posted on May, 6 2015 @ 04:57 PM
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ohh a0 how i love your tales. BBT obviously are real. in some form or another, i have personally seen things that made my jaw hit the floor.
if there are subs out there meeting up with BBT or some other super advanced craft then G.D America/ scary. makes you wonder what else GB
got in the Trident missile system transfer, like what other nuclear secrets they got.
i don't know many navy guys, my buddy works on reactors but he is on carriers so i doubt he would have any input as far as subs go, and even if he
did i doubt he would spill the beans he is a super stand up guy.
i wish i could go back and change from the Air Force to the Navy hearing all this BBT triangle talk.....i don't think they would have taken me anyway
i hate cold water, ill take my chair any day.