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Russian roulette in Ukraine (A Vice news ongoing series)

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posted on May, 3 2015 @ 05:38 PM
So I searched and didn't see this series posted anywhere. In my opinion (so far 36 dispatches in) it's about the most unbiased, honest look at what is ACTUALLY happening with the situation in Ukraine. It is a very sad situation, and the members of the military involved all seem to know they are just pawns, and really want nothing to do with any of it. You will see many perspectives of Ukraine and Russian citizens and military persons. The first dispatch was uploaded March 3, 2014, and the most recent (dispatch 108) was uploaded April 24, 2015, so it is very much an ongoing and present day related piece. For your viewing pleasure I introduce you to "Russia's Little Green Men Enter Ukraine: Russian Roulette in Ukraine (Dispatch 1)"

posted on May, 3 2015 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: Neutrality

Mean while in the broader picture . "Did a Chinese-Russian-Iranian coalition opposing NATO debut in Moscow?" "The Moscow Conference on International Security in April was used as a venue to give notice to the US and NATO that other world powers will not let them do as they please. "

Ukraine is going to be so broken and torn apart that Kiev may end up looking like most of Syria or Libya .imo " Civilian and military officials from over seventy countries, including NATO members, attended. Fifteen defense ministers took part in the event. However, aside from Greece, defense ministers of NATO countries did not participate in the conference.

Unlike previous years, the MCIS organizers did not send Ukraine an invitation for 2015’s confab. According to Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov, “At this stage of the brutal information antagonism in regard to the crisis in southeastern Ukraine, we decided not to inflame the situation at the conference and at this stage made the decision not to invite our Ukrainian colleagues to the event.”

"Foreign Minister Lavrov reminded the attendees that the possibilities of a dangerous world conflict were increasing due to the lack of concern by the US and NATO for the security of others and a lack of constructive dialogue. When making his argument, Lavrov cited US President Franklin Roosevelt by saying, “There can be no middle ground here. We shall have to take the responsibility for world collaboration, or we shall have to bear the responsibility for another world conflict.” “I believe that they formulated one of the main lessons of the most devastating global conflict in history: it is only possible to meet common challenges and preserve the peace through collective, joint efforts based on respect for the legitimate interests of all partners,” he explained about what world leaders learned from the Second World War. "

I am thinking that there has to be some uneasy Europeans with what is being foisted on their borders . They all know by now the infamous Nuland F-EUROPE saying .Two questions are what is Germany or Greece going to do and if either of those two make a move towards the east and Russia , what will the US do .??

posted on May, 3 2015 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: the2ofusr1

Interesting points and perspectives. My opinion, China will not involve itself overtly against the west. They have too many problems of their own, and losing trust and trade of the west completely would cause them to implode, their bubble is worse that the US one of '08.

I think Russia and Iran may be taking advantage of the current US and Western overall political situations and pressing boundaries while they can. They know either a Bush or Clinton is likely to win the next US Presidency, and also know what that means (war mongering, and a willingness to follow through regardless the stakes).

Iran's situation is most interesting to me, as it seems the most reclusive of the 3 you mentioned. They by far are the most oppressive of their people 3, but Russia in my opinion has surpassed China in recent times as #2 on that list, simply because of Putin's willingness to overtly rewrite Russian politics, and pull tactics on a world-wide scale that all but had become unheard of in modern times, like annexing Crimea. While after watching what I have so far of this, I have no doubt the people of Crimea wanted to join Russia, but they took that land from Ukraine. I believe a LOT of Russian propaganda influenced that, but the fact remains, if the Russians in Crimea wanted to be Russian, they should have moved to Russia.

I'll follow through in my opinions shortly, dinner just finished so my apologies for the short response

posted on May, 3 2015 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: Neutrality

A few years back we had a referendum in Quebec Canada and the nay Sayers won . If they had voted to leave Canada ,they were within their legal right to do so .When you look at the modern state of Kosovo you see the same thing .When you go back a little further you see the Nation State of Israel . It is more likely that a native group can rightfully decide their future then a outside group can so it's very hard to sit on the outside in judgement for those inside .

