I have placed this in metaphysical and philosophy as this is a true story that points to how we all are given another chance on understanding life.
I recall when I was around 16, on a very quiet April evening, myself and and three friends joined in one of our towns favourite bars. To talk in our
adolescent ways and down a few beers, where I was living at the time, that was perfectly possible and not an issue if one behaved. Of course we were
the youngest members of this bar and on this particular night, the bar was empty and the usual waitress was relieved by an elderly man. It was us four
around a diner type table and a large barrelled man in his late fifties decking beers down on a bar stool. Although this was a type of rock bar, this
evening the elderly waiter decided on pumping out Leonard Cohen songs. Not our thing at all, but for the first few songs we joked laughed and talked
nonsense like any good teenagers do. Eventually, becoming tired by the mood of the songs, I shouted “turn that depressing rubbish... off for Gods
sake” We all laughed and the waiter smiled, but the man at the bar did not. Soon he stood in front of our table and said “ This is music is not
rubbish and you must not disrespect it! He shouted almost like an order. The four of us burst in to laughter and with that he decided to head butt me
the culprit or speaker of the group. This I was not expecting in the least, but my head moved naturally out of the way and his head crashed in to the
table, almost like magic. Then he left the bar in a rush, looking freaked out. We talked and laughed again but this time on how is it that someone can
get so aggressive over some old depressive singer. So that was our introduction and induction in to Leonard Cohen, it left a very odd smudge over that
genre of music. Recently, I watched a documentary about him and I have to confess this man is interesting. I am even willing to admit a few of his
songs are magnificent. Thanks for being true to yourself. Well worth a watch if you have some spare time.
edit on 17-5-2015 by ancientthunder because: missing word
I am now loving his music this is the first time I had ever heard it...I love his low calm voice...very soothing like a whisper of true and
possibility of finding my own COHEN...
Ive heard of this guy. Cool interview. I wish someone could embed the other 2 parts here, as I cannot access YouTube for some reason ever since I
switched ISP so I still need to figure that out... But I can still watch videos that have been embedded.