchor of choice tells them what they want to hear (and isn't that exactly what makes them their news anchor of choice???), then it's "truth," and everyone else is just a lying liar.

A Nationalized Police Force is next on the Commie/Globalist Agenda...

Yup! A nationalized police force is at least one ulterior motive. And both sides seem to be working towards that end. Both those who want to escalate and magnify the "all-cops-are-bad" meme... and those who push the "all-cops-are-good" meme.

Expect more manufactured protests and riots until they get their Nationalized Police Force

Sadly, yes. I suspect we haven't seen the worst yet.

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Another angle to this is every single election held in America is decided by outside political groups and there money.

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 02:06 PM

originally posted by: LDragonFire
a reply to: seeker1963

They did point weapons at federal authorities and that is a felony. A few weeks later 2 left the site and killed police in Las Vegas.

Oh and some received welfare and unemployment while there babysitting the ranch.

So, the answer is "no," then?

I'm pretty sure Seeker meant as a large, rioting, chanting group pretending to be outraged, but just out to get their own. I'm willing to bet a LOT more people in Ferguson and NY and other places were on welfare or unemployment than were receiving the same assistance at the Bundy ranch.

As for cop killing--do the two LEOs gunned down in NYC after the Garner debacle ring a bell? But regardless, you can't extrapolate a couple from the whole scenario and pretend that they represent the overall actions of the group--that's a logical fallacy.

And as for pointing weapons at federal authorities--at some point, citizens must say 'enough is enough' and stand their ground. Without those weapons, the feds would have just bullied their way in and did whatever they wanted. What happened at the Bundy ranch, IMO, is exactly why the 2nd Amendment exists.

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Keep this thread open.

It has some different points to consider

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: LDragonFire
a reply to: Boadicea

Another angle to this is every single election held in America is decided by outside political groups and there money.

Excellent point! And often the same groups of instigators and rabble-rousers; and let's not forget those ficitional legal entities impersonating people with their shekels of silver. It's an incestuous revolving door.

But altho I doubt my vote is worth much in terms of the "winner," I'll keep voting independent/third party as a protest vote if nothing else! (It's not much, but it's pretty much all I've got these days.)

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: SlapMonkey

originally posted by: LDragonFire
a reply to: seeker1963

They did point weapons at federal authorities and that is a felony. A few weeks later 2 left the site and killed police in Las Vegas.

Oh and some received welfare and unemployment while there babysitting the ranch.

So, the answer is "no," then?

I'm pretty sure Seeker meant as a large, rioting, chanting group pretending to be outraged, but just out to get their own. I'm willing to bet a LOT more people in Ferguson and NY and other places were on welfare or unemployment than were receiving the same assistance at the Bundy ranch.

Thats debatable.

As for cop killing--do the two LEOs gunned down in NYC after the Garner debacle ring a bell? But regardless, you can't extrapolate a couple from the whole scenario and pretend that they represent the overall actions of the group--that's a logical fallacy.

400 civilians killed by police 10 cops killed by civilians so far this year.

And as for pointing weapons at federal authorities--at some point, citizens must say 'enough is enough' and stand their ground. Without those weapons, the feds would have just bullied their way in and did whatever they wanted. What happened at the Bundy ranch, IMO, is exactly why the 2nd Amendment exists.

Citizens must say enough is enough unless they live in Ferguson or Baltimore? Both groups had one thing in common, they were both protesting the same perceived out of control government.
edit on 20-5-2015 by LDragonFire because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 02:22 PM

originally posted by: SlapMonkey

And as for pointing weapons at federal authorities--at some point, citizens must say 'enough is enough' and stand their ground. Without those weapons, the feds would have just bullied their way in and did whatever they wanted. What happened at the Bundy ranch, IMO, is exactly why the 2nd Amendment exists.

I definitely agree... but what I don't understand (and maybe I'm overthinking it too much) is why did it work? Obviously, the feds (tho not necessarily the BLM), definitely out-gun all of us. So it's more than just who has guns... or the most guns... or the best guns... But what exactly? Were the Feds worried about looking like bullies and creating more sympathy for the Bundys? Were they worried about escalating the situation and bringing more attention to their bad behavior all over the west? Were they worried about giving more ammo (excuse the pun) for the states already fighting their overreach?

Just my thoughts... I'd enjoy hearing your thoughts.

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