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Howcome knowone has been on the moon recently?

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posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 03:23 PM
I'd venture to guess because we need to finish the Space Station first, that has been slowed by the shuttle problems. Eventully the moon will have its time as a jumping base for deep space missions (mostly robotic) and sub zero gravity manufactoring. I'm not sure what type of natural resources that would be available but that too would be reason to return.

As long as the reptails let us
Only kidding

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 04:25 PM
Didn't Bush say he wanted to send people back to the moon???

Russia seems to have interest in going to Mars
go Russia

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 04:25 PM
Didn't Bush say he wanted to send people back to the moon???

Russia seems to have interest in going to Mars
go Russia

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 10:22 PM
uhg, i guess i'll be the "lucky" one to turn this thread into something informational.

Ok, it has been roughly 30 years since someone has been on the moon.. with today's technology being far powerful than 30 years ago, howcome knowone has been on the moon recently?

In 2008 Nasa will launch there moon orbiter, and a couple years after that a rover. The set date for people returning to the Moon is before 2020. After we complete the building of the ISS, that money will be diverted to the moon & Mars & Beyond initiative.

Japan could go to the Moon if they really wanted. In fact, I think they've already put stuff in orbit around it. And don't discount Russia, I'm sure if they REALLY wanted to they could pull together and get there too.

Not currently, Japan Space Agency has being plagued with several problems, they do not have good rocket tech. The Japan Moon mission your probably refering to hasn't even being launched yet, for the record its original launch date was 1997, now it looks like 2005, if there lucky. To keep track of North Korea Japan planned on launching 4 spy sats, both in pairs but a couple years apart, the first launch went fine, and then spy sat 3 & 4 the rocket failed so they had to blow it up, I believe that was the last thing that they have "launched".
Russia has no current plans on going to our moon, they are planning a future mission to a Mars moon called Phobos, Since several countries are eyeing our moon they figured they would just check out a different moon instead.

I'm not sure what type of natural resources that would be available but that too would be reason to return.

Titanium, the last mission showed large deposits of Titanium, which is a good metal for building things (like Rockets and buildings), and possibly have ice in its poles.

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 10:43 PM
Has everyone forgotten that the European Space Agency (ESA) currently has a ship orbiting the moon? It's called SMART-1. It was launched in Sept 2003, has been orbiting the Earth taking lots of photos, slowly working it's way out of the hold of Earth's gravity and into a lunar orbit. In mid Nov 2004, it reached lunar orbit with the help of it's ion engine. It's going to slowly lower itself down closer to the lunar surface and then map the entire surface (including the dark side) with all kinds high tech equipment. If any of those moon/alien theories are correct, we should have photos of smiling aliens by the end of January 2005!
Here's the SMART-1 website:

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 01:23 AM
The amount of time between Apollo 1 and Apollo 8 is equal to the amount of time between Columbia and now, we should be in Lunar orbit. But there is no hurry, you've got the rest of your lives to figure it out, they sure aint flying to the Moon, you'll see, but you still wont see.

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 08:51 AM
Murcielago, thanks for the information. I never knew that mission was scrubbed, and I really don't follow to closely what JAXA is doing. As for Russia, I knew nothing about a Phobos mission. Thanks again, mate.

Looter, knock off the Moon hoax stuff please. There have been enough threads on it here on ATS that it's mindboggling. If you don't believe me, use the ATS Search Function. So please, do not turn this into another one.

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 01:03 PM
What the hell do you mean country but western hasnt got the tech Japan is the most technologicly advanced on the face of the earth lolhey are like 5 years ahead of us

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 01:41 PM
The reason they have not went back to the moon is because they never went there the first time. It is far too easy to prove their deceptions today because of all the tecnology everyone has access to. The filming in disney and at other studio's will not hold up today. They wouldn't dare try it today, it would be too easy to show their deceptions.

The cost was never a factor in the past and it wouldn't be today, they have always done what they wanted to, they never asked for our approval in the past, why would they ask for it now.

I can guarantee you, there will not be another faked trip to the moon.

Why do you think the space station sits at only 200 miles above the earth ?

They cannot go much further than about 300 miles up before they reach the Van Allen Radiation Belt, which would burn up anything trying to pass through.

Most of the Astronauts were Masons, that should tell you something.

Another revealing piece of infomation is the hidden meaning of the names of the Space Shuttles, "A Colombian Enterprise to Endeavor for the Discovery of Atlantis... and all Challengers shall be destroyed."

You can consider that a coincidence if you want to but I don't.

We will "NEVER" see another trip to the moon, it was all a deception and their true agenda is about to be revealed.

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 02:58 PM
Please stop trying to turn this into a Moon hoax thread. As I've already said, there are more on ATS than anyone can shake a stick at. So knock it off folks!

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 03:47 PM
Money, money, and more money. Japan does not have the tech because you need the money to build the tech. Money builds you tech which blast rockets into space which have satelites and rovers made by the latest tech which was funded by money. It probably take NASA's entire annual budget to send another man back to the moon and considerably less for an unmanned. Also, the fascination now is with Mars.

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 04:13 PM
What's the point of going to the moon? wasn't it all auctioned off a while back?

But seriosuly, why go our natural sattellite when we could go to Mars, or Jupiter... or Pluto!!!!!???? Let's go to Pluto! We could save up all our money and......
But seriously, pretty soon there'll be nothin' left to explore, and we'll start exploring the sea or something again....

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by satchbfoot
What's the point of going to the moon? wasn't it all auctioned off a while back?

But seriosuly, why go our natural sattellite when we could go to Mars, or Jupiter... or Pluto!!!!!???? Let's go to Pluto! We could save up all our money and......
But seriously, pretty soon there'll be nothin' left to explore, and we'll start exploring the sea or something again....

To say that there'll be nothing left to explore is to be truley Ignorant! The exploration doesnt stop at the solar system! There is a Infint Possibility!

[edit on 24-12-2004 by PanzerDiv]

posted on Dec, 25 2004 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by yuanshao101
What the hell do you mean country but western hasnt got the tech Japan is the most technologicly advanced on the face of the earth lolhey are like 5 years ahead of us

They are a few years ahead of the US in the area of camera phones, not high tech stuff like rockets. China has better rockets then Japan. Japan has big dreams, but there not thinking realistic enough. (they all probably watch those dumb animated shows).

satchbfoot - Are you joking, space is virtually infinite, it will take us a VERY---VERY---VERY---LONG time to explore even a fraction of it. You are far to close-minded.

posted on Dec, 25 2004 @ 07:41 AM
Lots of nice info here! Thanx to the M's further up

Looking forward to getting some new desktop backgrounds from SMART-1

posted on Dec, 25 2004 @ 08:46 AM
hope i haven't overread this one, but india is heading to a moon mission, seems like they want the rest of the world to see what they can do :

posted on Dec, 25 2004 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Hannah
hope i haven't overread this one, but india is heading to a moon mission, seems like they want the rest of the world to see what they can do :

Seriously, I hope India is better at that then they are writing COBAL otherwise they�ll end up in the Sun or hurdling into deep space.

posted on Dec, 26 2004 @ 12:17 PM
Personally, i dont think we ever went to the moon, humans cant go to the moon, there is too much cosmic radiation

posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by Paladin327
Personally, i dont think we ever went to the moon, humans cant go to the moon, there is too much cosmic radiation

Cell phones give off radiation. People can withstand radiation, just not high doses or for a long time. the moon missions were never longer then a couple weeks.

Every argument you have, I wont dispute, because they have all been debunked years ago.

we went, and we will go again, get over it.

posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 04:35 AM
This is the real reason we have not been back!

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