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My child and his dream

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posted on May, 5 2015 @ 02:26 PM
So, I am not sure what to make of this yet and hope this is just one of those strange things kids do but I am posting here in case this has happened to any other member out there.

I have a son, our only child, and he is age 5. He has not had too much exposure to television and video with exception of PBS kids via the internet and videos that we provide from the library or have downloaded, he is a fan of Scooby-Doo mysteries. We do not have a television attached to any source except the dvd player. I know he has a very active imagination as he is constantly drawing/painting scenes for his next movie and talking with his imaginary film crew (based on the dinosaur characters from PBS's "The Dinosaur Train"). He is always telling my wife and I how they are designing this Amazon scene or a Himalayan hidden city scene and we understand where all of this is coming from because we know the videos where he was exposed to this information.

This morning, however, he came into our bed and told us he couldn't sleep. Wouldn't tell us much more at first and finally got to rest. When we awoke, he looked up at my wife and I and said I really had a bad bad dream. Said he didn't want to talk about it and then finally a few minutes later when we asked him why it was so bad, he said that he dreamed that somethings people but not people like you could not tell if it was boy people or girl people were trying to drill into his head. (points to just about right ear). Said he could not move his mouth to tell them to stop and his body was like a statue, couldn't move it. Like freeze tag but for real. He said he just kept thinking that Mommy can help, Mommy can help and these people things vanished and he woke up in his bed and came to our bedroom. I had awoken when he came in and he was sweaty and clammy feeling, it was about 3:30AM here near Seattle.

I do not recall any of his media exposure discussing bran drillings and so on. I tried my best not to pry him further as he was clearly upset by it. I was meaning to ask if the kids at school talk of these things or what but I am a little hesitant to make a big deal of it yet.

Has anyone had conversations like this with their little ones?

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: evc1shop

When I was a teacher, with first graders, many children that young will have the most incredible stories about previous lives, other worlds and so on.

One child even told me that he was a pilot before and die flying and will draw his airplane.

Another child told me that people were calling him by the wrong name, and even gave what he said it was his real name and last name.

Many, many stories and they are dismiss as just that a active imagination.

Even my son when a child use to tell me that he was from a place were you could fly.

Sometimes we most wonder about all this, perhaps children until certain age have a door to another place or memories of other lives, many do not believe that but is a possibility.

Even alien life.

Perhaps is better to just treat it as just a bad dream, but for you sake leave a monitor next to his bed to see if you can hear anything at night.

Very soon as he get older he will forget about all this things, but you can keep a journal so you don't forget too, later you can do comparisons and see how often he repeats the same things.

edit on 5-5-2015 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: evc1shop

My grandson was lost in the woods for 5 hours and he came back with a chilling story. He was 3 1/2 years old.
This is the thread, and a lot of other people also shared their stories so its an interesting read.

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: misskat1
a reply to: evc1shop

My grandson was lost in the woods for 5 hours and he came back with a chilling story. He was 3 1/2 years old.
This is the thread, and a lot of other people also shared their stories so its an interesting read.

Thanks for that, I think I read it a while back but will certainly do a refresh as this all has a little more meaning to me now.

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: marg6043
It is hard not to want to know/ hear more from him but my wife and I discussed letting him mature and come to us if he needs. We don't want to force him to recount and constantly review what may have been a one-off bad dream.

I do understand that children, at their younger years, can seem to, and probably do, have insights to past lives and other dream states and perhaps abilities to see things we can't. I find it fascinating and yet worrying at the same time. Just going to let this one sit for now and see if he brings it up ever again.


posted on May, 5 2015 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: evc1shop

I totally understand, but make sure you keep a journal handy for when he comes to you telling you the experiences, dreams or both, without making him feel that you are trying to make him talk.

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: evc1shop

We chose not to question my grandson either. We just didnt want to keep the memory alive, nor did we want to create false memories, by asking questions.

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: evc1shop

How is your son's health? Does he need to see a neurologist?

The reason I am asking is that sometimes young children will have a dream or a premonition about their health.

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 04:20 PM

originally posted by: caladonea
a reply to: evc1shop

How is your son's health? Does he need to see a neurologist?

