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Masonic Iconography - Double Headed Black Eagle

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posted on May, 5 2015 @ 08:10 AM

originally posted by: Shadow Herder

originally posted by: Elementalist
Greetings threeduece;

Over my time researching, studying , learning - externally and internally, as well as with certain people on this planet..

My conclusion is the double headed eagle represents Saturn, the black sun. 32 degrees Fahrenheit represents 0° Celsius, or the freezing point.

32°F = freezing point. As Jesus died/froze at 32 and resurrected @33. Hence 32° frozen = death, 33° = resurrection.

Fahrenheit (symbol °F) is a temperature scale based on one proposed in 1724 by the German physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686–1736), after whom the scale is named.


I don't see any value in what you just said. It doesn't matter who things are named after, it's the nature knowledge of it.

@Unity - of course this human journey we are of, is very complex and confusing. So many avenues and ways to get lost externally and internally.

I know you are a being of love and higher states, which I admire, as my partner is the same, my yang. When I awakened my kundalini and activated my heart center, most profound experience, and internal energy coursing through my body.. this is when "those guys" showed up a lot more as we posted in a previous thread regarding what you said possible pirates. .

The way I currently understand it as huemen, which resembles the colours of our internal body/chakra, we have 7 main centers, like the rainbow (Hence hueman, someone creating language understands this stuff).
We have 3 "lower", one center, 3 "higher" centers. The heart(hearth, earth) is the center of these centers. From my own internal energy and experiences to the knowledge and others I've accumulated through my time - the heart is the balance point of this "hueman rainbow".

It's the neutral balanced state, hence, unconditional, means in this sense to love and compassion with no conditions as your radiating this state.

So in regards to love and then seals/chakras/centers blah blah. . I currently understand it as a balanced point, which is radiant when one can stay in this state ineffective by others/external. It also brought RAW energy coursing through my body that I would never knew existed otherwise hence my awakening. I was attracting alot of things externally in this state, which lasted for about 6 months, it's not easy staying in this state, within this blueprint we are tricked into... as well as seeking the truth.

On regards to the OP and this post; threeduece, you must understand the complexity of what we are and the Truth. There is factions who work as a global network, under the radar so to speak, who have the knowledge and truth of; who, what, where, when, how we are within this blueprint.

Symbols are the language of the internal, as well as projections and states of being (love, hate and everything between).

We are DEEPLY rooted in the reality (external universe experienced with only 5 senses), based on the blueprint. Which is based on factions controlling and implementing it further until they solidify a world where it's near impossible to find your internal self and break both sides of the trap our soul energy/light is contained in.

I speak with experince and as one who has seen his internal self, which was incredible and life changing. I'm sure those we refer to as 1%, who design and implement the blueprint, are well aware and more of all of this.

As I said, take with grain of salt. The symbols controlling factions throughout his story, are using, are least worth our time figuring out. There are more complex problems we must face and defeat first.
edit on 5-5-2015 by Elementalist because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: Elementalist

You have a lot of a research there, and you've formed the patterns in it so its second nature to explain these things, and I've had my toe ins in being drawn and nudged to research similar, so there must be a reason for being nudged into studying up on codes in words, and squaring the circle.

But, there lies at the very heart of their beliefs, and probable reality of our solar system, something that I don't agree with, even if it temporally seems to work for them, if in the temporal, for a time they can entrap souls. They have a blueprint for ascension, 33 degrees, that is dark hat, but they safeguard it. There was a thread somewhere about a Rothschild, and quoted as saying we're lazy, we could make changes if we tried, we could gain immortality if we worked for it, and to not harm or kill, to become vegetarian, but here is the thing, to not kill or harm another unless you get another to do it.

So, they have a dark hat ascension that seems to honor the real ascension, that involves delegating their tasks to others, and then carrying out rituals to lighten their conscience, ie removal of care rituals. ie. they simply treat the universe platform as if its neutral and a machine, that can't tell when its being tricked.

It has to be the way I'm suggesting or they wouldn't say to not harm unless you're burdening another with the karma by suggesting they do it, and then removing your care with a ritual (or drugs).

