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The Mindset of a Doomsdays Person

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posted on May, 20 2015 @ 08:44 AM
Being with ATS for many years, I have noticed patterns with myself and other posters. Many times when people focus on doom porn, end of the world scenario’s, and chaos it typically means that is what their world is like, or feeling like.

In life, we seem to have a constant struggle every day. From the time we get up the mindset we choose impacts our entire day.
Sure some people have mental and physical disorders, which seem to be an extra hurdle to over-come, but with the right frame of mind, even those can be turned around.

From birth most of us are given a healthy mind, body, and spirit, then somehow we choose to slowly chip away at the gift we have been given, and then find ourselves is a stew of chaos. Examples of that mindset are.

1) World is going to end constantly
2) Thinking, talking and focusing on destructive things, and events
3) Surrounding themselves with destructive and negative people
4) Arguing that their mindset is correct
5) Being mean spirited and purposely disrupting other’s lives to bring them down to their level
6) Supporting and perpetuating chaotic agenda’s that are destructive to the mind, body and spirit.
7) Jealous of others successes
8) Constantly blaming others, and situations for everything in their life
9) Feeling of not being in control of one’s life

Awareness is key.

Admitting they are addicted to these mindsets and MO’s, then taking that awareness, and then coming up with a plan to over-come it is vital in becoming constructive, instead of destructive. Our mindsets, beliefs, and behavior’s attract exactly what we focus on.

If people took the time to step back and really take a hard look at themselves, they would see that where they are in life is due to their life’s choices. Life tosses us curve balls, and some more than others, but it’s the people that learn to eventually hit those curves balls that appear to have a happier life.

Two stories come to mind.

Well actually one is a story and one is a movie. “Groundhog Day” is perhaps one of the most profound and deep movies of our time. Yes, it’s a comedy, but its meaning is deep on many levels. The movie shows that every day we get up we have a new beginning, a new chance at remaking ourselves, and that the choices we make affect how our life will turn out.

The other is “The Story of the Two Wolves” An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy.

“It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.”

He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

This thread was not to make fun of people in a bad frame of mind, but to show them that there is hope, and that they have the power themselves to turn things around, if they chose to. And that they are not a victim of some external force, but mainly their own doings.

How do I know? Well let’s just say I’m one of those guys that has gotten his overwhelming share of curve balls, but instead of giving up I have learned to knock those bastards right out of the park. I worked hard on not blaming others, and taking responsibility for everything that was going on in my life. (Yes, it’s a hard pill to swallow many times), but the end result is empowering.

It takes work, awareness, constant reminder, and surrounding ourselves with people that have the same mindset, and then separating ourselves from the constant negative loop inside our own mind.

Good luck to you all, tomorrow is a new day. Have a cup of Joe, and get out of that funk.



edit on 20-5-2015 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 08:54 AM

Man, I remember the Nibiru/2012 doomsday threads. No matter how much debunking we did, there were always more voices asking "Is it true?" Almost like they wanted the world to burn.

Mike Grouchy

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: Realtruth

1) World is going to end constantly
2) Thinking, talking and focusing on destructive things, and events
3) Surrounding themselves with destructive and negative people
4) Arguing that their mindset is correct
5) Being mean spirited and purposely disrupting other’s lives to bring them down to their level
6) Supporting and perpetuating chaotic agenda’s that are destructive to the mind, body and spirit.
7) Jealous of others successes
8) Constantly blaming others, and situations for everything in their life
9) Feeling of not being in control of one’s life

I honestly have a theory on this. Those people are all the Gothic kids that never grew up.

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 09:01 AM
a reply to: mikegrouchy

Like I said in my OP. I'm guilty as charged too. lol

Breaking that cycle is tough sometimes since it get to be the norm, and very comfortable.

Like you said, blind ignorance is overwhelming when people's worlds are chaotic and seemingly crumbling inside themselves. Heck I don't blame them the easy way out is if the world would somehow end. lol

Personally when I get in those states of mind I get away from all news, computers, and extra BS that life has to offer, then I get reconnected with nature.

A camping trip for a week or two without any electronics can, and will reboot us into our pleasant selves. The more simple the better.

