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Mandatory Childhood Vaccination(s) ...

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posted on May, 18 2015 @ 06:42 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: Halfswede

You would know if I wasn't how?

I must admit, there is an extremely tiny chance that you are, but

According to the CDC

In the US, it is provided to "only to a few hundred scientists and medical professionals working with smallpox and similar viruses in a research setting."

"Routine smallpox vaccination among the American public stopped in 1972 after the disease was eradicated in the United States"

It does seem odd though that one can use the logic for one disease and not be just as demanding about another one. Measles was also declared eradicated in the US yet there must be some other reason...
edit on 18-5-2015 by Halfswede because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2015 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: SubTruth


Some people will never ever get it, they're too brainwashed.

posted on May, 18 2015 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: FarleyWayne

Why can't the pharmaceutical companies create a vaccine that doesn't have the list of garbage in it? I don't want to put aluminum, antibiotics, formaldehyde, MSG or thimerosal in my kid. How is it possible to trust the pharmaceutical companies that create these vaccines when the FDA is a TOTAL SHAM!

My friend had her 3 daughters vaccinated with Gardasil. 2 of her daughters were fine, the 3rd Racheal was not. She was a normal 14 year old kid that ended up having seizures, losing her memory daily of who her family was and ending up in a wheelchair. After 2 years she is now in a walker and thank God the seizures have stopped.

Her mom brought her to the hospital and what's really frightening is that the doctors did not know HOW the Gardasil was attacking her central nervous system or how to alleviate the damage. It was all a waiting game for her body to process the Gardasil.

Merck presently has 2 lawsuits brought against them from their own scientist for falsifying their results for the measles I'm supposed to trust them?

I would vaccinate my kids if they would make safe vaccinations. I know I know, I'm the crazy one......

posted on May, 18 2015 @ 08:55 PM

originally posted by: InverseLookingGlass
a reply to: FarleyWayne

How stupid are people really? What do you geniuses think is going to happen after they get the hooks in? They've got 4-5 new vaccines waiting in line to get on the mandatory list.

People that trade security for liberty deserve neither. -Ben Franklin.

They are selling you a self-certified chemical cocktail made by a profit machine with 100% immunity from damage claims. And you believed it. -me

They are not after chasing down just your children anymore either. They are after the adult population too. See the extract from a recent Melbourne Australian newspaper weekend supplement.

"Those born after 1966 should have documented evidence of 2 lifetime doses of MMR-containing vaccine." -Melanie Hearse.

Documented evidence for whom?

and who the hell is Melanie Hearse? Just a journalist!

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 06:23 AM
I'm not anti-vaccine - I am anti-giving my infant multiple shots in one day. That's a boatload of pharmaceuticals being dumped into a rapidly developing brain and body. Can you really tell me it doesn't affect infant development?

This will probably be dismissed as coincidence or whatever but this happened to our family. My brother had begun walking/talking/ all the normal stuff that a year-old infant does. We go get the MMR vaccines and within a few days he stopped walking stopped talking and just became inconsolable. Where he was once a little cuddly baby now he hated for anyone to hold him. It was very sad and horrifying. This happened before all the anti-vaccine stuff came out.

We have never had any instances of autism in our family, yet this one case just pops up out of nowhere. I think they need to stop pumping these rapid fire chemical cocktails into children so young.

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: WHWIV

We have never had any instances of autism in our family, yet this one case just pops up out of nowhere.

It's sad about your brother.
Was no one else in your family vaccinated?

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: Phage

Yes but we are vastly different ages (there is 17 years difference between myself and the youngest brother) and I'm sure vaccination practices have changed a bit during all that time. I've also skipped a few vaccines as I got older and didn't have the time to deal with. Recently in the Navy so they more than made up for I can assure, heh.

Like I said, I can't blame one individual vaccine but the multiple vaccines in one day just strikes me as overkill. 0-1 years of age is a crucial time of brain development. On young adults and adults I can see it being easier to administer multiple vaccines at once; I just feel like we shouldn't eff around with an infants biology so hardcore.

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 06:41 AM
a reply to: WHWIV

Like I said, I can't blame one individual vaccine but the multiple vaccines in one day just strikes me as overkill.
Actually, you can't blame multiple vaccines either. Because the vast majority of infants who receive them do not develop autism and many who do not receive them do develop autism.

I just feel like we shouldn't eff around with an infants biology so hardcore.
I can understand the heartbreak. I can understand the need to blame...something. Tell me though, how would you feel if your brother had not recieved a vaccination and developed autism. How would you feel if he had contracted rubella and suffered brain damage or lost eyesight as a result?

I know, not really fair because it's just "what if." But still.

edit on 5/19/2015 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: Phage

Those are honest questions:

You're right, thousands of kids get the same grouping of vaccines and are fine - or do they manifest the changes to their biochemistry in some other way. I mean I haven't met a person in the 15 years who doesn't have some ADHD, hyper/hypo-thisthatortheother, social anxiety disorder....something that interferes with their life. Are our definitions of disorders becoming that much more precise or has there been an actual rise in mental disorders? I honestly can't answer that question.

The truth is I don't think him developing autism while being un vaccinated would have put us on the other side of this issue (pro-vaccine). It would have been seen as an unfortunate event for him and the family and one we would deal with together. Same thing if I had a child with down's syndrome, or one who developed a very strange allergic reaction. I am a big proponent of "sometimes bad things happen to good people." I'm not about to blame a bunch of maladies on vaccination programs. We have almost wiped out some of the most debilitating diseases already. It just very..... saddening to watch your brother regress into himself and become a totally different person. That's what has left the most impact on me.

My child gets vaccinations, I make them spread them out though. It could very well be a parents paranoia, but without a good healthy does of that I think I'd be a lousy parent at the end of the day. It's our jobs as parents to raise the questions about practices which concern our kids. They have the smallest voice in all this.

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 07:02 AM
a reply to: WHWIV

It's our jobs as parents to raise the questions about practices which concern our kids.
Yes. And its our job to make the decisions as well. While those decisions should be based on an honest appraisal, it is not possible to make them without doubts about consequences, whatever those decisions are.

I usually take a risk vs benefit approach. When it comes to vaccination I think the risks of not vaccinating far outweigh the risks of doing so.

That said, I do think it should be a parents choice whether or not to vaccinate their child. I also think that if a parent chooses to not vaccinate their child they should also accept the consequences and responsibility for not doing so. Part of that responsibility is acknowledging that they are increasing the risk of infection for the general population. All too often that acknowledgement is lacking. I think that has more to do with self validation than reality.

edit on 5/19/2015 by Phage because: (no reason given)

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