posted on May, 12 2015 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to:
Skid Mark
Do you have a different DVD player in which you can try the discs? Do any movies work at all, or just not certain ones? The region should be listed
on the DVD case, and if you have it set to region 1, that should be good for US DVDs. The driver updates are a good idea, but don't trust the device
manager. That often states everything is up to date, when in reality, it isn't. Go to the website for the drive manufacturer, Dell, if it's
theirs, and look for driver updates manually. Assuming you have done all that, have you tried a simple restart? Sometimes, that works. Also, you
state that the drive light blinks, and it makes noise, then does nothing. Did you go into the file explorer and see if the disc shows up there, for
the drive? It could just be that autoplay isn't on, which isn't a bad thing. If none of this works, I'd say contact Dell, though they are likely
to suggest the same things first, even if you tell them you already did those things. Tech support can be funny that way. Frustrating, I know!