In Canada we have First Nations that are souvenir as well that can also play into misunderstanding from outside peoples . History is a very funny thing when you fail to factor it into your judgement s .

posted on May, 3 2015 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: the2ofusr1

"History is a very funny thing when you fail to factor it into your judgements."
Very true, I try my best to subdue outside influences, but alas, I'm human.

As far as that report, read it over dinner (delicious homemade lasagna, why I HAD to go get it, or it would burn!). It raises points, but it also shows an obvious anti-West, anti-Israel agenda.

I feel that so much of what is happening on a global scale cannot ever be controlled by "us the people". We will never have the proper people in charge of powerful nations, I.E. the ones with people in mind. So we get to decide our backings upon what these nations offer up, meaning in terms of livelihood, nationality, pride, beliefs, and what-not.

Do I think plans are in place to make a major "Eastern-Uprising"? For sure, they always have been. But, as I mentioned that article was obviously biased, as it even pinned India and China as allies. I don't see that happening in my lifetime for sure

posted on May, 3 2015 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: Neutrality

Text(delicious homemade lasagna)
Sounds delicious ,mmmmm The I in BRICS is India and the C is China .Agreeing to corporation and talking through some of bad past history makes much more sense . As a example . The Federal Govt. of Canada wanted to get a pipe line through to the west coast but that would mean either talking with First Nations or ignoring them . They decided to ignore them and lost in the courts . The next move was to bring a one time respected politician out from his bank position to negotiate the deal with the Natives . They didn't bother wasting any of his or there time based on past broken promises by the same guy who was in the Federal cabinet at the time but retired suddenly to take up the seat at the bank. The Same guy after failing went into Provincial Politics ,which in my mind was not really being upwardly mobile as far as career decisions go . He is facing a election that does not look good for him .

Now ,to update to the latest . " ‘Game changer': Gas company offers $1-billion to First Nations band in B.C."

You see this tells me that even big players can be put into a position to have to talk and respect other people . China ,along with many others are working behind the scenes ,or so I have read that would see China ,India as well as Pakistan if you can believe that ,to talk and cooperate . This new silk road they want to build has a lot of opportunities for asia and it looks like at least at the surface they are studying it .

That to me is the really big picture that is happening we dont hear much about in the western press .We do get hints of it and that is why I said that Germany is the biggest key to that as far as Europe goes . There are lots of industry's wanting to be a part of that expansion .

posted on May, 3 2015 @ 07:43 PM
a reply to: the2ofusr1

What you are referring to in this post is purely economical though. Of course India and China will do BUSINESS together, they are 1/2 the world's population, would be silly not to. That, however, does not mean any military ties whatsoever.

Here's a great example of that
Iran and Israel?

ETA- forgot to ask, those links only say a "gas company" never once to they refer to which specific one. Also, the linked website couldn't even afford to drop the from their site. I'll take 3 grains of salt please.
edit on 3-5-2015 by Neutrality because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2015 @ 07:44 PM
Also I would suggest that you read this latest . If you think that Ukraine offers pucker power then this will scare the beegeebs out of you .

The report’s central theme is that US global dominance is threatened by the rise of China and this process must be reversed by economic, diplomatic and military means.

Significantly, at the beginning of the report, its authors cite the Pentagon’s Defence Planning Guidance document of 1992, produced in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union, which insisted that US strategy had to “refocus on precluding the emergence of any potential future global competitor.”

While asserting that China has a “grand strategy” for regional and ultimately global domination, the authors make clear they regard the threat to the US position as arising from China’s economic growth within the present international order.

This analysis recalls that advanced at the beginning of 1907 by the senior British Foreign Office official Eyre Crowe about the impact on Britain of the rise of Germany. Crowe concluded that, whatever the intentions of its leaders, Germany’s economic expansion, in and of itself, constituted a threat to the British Empire. Seven years later, the two major powers were at war.

