posted on May, 10 2015 @ 07:25 PM
A few things about Jade Helm.
1. I sure hope your Civil War is over by the time I have to drive through Texas in December. I'd hate to get caught in the crossfire between army
drones and a bunch of shotgun-toting hillbillies running for their lives.
2. I don't understand why Big Bad Obama would bother "taking over" Texas. The good people of Texas are already good little subjects, so long as you
don't mess with their guns, their crappy American beer, or Wal-Mart, none of which appear to be going anywhere anytime soon. As a general rule you
don't have to conquer people who are already ruled by the government doing the conquering.
3. If "The Government" really did want to invade Texas, they wouldn't hide it behind a big training exercise which is sure to set off the
xenophobic tendencies of the loonies. They'd disguise it as a Klan rally so none of these bumpkins suspected anything out of the ordinary.
4. In January 2017 when Obama goes ahead and steps down without any fuss, I'm sure the wholly honest and totally not racist hicks and teatards from
Texas will all pitch in on a great big card saying "We're sorry we spent all 8 years of your presidency getting all worked up for nothing." It
would be the Christian thing to do, after all.