posted on May, 10 2015 @ 09:47 PM
I used to feed a cat outside my window, and he would come back everyday. Then another cat would come. Anyway, after some time I would hear cats
fighting outside etc. It was a tough life for that cat. Living through the winters with 3+ feet of snow, etc. Getting into fights with other cats and
coming back with hideous gashes, injured limbs, etc. One day, that cat stopped coming after 4 years or so, where it used to come almost everyday.
Anyway, after that cat, I vowed to not feed another cat outside my window. My reasoning was that it will not learn to hunt, or will not want to hunt,
and become dependent on you, and at least, will not attract and riffraff to my window with cats fighting and mating outside.
It really sucks for them; cats were not meant for the city (living outside or inside). Maybe we should never have domesticated them in the first