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Wrongly accused on Facebook

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posted on May, 9 2015 @ 06:37 PM

Because it signals (to me) that it's most likely a person who never gets any attention in real life, hence the FB; and the great majority of those that I know who do have one really are like that: nice people, most of them, but not people who are ever going to garner positive attention in real life.

I have a Facebook account because it's a great way to advertise for my business. A lot of other business people to too.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 06:44 PM
a reply to: riiver

Why explain don't have to because someone frowns down about it..

I got one..just cuz..

posted on May, 10 2015 @ 02:49 AM

originally posted by: FyreByrd

originally posted by: Kali74
a reply to: Dark Ghost

Defamation is illegal in most Western nations. Poor guy does have some legal recourse.

IF - I repeat IF - he can pay for it.

It's an open and shut case of libel - it's there for the world to see - most Lawyers (in the UK at least) would take that one as "no win no fee" and have their costs paid by the defendant anyway.

posted on May, 10 2015 @ 02:52 AM

originally posted by: Onslaught2996
OK I am confused. Some of the same people in this thread think it is OK to stereotype and stop Mexicans and African Americans..but here it is wrong?

And who said that?

Don't put words in our mouths and stop being such a drama queen.

posted on May, 10 2015 @ 07:41 AM

originally posted by: Onslaught2996
OK I am confused. Some of the same people in this thread think it is OK to stereotype and stop Mexicans and African Americans..but here it is wrong?

I agree that all the above is wrong but why is OK for one and not the other to some people?

In case your wondering what stereotypes...

pedophiles are usually white males between 20 and 50

Blacks dress or talk a certain way..most likely criminals

Mexican..just being Mexican..might be illegal

There is an obvious difference which you conveniently ignore: context.

One would expect white people to make up the majority of paedophiles within a predominately white-majority population. (FYI paedophilia is far more widespread, and in some cases even socially acceptable, in certain non-Western countries where white people are the minority).

When examining crime within a predominantly white population, the number of black people committing crimes is significant.

When examining illegal immigration numbers in the USA, the number of Mexicans illegally immigrating is significant.

Stereotypes are wrong, but they did not come to exist out of thin air.

posted on May, 10 2015 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: riiver

Because it signals (to me) that it's most likely a person who never gets any attention in real life, hence the FB; and the great majority of those that I know who do have one really are like that: nice people, most of them, but not people who are ever going to garner positive attention in real life.

I have a Facebook account because it's a great way to advertise for my business. A lot of other business people to too.

I certainly can understand that. Good for you!
I was talking about the people I know (and, let's face it, very many people in general).

posted on May, 10 2015 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: theMediator

When people on ATS see a thread/reply that they like, they give a star/flag and when others read it they see that whatever it was,

Not necessarily. I have often starred replies that I dis-liked profoundly but found them useful, in that they furthered the discusion. It may be just a semantic difference, but it is a very real one.

As for FB, I gather the "likes" are rather meaningless, with many people "liking" things without really giving them any thought, or for some reason unrelated to the post itself.

posted on May, 10 2015 @ 10:30 AM
Another victim in the War On Men.

posted on May, 10 2015 @ 12:44 PM
Totally not shocked on this one.

Why, just the other week I was bored and on Facebook and came across this weird hipster chick with a ton of followers who was basically condoning death threats at that poor hunter girl who's killing those animals in africa--you guys remember that chick from a few months ago--well, this hipster swag chick is like oh eff this girl and she should die and get dressed as an animal then shot etc. etc.

So that's where I step in. To politely inform her that it's okay to hate hunting--but please, stop hating the hunter. Because it ruins your 'stance' and makes you look jealous and petty. (Since this chick and her little weird friends are the type who are fake and load on the makeup and crap thinking it makes them look good--because that's what it does. Except they're all butterfaces once the makeup comes off. You know what I mean. Well, the hunter girl they were hating on is way cuter than them--naturally. And so I figured that was probably the source of their ire.)

Being somewhat attractive myself, I tend to take offense when I see pretty people getting hate for no reason other than people are jealous a-holes. So yeah. Then I got slammed with all these morons telling me it was 2015 (uh gee thanks i totally didn't know that already?) and for me to get with the picture--totally ignoring the point of everything I'd just said. Just went boop right over their heads.

Stupid people these days. I hate stupidity. So. Much.
makes me die on the inside lol

So being the kid I still am on the inside, I just posted Lamb Of God's Choke Sermon before going on my merry way bwahahaha oh sweet metal vengeance xD

Yes. Yes I was very, very bored.
edit on 10-5-2015 by rukia because: (no reason given)

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