China is not an imperialist power as Germany was, but its very economic rise is undermining the US position. Taken in the context with the meeting in Moscow I would suggest that it is very real .

posted on May, 3 2015 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: the2ofusr1

All relating to economic warfare, don't forget the US is now active in building that other billion + country
US-India economics

posted on May, 3 2015 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: Neutrality

I think that may be all about TPP . It's a wish list for Corporations entrenched in the IMF system but even China has large holding in that . I suspect that they will use it wisely while they develop the alternative BRICS using other countries currencies . also

America’s Control Over the World Is Rapidly Eroding

By Michael Payne
May 03, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "NOC" - It’s no secret that the U.S. is most certainly not the most loved country in the world because of its government’s long history of highly aggressive military actions, as well as its interference in the internal affairs of countless nations. But what we are seeing today is that an increasing number of nations are turning against the U.S. and taking various actions to rid themselves of its presence and influence.

In a recent article entitled, “The Decline and Fall of the United States” David Swanson pointed out that, “Latin American nations are standing up to the United States. Some have kicked out its bases and ceased sending students to the School of the Americas. People are protesting at US bases in Italy, South Korea, England, and at US embassies in the Philippines, Czech Republic, and Ukraine. German courts are hearing charges that it is illegally participating in US drone wars. Pakistani courts have indicted top CIA officials.”

The U.S. Embassy in Libya remains closed; not long ago the embassy in Yemen closed and we can expect others to follow suit in the future. Even if the U.S. is the most powerful militarily, if the nations and people of the world no longer want its presence in their countries, there is little that Washington can do anything about it. The U.S. government’s extremely aggressive military policies are making new enemies at an alarming rate. Call it one too many color revolutions or one too many economic hit men and the chickens just may be coming home to roost .

posted on May, 3 2015 @ 08:09 PM
a reply to: the2ofusr1

I like infoclearinghouse, but they are not exactly an unbiased forthright media source as well. Linking ONLY them isn't good. While I know very well that is what the US does (war, invade, replace government) that doesn't mean ties are straining. It's the biased sites that provide that info, while disregarding real-world trade info.

*Also, to add my opinion on the TPP, well I STRONGLY oppose it
edit on 3-5-2015 by Neutrality because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2015 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: Neutrality

Obama wants to fast track it . (the TPP) I find Information clearing house a great place to get alternative pieces and find them realistic and seem to match up with other reports on similar subjects .I will sometimes track down where the story originated from but I look at it a a aggregate site as opposed to a personal web site . Most of the western MSM just seem to echo the same talking points while staying clear from most of the sources I have come to trust .

Not that ICH cant put up stuff I totally disagree with ,because sometimes I do .For the most part I get a picture and find some value in it . Have you ever listened to Webster Tarpley on his World Crises Radio podcast ? He has become a staple of a lot of news for me .

posted on May, 3 2015 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: the2ofusr1

Exactly why I didn't say ICH is a propaganda crap site. Their reporting is legit, just biased.

I have never heard of Webster Tarpley, can you link his podcast? I'm always open to every ear of info, I'm smart enough to dissect bullpoop when I see it. I'll definitely give him a listen.

posted on May, 3 2015 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: Neutrality

Yea sure . Oh this is a link to the original story about the 1 billion dollar offer to the Natives for the pipe line . It's from the Globe and Mail sent/article24203113/

Tarpley's site is He usually has a new podcast every Saturday . He was in Syria at the start of the conflict and had a different story to tell about what we were hearing in the msm . I think his second to last show as on Ukraine where he was over there 2 to 3 weeks ago ...

posted on May, 3 2015 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: the2ofusr1

First link, 404'd

Tarpley link, I'll check it out.

Can I ask, did you at least watch the video I linked in the OP?
edit on 3-5-2015 by Neutrality because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2015 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: Neutrality

Yes I did . I actually watched a few of them .I cant Imagine how similar people like Texas will decide what to do after the war if they make it that far .There was a member from ATS that left to go fight over there when the fighting started . I wonder to myself at times what might have happened to him . Never seen him on the board after that ....sad really ..
Not sure what happened with the 404 link . I will try it again . sent/article24203113/ That link is not working either . If you go to the original link to and scroll down to the bottom it works from there .
edit on 3-5-2015 by the2ofusr1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2015 @ 06:10 AM
I seen about 20 to 25 of the dispatches , i have found it to be very interesting , some of the episodes have some graphic stuff in them though , most wierdest thing so far i seen was a guy being blown out of a BMP , and his body was hanging in the powerlines above the wreckage.

When i see stuff like that it is a good reminder how pathetic war really is.

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