The reason I am asking is that sometimes young children will have a dream or a premonition about their health.

As far as we know, he is quite healthy. Recently had his physical to get his paperwork in order to go from Montessori to Public 1st grade in the fall. No chronic issues. Hardly ever sick with exception of sniffles. Gets his fair share of bumps and bruises playing hard outside on his bikes and climbing trees and such. He did have an incident at school about 3 months ago where he fell off the swing and did bang his head on the ground. We monitored him closely for a few days for any signs of trauma but other than that most activities are performed with a helmet in place.

A possible premonition would be reason enough for us to just keep closer watch on him for a while. If he has a repeat dream, it might be time to escalate things and get him checked again.

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: evc1shop

We raised our daughter (she's turning 17) the same way with regard to television, so I understand your point of view...

I think you are right not to question him at this point - this way, you don't run the risk of 'reinforcing' the memory of the dream, which could cause repeats of it...

...if the dream does repeat, or he has similar type dreams, I would talk to his teacher before talking to your son, and see if she can pin point any 'source' of such 'concepts'- maybe she has heard other kids talking about tv shows or movies with your son or where he could have overheard them...

The hardest part about raising kids well, is having no control over what they learn from kids whose parents aren't doing such a great job...

The main thing is continuing to be supportive - it's good that you let him sleep with you when it happened..

If it happens again, and you feel comfortable sharing, please let us know...

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: evc1shop

Thank you for your response to what I said...I hope and pray he stays in good health...children are so precious.

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 05:03 PM
Do not down play anything a very young says; they are more connected to their internal then the pair-rents.

What do you think imagination is, a waste of a space in the brain? Way off, for anyone with that perception.

He needs mommy to radiate love and that state/vibration, energetically, can dismantle any lower thought forms/entities that are trying your son.

Do not down play that you cannot see or comprehend. That is how society is in this mess and people are suffering mental/energetic.

Children at that age, not long ago, were incubating in complete darkness, the mother womb, which is a micro of the universal womb. Hence they are more connected to the other side.

Show true love and raise the child's feelings and state. The rest will take care of its own. Is the only advice I can give abroad..

There isn't much, that is more powerful then a mother's love. It can overcome the most amazing circumstances. .
edit on 5-5-2015 by Elementalist because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to: evc1shop

As a parent myself, I'd be concerned. I would first ask him if he saw anything like that, or heard it from someone, just to be sure he didn't get the idea someplace, and you missed it. A comment from a playmate could be enough.

My other responses would be based on my faith.

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 07:19 PM
My wife and I are also very selective and restrictive of media our children are exposed too. What sticks out in my mind is our 3y/o getting teary eyed and stating that we need to go "look for my other dad" or that he "cannot find his first dad." He understands that 'daddy', 'dad', and 'father' are all the same 'person' here and now, but his use of qualifiers is intriguing. Neither my wife, or I push the issue or ask more than, "where should we go look?" It has been occuring about once a week over the last 2-3 months.

Just my experience with something similar to the OP.

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 07:41 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: evc1shop

When I was a teacher, with first graders, many children that young will have the most incredible stories about previous lives, other worlds and so on.

One child even told me that he was a pilot before and die flying and will draw his airplane.

Another child told me that people were calling him by the wrong name, and even gave what he said it was his real name and last name.

Many, many stories and they are dismiss as just that a active imagination.

Even my son when a child use to tell me that he was from a place were you could fly.

Sometimes we most wonder about all this, perhaps children until certain age have a door to another place or memories of other lives, many do not believe that but is a possibility.

Even alien life.

Perhaps is better to just treat it as just a bad dream, but for you sake leave a monitor next to his bed to see if you can hear anything at night.

Very soon as he get older he will forget about all this things, but you can keep a journal so you don't forget too, later you can do comparisons and see how often he repeats the same things.

When my daughter was younger, she would play with her "brothers and sisters" from Heaven. I had 5 miscarriages. 2 before her and 3 after. She had named her brothers and sisters because according to her, they were sad they didn't have a name. She had imaginary friends until she was 14 and a psychiatrist told her it was wrong to have imaginary friends. (She's special needs.) She used to play with ghosts as well, she could tell you if they were good or bad. The bad would scare her, the good she would play with her toys. (And at night while she was sleeping, they would play with her toys.)

