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originally posted by: theabsolutetruth
a reply to: EndOfDays77
For a few months my intuition is saying Peru, hopefully wherever they will cause minimal damage. If I could direct them to certain people I would.
originally posted by: Snarl
This guy's got some pretty good talking points. His take on terrestrial events is driven by the behaviors of the Sun. I think the first two minutes of this video are used to make suppositions.
Interesting stuff. If you follow him for a while you begin to believe you can understand what's going on.
originally posted by: texasgirl
Oh no...Are there going to be even more magnitude 7 quakes there? The article I posted in the first Nepal quake thread thinks so, as it needs a bigger quake of 8 magnitude or more to release the pressure in that area.
"It would take scores of magnitude 7 quakes to release the pressure."
Oh geez...
originally posted by: shaneR
oh no...poor Nepalese...
MAG 7.4 and only 18kms deep
fingers X'd its not too bad..
M7.4 - NEPAL
Preliminary Earthquake Report.........Magnitude 7.4
12 May 2015 07:05:19 UTC
12 May 2015 12:50:20 near epicenter
12 May 2015 17:05:19 standard time in your timezone
Location 27.843N 86.153E
Depth 18 km
22 km (14 mi) SE of Zham, China
66 km (41 mi) ENE of Banepa, Nepal
69 km (43 mi) ENE of Panaoti, Nepal
83 km (51 mi) E of Kathmandu, Nepal
84 km (52 mi) ENE of Patan, Nepal
Location Uncertainty Horizontal: 6.4 km; Vertical 4.1 km
Parameters Nph = 198; Dmin = 66.4 km; Rmss = 0.89 seconds; Gp = 25°
Version =
Event ID us 20002ejl
For updates, maps, and technical information, see: Event Page or USGS Earthquake Hazards Program
see here for details...
There was a clear decrease in earthquakes for the two grand solar minima examined and an increase in the number of earthquakes for the last half of the 20th cen-tury. This increase in solar events, called the Modern Maxima, coincided with the intensification of earth-quake events in several plates. More data is needed re-garding the variations of disturbances in the ionosphere caused by these variations (solar storms) in the solar cycles and the variation concerning the dynamic pres-sure. Dynamic pressure (Dp) affects the flux transfer from the dayside to night side, and the depending of the tectonic ground is important. Dynamic pressure is a function of speed and density of the solar wind. Satel-lites detect electromagnetic disturbances in the iono-sphere and in regions such as the South Atlantic anomaly.It is possible that these disturbances affect the groundunder that region. The main sources of high-speed solar wind are solar coronal holes and coronal mass ejections(CME’s). Satellite and ground-based instruments regu-larly monitor them both and could make it able to fore-cast periods of enhanced seismic risk. To be geoeffective,the solar wind from a coronal hole or from a CME has to first arrive at the Earth, so the geo effectiveness of solar wind from a coronal hole or from a CME depends on its position relative to the Earth. For the CMEs an addi-tional factor is their size and speed. Faster and wider CMEs are more geoeffective [18,19].Solar wind speed which causes more dynamic pres-sure on Earth’s magnetosphere is the physical mecha-nism which increases the number of earthquakes. Varia-tions in solar wind during a Coronal Mass Ejection event can exert pressure, deforming and shrinking the magne-tosphere by 4Re (Earth radius). The tension on magneticfield lines is analogous to the tension on a violin string.The pressure will affect the Earth surface in different ways depending of the tectonic of each region; some areas are more susceptible to release energy in a form of earthquake or other analogous phenomena (such as vol-canoes). Nowadays, we know that earthquakes and volcanism occur primarily in those zones where one plate is rub- bing against the “fault lines”. Earth directed Coronal Mass Ejections (CME) were very frequent during 2000-2002. There was a continuous impact of huge amount of energy, changing the Kp indices (planetary indices) and free electrons in the upper part of the atmosphere. These changes in Sun-Earth environment induced by the Sun have changed the geosphere and atmosphere from timeto time.A similar explanation for earthquakes happening dur-ing the minima relies in the Solar Wind decreasing speed.If the solar speed is lower the magnetosphere relax and expands again, the consequences are that earthquakes follow different trajectory this time. Earthquakes will happen more in geological feature such as strike slip fault or trenches (subduction zones). Finally, earthquakes do not follow cycles as solar cycles because it dependsfrom the Earth’s structure and in fact, it happens in a sequence determined by the plate and the geological feature of each of them. It is difficult to find out a direct connection Solar Maxima and ground since earthquakes perhaps happening in clusters or related to each other. It makes events less cyclic and interconnected depending of the Earth structure of each region under surveillance.
originally posted by: lovemyworld
17 days from April 25th is May 12th. 17 days from May 12 is May 29 ?
originally posted by: Forensick
What if there is a big one and it pushes up another himalaya - bigger than Everest.
Fingers crossed the last one dropped all the loose snow so no further avalanch in Everest base camp.
I hope there are no more, what is the biggest one on record?
originally posted by: Nyiah
6.3 aftershock:
M6.3 - 33km NNE of Ramechhap, Nepal
These poor people, they're still picking up from the last one