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: Realtruth

Most excellent post my friend. Quite perfect timing for me by the way. LOL
I was in a little bit of a dark mood moments ago.

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 09:06 AM

originally posted by: Greathouse

I honestly have a theory on this. Those people are all the Gothic kids that never grew up.

That might have some truth to it, but everyone has these tendencies at certain points in their lives. Sometimes people get in ruts and they are not aware how far they have gone down the rabbit-hole.

Sometimes simplifying ones life, having some awareness, and focusing on small constructive tasks does wonders.

Anything we do "In the Now" shapes what our future is going to be. Dwelling in the past is pointless, and worrying about the future to much wastes precious constructive time "In the now".

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 09:09 AM
The world always looks dark when viewed from a computer monitor instead of sitting on a bar stool talking to a pretty woman.

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 09:19 AM
The Church uses Dooms day, they call it Armageddon or Judgement Day, how many disaster flicks has Hollywood pumped out? Then theres the Emergency alerts (air raid siren tests back in the day) and terror threats today.

I'm afraid that we are conditioned in this way and the chipping away at our peace of mind is intentional on the Paradigm's part.

Be afraid, be verrry afraid.

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 09:26 AM

I think i may be an exception to some of i am a Doom & Gloomer myself.

1) World is going to end constantly --- And People Are Dying Every Minute.
2) Thinking, talking and focusing on destructive things, and events ----- Your telling me you don't like explosions?
3) Surrounding themselves with destructive and negative people ---- I surround myself with builders and job givers.
4) Arguing that their mindset is correct --- I only argue that I would better be Prepared than Not. (and i just realized my flaw in my response in
5) Being mean spirited and purposely disrupting other’s lives to bring them down to their level --- Now that is just a character flaw i have because I am soo much more awesome than everyone else.
6) Supporting and perpetuating chaotic agenda’s that are destructive to the mind, body and spirit. --- I like to think I am Diest spiritually and active Buddhist physically.
7) Jealous of others successes --- Always jealous of
8) Constantly blaming others, and situations for everything in their life --- I do that time to time, but then i realize i have it great.
9) Feeling of not being in control of one’s life --- Total Control Bro.

YET! I have a successful job working for the 6th largest GC in South Florida & the plethora of kind employees that comes with it are NOT on my mind set level.
I am in shape and think Gloomy Because I can appreciate the Glory much better.

IT'S A SIDE HOBBY!!!!! Just like PaintBall and MMA. I love it as a hobby because it fuels the interest to know what this gloom is "Gonna" happen.


edit on th28Wed, 20 May 2015 09:28:32 -0500K201553231am5 by SirKonstantin because: (no reason given)

So as i read, and re-read your OP and my response...The Message I am trying to Send Is: Can you At Least Present a Level of Extreme Doom & Glooming? I don't think it is fair to assume that EVERY Doom Pornagrapher is Gothic or Emo...

edit on th31Wed, 20 May 2015 09:31:44 -0500K201554431am5 by SirKonstantin because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 09:27 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
The Church uses Dooms day, they call it Armageddon or Judgement Day, how many disaster flicks has Hollywood pumped out? Then theres the Emergency alerts (air raid siren tests back in the day) and terror threats today.

I'm afraid that we are conditioned in this way and the chipping away at our peace of mind is intentional on the Paradigm's part.

Be afraid, be verrry afraid.

I remeber the "air raid siren tests" from back in the day. It was not so much the tests , but what to do if it was a real nuke strike. Duck and Cover under your desk at school ? Gotta do better than that

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 09:29 AM

originally posted by: olaru12
The world always looks dark when viewed from a computer monitor instead of sitting on a bar stool talking to a pretty woman.

Then it goes from looking dark to sounding stupid

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 09:30 AM

originally posted by: olaru12
The world always looks dark when viewed from a computer monitor instead of sitting on a bar stool talking to a pretty woman.

You have it .That should bring a man out of "the world is going to end" mood .

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: Gothmog

Duck and Cover under your desk at school ? Gotta do better than that

We are trained to believe in endings.