Edit: My daughter's TV was highly monitored as well. If it wasn't PBS Kids, it was Disney channel. Nothing over PG-7 for movies or games. To this day, even though she's 19, she operates on a 8-12 year old level due to autism, Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum, and moderate retardation due to a lot of oxygen loss at birth, so even today her viewing habits are monitored and she's still a Disney girl and her movies are PG-13.
edit on 5/5/2015 by Anyafaj because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 07:49 PM
Yes, it sounds familiar. My youngest and eldest are most prone to such episodes as you described.

Always check what he's being exposed to. School, day care, play dates. But also really sit back and consider: What are you and your wife talking about when he's suppose to be asleep? When he's in the other room playing, and you think he's not paying attention? How often do you guys get in a conversation about a thread, or story your read online? You'd be surprised at how much our children do pick up from us, without us even realizing it.

That being said, in regards to night terrors and the beings that often accompany them. I stopped being concerned, or believing that I could do anything about it or that it was bad - long before my children were born.

I teach my kids not to give anything energy that scares them or makes them feel bad. In other words, I treat them as society has taught us to treat it - as boogeymen. It's just generally good mental hygiene - to not dwell or become overtly emotional toward these things. I believe a haunting, almost half of the time, is a psychosomatic group consciousness projection in the family dynamics. Unleashing the mind of a five year old on the psychic plane - just be cautious and careful. I think a lot of people speak from a metaphysical/mystical mind frame and may not necessarily be parents. What is appropriate spiritual contemplation for an adult, is not appropriate spiritual contemplation for a child. It isn't.

Hug and kiss him - and tell him you love him - and that Mommy and Daddy are right there, whenever he wakes up from a bad dream. But never feed a nightmare into reality, please do your child that favor.


posted on May, 5 2015 @ 08:42 PM
You might want to check his head first hand. I recently read an old journal of my wife's experience and she told me of the same thing. Well, I checked and there was a small red spot and it was not healed right where this happened in her "dream". She did tell me it really hurt when is was done. Shortly after other things happened and this was authenticated by my observation as well.

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: Anyafaj
Thank you for sharing your story... In the kindest way possible, I would like to wish your child all the best that is left in this world.
My sister has a son with Becker's muscular dystrophy and a few other things and it just tears at my heart to watch him at age 6 just having his feeding tube (failure to thrive) removed and finally getting to feel normal (as normal as possible) around kids at the playground and pools all the while knowing that his muscles are just about to peak and they are already planning for his leg and back braces that he will need starting in a year or so.

Children are so precious and really need us parents to guide them whether it is full hands-on or gentle suggestions here and there, I know it all helps them grow and cope with things. I am still sorting out when and which things my son needs my input and my ear the most and how much of each.

Thanks again.

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 12:17 AM

originally posted by: CirqueDeTruth
Yes, it sounds familiar. My youngest and eldest are most prone to such episodes as you described.

Always check what he's being exposed to. School, day care, play dates. But also really sit back and consider: What are you and your wife talking about when he's suppose to be asleep? When he's in the other room playing, and you think he's not paying attention? How often do you guys get in a conversation about a thread, or story your read online? You'd be surprised at how much our children do pick up from us, without us even realizing it.


I am a very interactive parent at his school, I talk to his teachers almost every day when I pick him up and we go over the things he may be doing, what the other kids play with him and such. I even talk to a lot of his friends there and supervise them at our house during their play-dates.
My wife and I do not discuss much in front of him or in his proximity when he is sleeping and since I am the ATS reader, she and I rarely discuss any of these threads.

That said, yes, his school-mates may have some influence on him so we will look into that a bit more.

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 12:19 AM

originally posted by: sailormon
You might want to check his head first hand. I recently read an old journal of my wife's experience and she told me of the same thing. Well, I checked and there was a small red spot and it was not healed right where this happened in her "dream". She did tell me it really hurt when is was done. Shortly after other things happened and this was authenticated by my observation as well.

I did give him a look over this evening while getting him through his bath and all seems to be in order. I will keep observing just in case though.

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