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History Repeating Itself Again

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posted on May, 8 2015 @ 08:40 AM
One of the Blogs I check often is that of Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. A co-author of the Reganomics policy and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury among some of his long list of credentials. On May 6th he posted article below which delves into what happens to truth-tellers in America in regards to the current build up in the Ukraine:

While have never trusted the Russians nor would I ever consider doing so, the US government can be distrusted equally anymore and this situation appears to me to be a repeat of exactly what the US did before. The quote below taken from the book A Bright Shining Lie, by Neil Sheehan: will back up this fear:

Page 591 - Concerning Daniel Ellsberg…

"At the Pentagon he read the most closely guarded secrets of all in the central nuclear war plan of the nation, the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan.
Ellsberg was dismayed by what he learned. The Soviets were hardly in a position to make a surprise attack. The claim that the Russians had a big advantage in intercontinental missiles—the so-called missile gap Kennedy exploited in the 1960 election against Nixon, apparently thinking it was true—was a fable. The Soviet’s humiliation in the Cuban missile crisis, which was to goad them into full-fledged nuclear buildup, had not yet occurred. American intelligence showed they had four ICBMs and fewer than 200 intercontinental bombers. The U.S. Air Force generals and Navy admirals had, on the other hand, prepared a thermonuclear blitzkrieg with scores of land-based and submarine launched missiles and thousands of aircraft. The Joint Chief’s plan envisioned killing approximately 325 million people in the Soviet Union and China. When deaths from strikes in Eastern Europe and from radioactive fallout in countries on the periphery like Finland and Pakistan and Japan were counted in, along with the number of deaths the Russians would be able to inflict on the United States before they were obliterated, the total fatalities would exceed half a billion. The American military leaders would make Hitler’s Holocaust look like a misdemeanor, Ellsberg thought."

Once again, Agenda appears to be trumping reality and for the life of me I simply cannot understand how or why the USA is currently in the process of starting WWIII again with Russia. It is not like they are banging on the door in Cuba this time, we are banging on their door in the Ukraine. I lived through the first debacle which was justifiable, why do we have to do it again and this time as the aggressor? I guess if you have a garage full of nuclear weapons gathering dust you may as well get rid of them by shooting them off, eh? Not good, not good at all.

posted on May, 8 2015 @ 09:07 AM
a reply to: BennyHavensOh

First of all I know some members of Cohen's Family personally. The running joke is he has to fly into Cincinnati and get picked up. Because if he drove at some point on the journey he would have to make at least one right turn.

I think this might be The most telling quote from your source about his opinions.

Cohen concedes that he “has not spent much time detailing the ways in which the Kremlin or Putin or the Russian leadership have contributed” to the conflict in Ukraine, where fighting between government forces and Moscow-backed separatists in the east of the country has killed more than 6,100 people since April 2014.

Do you wonder why he didn't look into the Russian involvement? Because he's too busy getting paid by them to apologize.

edit on 8-5-2015 by Greathouse because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2015 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: Greathouse

I have always believed and publically stated that in all probability, all of the political leaders are on the same team, working the same script and probably being paid by the same masters. My argument above all is that after many decades of studying military history, Russia IMHO is a place that can NEVER be crushed on their own soil. History shows that they do not invade other places successfully and are always repulsed, but attacking Mother Russia has and, I believe never will, result in anything but defeat for the attackers. Napoleon was one of the finest military leaders of all time with a huge, experienced military machine and he utterly failed. Hitler, while not much of a military leader IMHO, nonetheless had the finest combined armed forces and technology and also failed miserably. A community organizer with little to no abilities of any kind will far no better no matter what kind of technocrap he is able to hurl at the cornered Bear that I my point.

edit on 8-5-2015 by BennyHavensOh because: To correct an omission

posted on May, 8 2015 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: BennyHavensOh

Cohen concedes that he “has not spent much time detailing the ways in which the Kremlin or Putin or the Russian leadership have contributed” to the conflict in Ukraine, where fighting between government forces and Moscow-backed separatists in the east of the country has killed more than 6,100 people since April 2014.

posted on May, 8 2015 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: BennyHavensOh

history has shown they do not invade other places

I don't know what history books you studied? Or maybe you should just mention that to Finland, Poland or Afghanistan. Oh yeah and then there's the little matter of the Ukraine.

I agree you cannot defeat Russia on their own soil just like the US or China. But then again I haven't heard any country call for invasion of Russia have you?

posted on May, 8 2015 @ 10:06 AM

originally posted by: BennyHavensOh
The claim that the Russians had a big advantage in intercontinental missiles—the so-called missile gap Kennedy exploited in the 1960 election against Nixon, apparently thinking it was true—was a fable.

This was not a question of the number of missiles.The amount of nuclear weapons is the number of individual warheads. Even though the US has had the advantage of number of missiles they are outnumbered in warheads (MIRVs) The US only loads 1 warhead per missile whereas they load multiple MIRVs into each missile (If I remember correctly the number is 5). That number was only counting the ones deployed in Russia and not the entire Soviet Union.

originally posted by: BennyHavensOh
The Joint Chief’s plan envisioned killing approximately 325 million people in the Soviet Union and China.
Why was China mentioned ? Up until the 80s when it ran out the US and China had a signed Mutual Defense Treaty with such that if the Soviet Union invaded either country , the other nation was obliged to assist.

