posted on May, 18 2015 @ 02:08 PM
dang... I left my radio receiver out in the yard where I am planting...
I have listened to the art bell & C2C show since 1991... except for perhaps 35 shows I missed for one reason or another
I liked the 'ATS' thread about concluding a hoax in JUST 1.5 minutes ..about the alien body...
but to my sensibilities the ongoing degeneration to complete chaos & hell on earth by the Death Focused Caliphate along with the Saudi adventurism in
having possession of 'Islamic Nukes' from Pakistan are much greater concern than some failed photo-shop hoax
the only Aliens are actually spirit beings we call UFOs ... flying in mid-heaven...
these are either Heaven's 'Drones' or Satan's spy/intel units which abruptly return to their alternate & non-physical universe (in Science Heaven &
Hell are located in Dark Matter Dimensions~Universes)
edit on th31143197624518102015 by St Udio because: (no reason given)