posted on May, 19 2015 @ 02:24 AM
Depends on what chipset is on your motherboard, which motherboard is it ? If you are not on a z77 chipset then paying the extra cash for a "K" cpu is
a bit useless... As the Ks are specifically made for overclocking (unlocked ratio) and are only usefull on chipsets adapted for overclocking, the z77
in the case of 1155 sockets.
So if you haven't got a z77 chipset and you don't want to overclock, you might as well get a 3770 (non K) and that's providing your motherboard
supports 77w TDP cpus otherwise get a 3770s
In gaming without overclocking you probably won't notice any differences, between the 3770k 3770 and 3770s, so I'd say go for the cheapest 3770
You will even see the same performance boost with an i5 3570 (non K) as a i7 3770, as it has the same base clock as the i7 (but less cache which
wouldn't effect your gaming) but 100mhz lower boost (which is nothing especially if the cpu bearly goes into turbo mode). And games are not the best
optimised programs on PC, they never use efficiently all the cores/threads available, and sythentic benchmarks aren't the best thing to look at (like
pcmark, passmark, etc...) if you are interested in gaming performance you have to look at gaming benchmarks (cpu heavy ones, like battlefield 4
multiplayer for exemple, skyrim, watchdogs, which are cpu bound games)
Techpowerup do good benchmarks, looking at equivalent clock speed, you see no difference. And K or non K cpu have exactly the same performance at the
clock same speed.
And also what gpu are you using, most of the time for gaming your better off upgrading your gpu rather than your cpu
edit on 19-5-2015 by WeSbO
because: (no reason given)