And none of this was classified then or now

From someone who knows.....Peace

posted on May, 8 2015 @ 10:12 AM

originally posted by: Greathouse
a reply to: BennyHavensOh

history has shown they do not invade other places

I don't know what history books you studied? Or maybe you should just mention that to Finland, Poland or Afghanistan. Oh yeah and then there's the little matter of the Ukraine.

I agree you cannot defeat Russia on their own soil just like the US or China. But then again I haven't heard any country call for invasion of Russia have you?

I am sorry, I meant to say that they do not invade other places successfully. I will correct that I apologise for my error.

posted on May, 8 2015 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: Greathouse

I am hearing a lot of people on the street calling for the US to just nuke Russia and get it over with, and while that kind of talk is cheap and foolish even it is probably moot because the sellouts at the top always do what they want to in the end anyway. There have been other sites and the MSM whipping up the War cries over the course of the last year which bothers me as it did when I was in the service. A bunch of old fat wealthy sellouts gearing up the youth and their parents to go fight their battles for them so that they can continue to rake in billions.

posted on May, 8 2015 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: Gothmog

Well China has been buddying up with Russia, India, Venezuela, you know, a lot of other countries and I would not be surprised if they do not love US as much as our media and politicians tell us they do. They are an ancient civilization with a very good memory, unlike US, and I still recall they we did after all fight millions of them in both Korea and Vietnam. Maybe they remember that too.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: BennyHavensOh

Read this OP to the end

And you will understand, it is about money

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 07:02 AM
a reply to: TorinoFer

Thank you TF the only part that I am not sure about is:

What matters is that surplus of money is higher than the debt.

I'll have to ponder that a while. People that have never been in the military and even a lot of those in the enlisted grades do not understand that there are and have been generals and entire staffs that have been pushing for nuclear war and even nuclear war against Russia & China since the Korean War days. True we have not done it, yet, but there still continues to be those that not only advocate it but work hard to try to bring it about. They have been held in check for over 60 years now but that is no guarantee that they will never get the upper hand and finally be allowed to do it. Only the truly stupid will convince themselves that the possibility and calamity of nuclear war does not exist. I guess these type like surprises, eh? As the US political masters degrade in the abilities to govern effectively the chances of this catastrophe grow more possible and when you consider some of the prophetic writings that have been out there for centuries, believe in them or not, some of these megalomaniacs certainly use them to justify it as having be meant to be. I have been cognoscente of the possibility since the Cuban Missile Crisis and have never once since then forgotten the potential, though I have been able to go about my life without the possibility degrading it to any extent, but it is always there and always will be a lurking possibility until either it happens of the Sun goes supernova.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: TorinoFer

Read this OP to the end

And you will understand, it is about money

The only thing that I understand from your link is that you like to rant, and don't bother supporting your assertions with a source.

posted on May, 18 2015 @ 11:35 PM
a reply to: BennyHavensOh

I guess you missed the declassified Russian KGB papers that were found in east Germany after the Berlin wall fell proving that they had 70 nuclear missiles ready to fire at the U.S. in Cuba, before Kennedy enacted the blockade!!!

Had Kennedy gave the order to attack all 70 would have quickly been fired at us destroying Florida, LA, Texas, Bases in Alabama and all up the east coast to D.C. itself.

Russia has been building new ICBMs ever since we started giving them money to destroy their old ones. No U.S. politician was saying crap about it then, even though they were taking our money and building new more advanced missiles than they ever had while spending a minimal amount of money scrapping old rockets.

posted on May, 26 2015 @ 06:13 PM
a reply to: Patriotsrevenge

Indeed I did miss that and I thank you for bringing it to my attention. Though I shall never trust our Federal government, I will never forget that both of my German Grandmothers told me to "Never trust the Russians"! trust is a valuable commodity indeed and difficult to find.

posted on May, 26 2015 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: BennyHavensOh

Well China has been buddying up with Russia, India, Venezuela, you know, a lot of other countries and I would not be surprised if they do not love US as much as our media and politicians tell us they do.

Most of the world is hating USA, this is not a secret. Deal with it.

posted on May, 26 2015 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: kitzik

Well I am I assure you, though I fail to understand how it is a good thing. Is it?

posted on May, 26 2015 @ 06:43 PM
If the US was interested in going after Russia they would have done so. They could have used either of Russia's invasions of Georgia as and excuse, or Moldova or just now in the Ukraine. Or they could give Azerbaijan backed by Turkey to go after Armenia and force Russia's hand. In fact I can think of a dozen ways they could have got things rolling if they had any interest in doing so. Right the US simply wants to keep Russia from causing trouble in Europe. Russia is in decline and the US has not need to go to war with a nation that is failing. As more and more Russian troops die fighting in Ukraine and the Russian economy continues to shrink the US just has to sit back and watch. Russia is its own worst enemy.

posted on May, 26 2015 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: BennyHavensOh

The US waging war on nations based on their non existent weapons...hmmm, maybe it's their party trick.

Macho posturing perhaps or some other money and power related nefarious agenda.

posted on May, 26 2015 @ 07:03 PM
a reply to: MrSpad

Do you ever see Russia and the US joining?

posted on May, 26 2015 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: MrSpad

One thing I understand from my involvement in our government here in NJ is that the natural gas "filling station" at the end of a 48" pipeline that is being run from Texas to Stockton, NJ is supposedly for filling containers of natural gas to be sold overseas, specifically in the Ukraine. Just this fact alone makes me suspicious of the entire affair, if you know what I mean.

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