The clock on the wall ends the second, minute and hour. The calendar ends the day the week, month and year.

Our school classes end, our work day ends, tv programs and video games end, for a hundred years movie screens been telling us "The End".

No wonder people come flocking to doom porn of every flavor. Its the end of the world.

We slavor and drool for it like Pavlov's dog.

edit on 20-5-2015 by intrptr because: spelling, change

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 09:35 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
The Church uses Dooms day, they call it Armageddon or Judgement Day, how many disaster flicks has Hollywood pumped out? Then theres the Emergency alerts (air raid siren tests back in the day) and terror threats today.

I'm afraid that we are conditioned in this way and the chipping away at our peace of mind is intentional on the Paradigm's part.

Be afraid, be verrry afraid.

If one is aware of what is happening why remain fearful?

It's OK to be fearful, or afraid, but remaining in that state is destructive. People in constant fear are easy to manipulate, and control, but people that are self-empowered have a handle on fear.

We are only conditioned if we allow it.

edit on 20-5-2015 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: Realtruth

We are only conditioned if we allow it.

Conditioning precludes reason. You can't allow what you aren't aware of. Or if aware, be able to quell the auto response.

Suppose you win the lottery, for instance. The conditioning equating happiness with wealth takes over and we jump for joy. Yet, most lottery winners lives are destroyed by it.

Do you hope you win the lottery? Do you buy a ticket only when the pot is huge?

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 09:49 AM

originally posted by: Realtruth

originally posted by: Greathouse

I honestly have a theory on this. Those people are all the Gothic kids that never grew up.

That might have some truth to it, but everyone has these tendencies at certain points in their lives. Sometimes people get in ruts and they are not aware how far they have gone down the rabbit-hole.

Sometimes simplifying ones life, having some awareness, and focusing on small constructive tasks does wonders.

Anything we do "In the Now" shapes what our future is going to be. Dwelling in the past is pointless, and worrying about the future to much wastes precious constructive time "In the now".

Sometimes people get in ruts and they are not aware how far they have gone down the rabbit-hole.

Honestly I was attempting to Extradite them from their predicament with a little humor.

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 10:47 AM
I think that disasters that are big enough, can travel back in time and come off as a thought at the very least of something uneasy to come to various others, if not all.

Time doesn't run in a river with a start and an end all flowing to one place. Time is better understood as ripples / waves, to us time does always move forward, since we are part of time.

I still think we have some events yet to occur that we've been feeling / picking up on for a while now. Premonitions and visions are not that easy to just discard or ignore. Since many thoughts and ideas are rooted in reality one way or another.

Earthquakes happen and I don't feel them, but they still occur, people fight, yet I'm not hit, still wounds occur.

Doomporn might be just that, however it all stems from something real that is happening or has yet to happen.

Could also look at doomporn as the ability to sense these events happening in other realities, since everything we could possibly do, is happening is countless other realities, who's to say it's all connected.

Just writing things off as this or that doesn't float well, it's always better to investigate.

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 02:07 PM
Or, it's just a fun mental exercise like role playing games.

I do think the world will end. I don't claim to know for sure when. So I continue with my life. I am at peace. And I enjoy Doom Porn like I do many other geeky pursuits I have.

I was the kid who wrote her high school term paper on the Black Death after all.

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 02:28 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
Or, it's just a fun mental exercise like role playing games.

I do think the world will end. I don't claim to know for sure when. So I continue with my life. I am at peace. And I enjoy Doom Porn like I do many other geeky pursuits I have.

I was the kid who wrote her high school term paper on the Black Death after all.

Well then you and I'm sure many others are able to lead a constructive life. The difference between you and others is that you look at it in a positive way, and you do not live in constant fear.

The end come for all of us that is an absolute...we all die, but there are so many people that allow that world ending event to alter their lives in a destructive and negative way.

Maybe you can give the ATS members a look inside of just how you accomplish your peaceful state of being, and still dabble in world altering events?

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 02:33 PM
Believing the world(as we know it) will end is one of the few things that keeps me positive.

I love the planet and the natural beauty it has to offer.

It's people that bring out the worst in me. Still working on that but for the most part just keep to myself.

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