This makes a mockery of Love and Goodness on higher levels.

You'd have to say, there is nothing Loving Above and a mindless machine universe, that can be tricked, just carries out functions, without concern for anyone, and there are no Loving Technicians watching over it.

Maybe they believe that.

I don't.

edit on 5-5-2015 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 09:10 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: ThreeDeuce
Oh yeah, and there's the whole Colombia connection with USA
District of Colombia
Colombia Broadcast
etc etc

Well, Colombia seems to be a link to Nimrod's mother/wife/killer Semiramis

Columbia was one of the name options for the United States before they settled on America. It had nothing to do with Nimrod and was a creation of the British Colonists, being a play on Columbus.


Yeah and the District of Columbia coming right out the middle of VIRGINia and MARYland, total coincidece.

Columbia has lots of symbolism. None of this stuff is an accident.

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 09:14 AM

originally posted by: ThreeDeuce
a reply to: butcherguy

Thought it interesting to see it trademarked

This guy has just normal corporate trademarks, click on his name to see (James hellewge). This is the oldest and only masonic trademark that he registered.

Now, did he do it to make money? Possible. I don't know how long the trademark is active, but just that is currently dead. But, surely he would not have been able to trademark something that he wasn't closely tied to.

Surely, the trademark office would have known what that symbol is, and not passed it frivolously.

To me, this makes it more interesting.

All you have to do to be trademarked is write the little tm after your mark. You just need to prove first use, after someone else proves a conflict.

Same with copywrite. Just write it and it's protected.

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 09:19 AM
There is something that, if they had real intelligence that wasn't dulled by so much low frequency gravity from harming others, (though they think they've dumped the responsibility for their crimes on so called lessers), but they really need to think on this.

Infinity itself and infinite progression. If God is the Tao, All and Everything Ocean, one has to realize the Everything is actually Consciousness. And that should be the major clue. They may analzye love, study it, trick it even by looking at its nature. But they don't feel it. And therefore cannot possibly know what Love is, what Love does and would never do.

When you understand and love another, your consciousness grows bigger. When you remove compassion and empathy to the point of harming someone, your consciousness has shrunk.

Lets put this another way, if the Tao is Everything or the All of Consciousness, and some people are growing their Consciousness bigger with Love and others are shrinking their Consciousness with harm and power over others, then how is it equal and how would Hate or Power ever be Top Dog in infinity.

Only Love, the true ALL would, the empowered expanded and grown up state of Consciousness.

And Love never harms nor abandons its child/seed, into a mindless uncaring machine to recycle over and over, those that don't follow their hidden little blueprint.

The only reason, Love may allow a person to linger in such a system of recycling, is if the person hasn't grown enough Love to reach higher levels, and so their soul would benefit more from experiencing a little more hardships to finally get it.

And yes I do get free will, but also know we're kiddies here, and no loving parent tells their 2 year old, I really respect your free will so much I'm going to let you play in traffic.

Saturn, Venus, the Moon, Cedonia, and all their geometry, have long considered this to be some way they are trapping energy and possibly soul, but can't see how anything in a matrix matters, soul is infinitely beyond equipment.

So our basic astrological arrangement traps us. I guess.

Based on all the crapola they've arranged and are doing here, the key to their little game is their Cremation of Care ceremonies. Started realizing how nuts they really are when I heard that term for the first time, its the only thing that explains the level of convoluted nonsense they believe in.
edit on 5-5-2015 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: Unity_99

Thank you for sharing that Unity, well put sister. As I said, I have carried unconditional love state for up to 6 months, this was the by far the most powerful state I've held within this body and beyond. .

Yourself and my partner say near the same things and understand this life, eye to eye, it seems from what I've gathered from you over my time here.. she tells me to trust in the heart/love and nothing can limit you. As I was in such states, I couldn't agree more.

Maybe it's the dominate male in me, but I think there is more to it then love, or myself, I must figure out the entirety before focusing on one state again.

There must be more too it, this is how I operate,. Which is why, seeking the entire truth is a life times work. While beings as yourself and my partner, and millions of others, just being in those states and who you are, aides in balancing, of the many in "lower" states.

