posted on May, 15 2015 @ 12:24 AM
We know that in the 60s, jobs were everywhere. A high school graduate could walk into a factory and have a cushy, high-paid job. There was no
"fighting for a job"; a man who wanted to work got up, put in an honest day's work, got an honest day's pay, and came home to his non-dysfunctional
family. You could succeed, live a good life without crippling yourself with student loans. If you did choose to go to college, it actually meant
something. You would be practically guaranteed an interesting, stable, high-paid job.
Now, people must go through 4 years of academic slavery, a lifetime of student loan indenture, and are considered lucky to have a $12/hour job after
all is said and done. Those who choose not to go to college and choose to remain debt-free are almost guaranteed to be working minimum wage and living
in poverty.
The good middle-class jobs are gone, shipped overseas. All that's left are "genius jobs" such as engineering, law, and medicine; good, cushy jobs that
you'll never get unless you "know someone"; and "slavery jobs" such as retail, grunt office work, and service.
We know all that. My questions is, how much has each of us (in the 20s) lost thanks to the NWO, their recession, and their globalization? How much
have they STOLEN from EACH of us? Can you put a dollar amount on how much we could have had (but don't) if we the jobs were STILL THERE like they were
in the 60s?
I'm thinking around $500,000. Seems like that's what the NWO has stolen from each and every single American.
edit on 15-5-2015 by thetruth777
because: (no reason given)