posted on May, 14 2015 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to:
While I agree that the wording is awkward, it's clear that this one line is being taken entirely out of context here.
I'm as critical/suspicious of the Conservatives as the next level-headed Brit, but this is a discussion about freedom of speech, or more
specifically, the people who abuse their freedom of speech to encourage violence against others.
We have to face facts, there are radicals in all our countries who abuse our rights and freedoms to plan attacks on the rest of us, ironically using
the freedoms they have to encourage the removal of those freedoms from everyone - including themselves.
These arrogant, ignorant and entirely radicalized religiously delusional and politically extreme people should not have the freedom to abuse and
attack our society.
The only concern with these proposed new laws should be how they affect the rest of us in our democratic freedoms. The things that concern me about
these new laws are how they will be used to prevent peaceful protests, how they might be used to sensor the Internet under other "causes" and how
the press might be increasingly controlled by the state as a result.
As long as the rest of us are still free to discuss, debate, protest and speak freely as RATIONAL citizens of this country, I am all for our
government cracking down on those who want to maim and murder in the name of their idiotic religious belief or political opinion.
These laws should be used to prevent right wing extremists and religious radicals from preaching their hate and ignorance in our country. As long as
that's the goal and as long as it's being achieved, I fully support it.
To ensure it doesn't result in anything else, this entire system should be held in check by the courts and the public. The moment these laws are seen
to be being used for an unintended purpose (infringing on the rights of British citizens to protest peacefully, or infringing on Internet or press
freedom) those responsible for that breach should be fired, or even charged with a Human Rights violation.