I can go back to radiating love and compassion, as an unconditional being, my heart center is whirling, though not half as intense as my awakening period.

But I'm too stubborn and need to see and understand the entire structure of these so called blueprints. Or I belive, the so called evil we are facing, that is trapping soul light, will never be corrected..

Complex beings we are, inside, which creates the outside. Hence every action is following a thought behind that action. Humans don't do what they do without thinking about it first.

Like you said, consciousness is the ocean, matter is the creation inside of it, and consciousness gives awareness to the matter/body. Allows it to think, to do what it does..
edit on 5-5-2015 by Elementalist because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: Elementalist

Of course this must be put in the format of being a piece of the puzzle or that there is never a limit to what can be learnt, you're right in that there may be more. But even so, the warrior mentality of the annanuki and Saturn, who I've experienced as a young, adolescent warrior type, kind of a punk mentality basically, my spirit was more akin to a high school coach and had one of them in a headlock and was preparing to bounce them out of my house. This was my lucid dream, was trying to wake up because I had this headache, and knew needed some more meds, liquid, etc. But I couldn't wake up, so was in the inbetween state of conscious sleeping, aware that I was still sleeping.

Immediately to try and reach for Higher Self and some answers, as that is the one thing I would do in such a state. But couldn't for some reason. Then I remembered my friends dream where she said we needed to drive through the holograms and barriers, not try to clear them, and so decided everything was a hologram, and when i thought that, the whole room in my dream state, was dreaming I was in my living room trying to wake up. It became a kind of liquid, a thicker type of fluid state. And so just rushed through it and there he was, this punk, manipulating the whole situation. So I put him in a head lock. What woke me up was the realization that my soul was bigger than his and that he was really immature, and that I was like some Teacher, Coach that was going to drag him off, but still very careful with him as well, wouldn't want to hurt a teenager in any way.

So thats how i see them. They suppress Mother's energy and Female, they throw veils on them, make them into sex slaves and the whole 9 yards.

To me its pretty obvious they keep this system going on distorted, not mature, male energy, war, division and starvation.

They wouldn't be suppressing the Equality and Love side so much if it wasn't key and instrumental to seeing through their matrix.

But if there is something more needed, not sure what it could be.

All I know is I plan on putting them all in headlocks and hauling them off for some serious counseling sessions in the end.

I now see this all rather simply. They do vast convoluted coding and geometric language even, to hide secrets to control others, entrap them, but in reality, they're just kids, and they're carrying this all out in a kind of playpen, petri dish duality zone, not realizing that Love just dives in and takes alot of abuse, because it doesnt harm the kids, we don't want to harm them at all. Thats why it takes so long, we do not harm kids, we love them and bring them home. No matter how long it takes, and when they come home, we don't want them to come home feeling like losers, but like hero's. We play this out until each of them becomes hero's. Thats how much Love really loves, it wants them all to return as hero's, not forced.
edit on 5-5-2015 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: Unity_99

Understand and agree with what your saying.

We may seem to be off topic from black headed eagles used in symbolic language of the controlling 1%.. but it is ALL connected as we both know.

Like you said, these 1% are containing, shunning , and making a comedy out of love. The young coming up with mainstream music mantras in their sub conscious telling them love is a battlefield etc... these young ones grow up nit knowing true love is a STATE not a condition of two people.

I must make a thread on this topic. It's important to clear muddied waters. Thanks for the dialogue my friend.

Be balanced

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 07:26 PM

originally posted by: ThreeDeuce
Columbia means Dove, Semiramis turned into a dove when she died.

No, it does not. It is a personification of Columbus as America is for Americo Vespucci.

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 07:28 PM

originally posted by: ISawItFirst

Yeah and the District of Columbia coming right out the middle of VIRGINia and MARYland, total coincidece.

Considering both of those states are named after queens and it happened long before the choice for the name America over Columbia what is your point? Additionally, how did the country of Columbia get its name?

None of this stuff is an accident.

