posted on May, 6 2015 @ 02:45 AM
-I was confused by the black body with pale skin too..? Though that is a minor point.
We live in a three hundred year old farmhouse, and when we first moved in, we all had experiences of seeing or hearing someone in it, similarly. The
vision of an angry man came up a lot.
I had a dream which told me the way to "heal" it was simply to fill the house with love and laughter, and over time, that would transform the problem.
So I decided not to dwell on the events. I remember hearing my five year old upstairs in bed saying outloud "Goodnight house! I love you!" It was so
cute, because I hadn't talked to them of my dream, it was just his own sincere expression.
But the events did stop eventually, and we have no sense of anything in it now but our own family memories.
I guess, now that I look back, this is when I formed my opinion that one shouldn't focus too much on entities of the other side. Let them lie, and
live your life. I don't know if it applies in all cases, but it seemed best for us anyway. Just thrwing that out there.
edit on 6-5-2015 by
Bluesma because: (no reason given)