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What do we know about the greys?

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posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: tanka418

With all respect - and I say that with sincerity - it's nigh on impossible to cite any of the internet-sourced information on the greys as actual fact.

I'm not a sceptic (other than what is healthy), or, heaven forefend, one of those self-appointed "debunkers" (or maybe they're government appointed) that troll forums like this, but I reckon knowledge of extraterrestrials is on even a less sure footing than that of Bigfoot/Sasquatch.

What do we know that we know? Some folks claim to have seen greys, and some former CIA/military guys claim to have inside knowledge. No photos, no videos, no bodies, and no other physical evidence exists.

Personally I'm open to the notion of the existence of greys, but it would take some significant proof before I make the leap of deeming it knowledge.

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: BenutzerUnbekannt
With all respect - and I say that with sincerity - it's nigh on impossible to cite any of the internet-sourced information on the greys as actual fact.

I quite agree, and don't use "Internet sourced" data...

The data I use is contained in standard Astrometric datasets, Anthropology, History, and other accepted areas of science.

Oh, and a lot of math...

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