Who said it was an accident? Naming something, particularly a country or city, is obviously not 'accidental'.

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 07:30 PM

originally posted by: ISawItFirst

All you have to do to be trademarked is write the little tm after your mark. You just need to prove first use, after someone else proves a conflict.

Same with copywrite. Just write it and it's protected.

Stop giving people idiotic advice. You need to file for both:

Every trademark application must have a legal basis for filing. The filing bases under federal trademark law are: Section 1(a) Use; Section 1(b) Intent-to-Use; Section 44(d) Foreign application; Section 44(e) Foreign registration; and Section 66(a) Madrid Protocol. Source

posted on May, 8 2015 @ 06:57 PM
the country is spelled differently

posted on May, 8 2015 @ 07:18 PM
In another thread on eagle iconography, someone brought up the theory that Eagle = Snake, or that they are connected. A little bit of research, and it has shown alot. Make sure to check the very last link. That is the best information.

KnightLight's proposal of snake = eagle has opened many paths of research .

Astrologically, the eagle is the highest aspect of the sign Scorpio; its lower aspect is a serpent. Alchemically, it is the emblem of the element of air and is associated with the process of sublimation, wherein the volatile principal is heated until it “flies up to heaven.”
definition: In psychology, sublimation is a mature type of defense mechanism where socially unacceptable impulses or idealizations are unconsciously transformed into socially acceptable actions or behavior, possibly resulting in a long-term conversion of the initial impulse

Wade and Tavris present a similar view, stating that sublimation is when displacement "serves a higher cultural or socially useful purpose, as in the creation of art or inventions".[2]

In Freudian psychology, displacement (German: Verschiebung, "shift, move") is an unconscious defense mechanism whereby the mind substitutes either a new aim or a new object for goals felt in their original form to be dangerous or unacceptable


Just brainstorming, but is this possibly the reason for rampant political correctness? To force sublimation through displacement? I personally think that it is likely that many individuals identify with Freudian psychology. This is right along the mindset of the powers that be.

Eagle symbolism across cultures


The Eagle is the universal emblem of the gods of the sky. The cosmic eagle is a symbol of the highest aspirations of the spirit, and its triumph over the carnal nature. This is why the eagle is so often depicted in combat with serpents or bulls, creatures who symbolize earthly desire (bull) or evil (serpents). It is most often a solar symbol, but sometimes it is thunder or lightning. The divine eagle is often a hybrid or transformed man, often a king or hero of great virtue

In Christianity, the divine eagle is the emblem of John the Evangelist

It was the eagle Aquila (Who was once the King Periphas) that retrieved the thunderbolts of Zeus and carried his messages- it is from his name we derive the English word ‘eagle.’

The Aztec sun-god Hiutzilopochtli took the form of an eagle, As the legend goes, the god told the wandering Aztec tribes to search until they found an eagle perched upon a nopal (prickly pear) cactus. Whether or not that eagle was clutching a snake has been a matter of some debate, but the familiar symbolism struck a chord with Mexico’s European settlers, and the iconic image of a serpent-swallowing eagle was adopted as the coat of arms of Mexico.

It is also an eagle who carries the Sumerian king Etana to the heavens seeking after the tree of life. As the story is told in ancient poems, the eagle and serpent lived peaceably until the eagle devoured the serpent’s offspring. In revenge, the great snake hurls the eagle into a great pit, where he languishes until rescued by Etana. The remainder of the story is lost.

In Vedic mythology, the eagle is Garuda, the serpent-swallower. Garuda is variably the transport of Vishnu or an appearance of the god himself. Garuda often battled the great naga serpent Kaliya

In Norse mythology, the storm-giant Thiassi (storm-bringer) sometimes takes the form of an eagle.


Refutation to the idea that Romans first used the Double Eagle - shows Hitties circa 1600 BC

posted on May, 8 2015 @ 07:22 PM
See ... they say no nimrod connection to the double eagle or Columbia, but to me that is the surface lie.

Look, if the double eagle dates back to Hittite days, that is Assyrian, which is the descendants of Nimrod. Is it such a wild jump to look at the strong parallels between the iconography of their use, and our current masonic iconography? It's not that they are similar, they are identical.

