+1 more
posted on May, 10 2015 @ 08:39 AM
It seems here that an American businessman (of Mexican descent) has decided to offer a counter to the Black History Month and Hispanic Heritage Month
by creating a single day in his BBQ restaurant to celebrate "White American's". He is now being inundated with allegations of racism over it all.
Story: Restaurant to host 'White Appreciation
To be fair, he added as a part of this day a 10% discount to "White American's" (frankly, that is a misnomer anyways IMO). Since AFAIK neither of the
other state-sponsored monthly celebrations involve discounts for that particular group, this might actually be stepping over-the-line for him, and
open him up to legal ramifications of discrimination.
That said, I would like to take this ATS thread in a "what-if" scenario of discussing making an official "White American's Day" possible, sans the
discounts. If we can have the state and federal govt openly acknowledge the Black and Hispanic communities contributions to the American experience,
then why can we not do the same for "White American's" as well? IMO, celebrations of Presidents Day, Veterans Day, and other holidays named for
specific people do not count as the color of their skin or ancestral heritage are not considered an aspect of the reasons for celebrations.
Disclosure: I am a 2nd generation American, as my G-Parents arrived here in 1900 from another country. Therefore, I consider myself
American.....period, regardless of my skin color which I had no option to choose to be born into at the time.
So, ATS, I would like a civil discussion on the topic (if that is possible) and ask for all to refrain from name-calling and other childish remarks
that are beneath the membership here.
edit on 5/10/2015 by Krakatoa because: Fixed an "ooopsie" in my typing.