Oh yeah, and that History show on New York city is called "Decoded". Watch that and tell me that there isn't a Satanic/Luciferian/Illuminated link between NYC and Columbia.... come on now, lets be realistic.

If there was a lie this pervasive, it would be told to Masons also.

posted on May, 8 2015 @ 07:25 PM

originally posted by: ISawItFirst

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: ThreeDeuce
Oh yeah, and there's the whole Colombia connection with USA
District of Colombia
Colombia Broadcast
etc etc

Well, Colombia seems to be a link to Nimrod's mother/wife/killer Semiramis

Columbia was one of the name options for the United States before they settled on America. It had nothing to do with Nimrod and was a creation of the British Colonists, being a play on Columbus.


Yeah and the District of Columbia coming right out the middle of VIRGINia and MARYland, total coincidece.

Columbia has lots of symbolism. None of this stuff is an accident.

You point out Virgin and Mary, and they say that is just chance, or simply state names. Semiramis was the Babylon personification of the Virgin Mary, more specifically people say that she was the basis behind the story. Sure, many place her as a FALSE idol, but they still worshiped her for years as the mother of the resurrected.

Oh but wait, Masons will tell you that is nothing, pure coincidence.

posted on May, 8 2015 @ 07:31 PM
I don't want to run the thread off topic but if this is a Masonic Eagle then could it be associated with the 30TH degree knight Kadosh? I'm not sure if the Masonic double headed Eagle is related to the more familiar Byzantine double headed Eagle. Obviously when the knight speaks from his coffin one must be ready to listen.

posted on May, 8 2015 @ 08:15 PM

originally posted by: Elementalist
I don't see any value in what you just said. It doesn't matter who things are named after, it's the nature knowledge of it.

I'm sure.

Assigning 32 degrees to the freezing point of water is a totally arbitrary decision on Fahrenheit's part. There is no "nature knowledge" involved.

Before Fahrenheit proposed that scale, there would have been no reason to associate the number 32 with water freezing. There's no inherent reason to do that. The zero on Fahrenheit's scale was set to the temperature he could get by mixing ice, water and ammonium chloride. The 100 degree mark was what he considered "blood heat". Neither are particularly good reference points, but that's what you had to work with in 1724.

Your "nature knowledge" in this case is that Fahrenheit's scale used references that are pretty awful and random in nature, and he went back and fudged it several times so that it ended up matching the freezing and boiling points of pure water on integers - 32 and 212F. Otherwise, it would have come out some oddball thing like 31.223 degrees.

So to simplify further, there's no mystic knowledge involved in water freezing at 32 degrees in Fahrenheit's scale. It just came out that way.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: ThreeDeuce

They have added in the "E-v13" to the image, because the site is devoted to Nimrod's Hamitic descendants.

Masonic esoterica..

I'm looking for a `49 Buick.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: Cauliflower

Did you see the Sumerian and Assyrian link to the bicephaellic eagle?

Perhaps you are just told it is esoteric?
It wouldn't be the first of mistruths told to masons.

The two oldest masonic texts reference Nimrod (from my research), ev13 is proposed Nimrod descent, doubles headed eagle is from 1600 bc,

But this is all esoteric.

Strange how a man in todays time can state that the 32 degrees was completely arbitrary. As if we know their compete thought processes.

See my signature

Conveniently, the journey to Master mason is the journey to water boiling. Read my definition of sublimation, then realize the other real definition of sublimation is turning from liquid to gas. The Eagles is sublimation (read my post a few replies ago)

So up to 32 is sublimation, and past that is everything else (33). 33 might not even represent a full degree, but the 1223 (or whatever decimal) from 32.1223 that someone referenced add the true mathematical point.

To ah that these are coincidences sounds like disinformation, or that you haven't researched this.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 08:50 AM
Just look at my screen name, it has nothing to do with masonic symbolism.

I am a third, so I was going to be the "three two one", but I just stopped at three deuce.

Pretty coincidental that I would be the first to connect the eagle to 32 to sublimation.

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