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1st Imam - Kabba - the crack that can not be fixed

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posted on May, 2 2015 @ 06:30 AM

a reply to: Krazysh0t

I don't know. but searching for the pictures shows you different recoveries during years.

And remember that saudis are very rich people and they don't have problem paying ....

If you think you can fix it , give them a call.

Do you think it would inflame tensions if they did repair it completely?

Would it be a war between Saudi Arabia and Iran?

Like they have not tried to repair it ??

They have tried and they have failed.

No one is forcing them to keep the crack.

they do as they wish like they are doing to Yemen.


the other side of my brain is kicking in...
? What IF the crack in the Kaba is supernaturally there to graphically Symbolize the 'split' between the Sunni & Shai sects of Islam ?

? What if the custodians are secretly perpetuating the idea the 'crack' remains irreparable (in a world without an established Global Caliphate which only the appearance of the 12th Imam can cause to happen)

dang it, the right brain - left brain conflicts keep popping brain has an irreparable crack in it
edit on nd31143056679302392015 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: mideast
a reply to: stosh64

شيخ مفيد رضوان الله تعالي عليه :

ولد بمكة في البيت الحرام يوم الجمعة الثالث عشر من رجب سنة ثلاثين من عام الفيل ، ولم يولد قبله ولا بعده مولود في بيت الله تعالى سواه إكراما من الله تعالى له بذلك وإجلالا لمحله في التعظيم

sheykh mufid is a great source of shai hadith

and these are sunni sources of hadith:

more :

1 . حاكم نيشابوري (405هـ) :

فقد تواترت الأخبار أن فاطمة بنت أسد ولدت أمير المؤمنين علي بن أبي طالب كرم الله وجهه في جوف الكعبة .

النيسابوري ، محمد بن عبدالله أبو عبدالله الحاكم (متوفاي405 هـ) ، المستدرك على الصحيحين ، ج 3 ، ص 550 ، تحقيق : مصطفى عبد القادر عطا ، ناشر : دار الكتب العلمية - بيروت ، الطبعة : الأولى ، 1411هـ - 1990م .
ترجمه حاكم نيشابوري :

الحاكم الحافظ الكبير امام المحدثين ... ناظر الدارقطني فرضيه وهو ثقة واسع العلم بلغت تصانيفه قريبا من خمس مائة جزء .

الذهبي ، شمس الدين محمد بن أحمد بن عثمان ، تذكرة الحفاظ ، ج 3 ، ص 1039 ـ 1040 ، ناشر : دار الكتب العلمية - بيروت ، الأولى .

سيوطي :

الحاكم الحافظ الكبير إمام المحدثين أبو عبد الله محمد بن عبد الله محمد بن حمدويه بن نعيم الضبي الطهماني النيسابوري ... وكان إمام عصره في الحديث العارف به حق معرفته صالحا ثقة .

حاكم ، حافظ بزرگ و پيشواي محدثان است ... او در زمان خود پيشواي علم حديث و آن چنان كه شايسته بود‌ ، با علم حديث آشنائي داشت ، درستكار و قابل اعتماد بود .

السيوطي ، جلال الدين عبد الرحمن بن أبي بكر (متوفاي911هـ) ، طبقات الحفاظ ، ج 1 ، ص410 ـ 411 ، ناشر : دار الكتب العلمية - بيروت ، الطبعة : الأولى ، 1403هـ .

أبو اسحاق شيرازي :

هو أبو عبد الله محمد بن عبد الله بن محمد النيسابوري المعروف بالحاكم صاحب المستدرك وتاريخ نيسابور وفضائل الشافعي وكان فقيها حافظا ثقة عليا لكنه يفضل علي بن أبي طالب على عثمان رضي الله عنهما انتهت إليه رياسة أهل الحديث طلب العلم في صغره ورحل إلى الحجاز والعراق مرتين وروي عن خلائق عظيمة قال الأسنوي ويزيد على الفيء شيخ وتفقه علي أبي الوليد النيسابوري وأبي علي بن أبي هريرة وأبي سهل الصعلوكي وانتفع به أئمة كثيرون منهم البيهقي قال عبد الغافر كان الحاكم إمام أهل الحديث في عصره وبيته بيت الصلاح والورع واختص بصحبته إمام وقته أبي بكر الصيغي وكان يراجع الحاكم في الجرح والتعديل .

الشيرازي ، إبراهيم بن علي بن يوسف أبو إسحاق (متوفاي476هـ) ، طبقات الفقهاء ، ج 1 ، ص 222 ، تحقيق : خليل الميس ، ناشر : دار القلم - بيروت .

ابن خلكان :

الحاكم النيسابوري الحافظ المعروف بابن البيع إمام أهل الحديث في عصره والمؤلف فيه الكتب التي لم يسبق إلى مثلها كان عالما عارفا واسع العلم .

إبن خلكان ، أبو العباس شمس الدين أحمد بن محمد بن أبي بكر (متوفاي681هـ) ، وفيات الأعيان وأنباء أبناء الزمان ، ج 4 ، ص 280 ، تحقيق : احسان عباس ، ناشر : دار الثقافة - لبنان .

أبو الفداء :

وفيها توفي الحافظ محمد بن عبد الله بن محمد بن حمدويه بن نعيم الضبي الطهماني، المعروف بالحاكم النيسابوري إِمام أهل الحديث في عصره ، والمؤلف فيه الكتب التي لم يسبق إِلى مثلها ، سافر في طلب الحديث، وبلغت عدة شيوخه نحو ألفين، وصنف عدة مصنفات ... .

أبو الفداء عماد الدين إسماعيل بن علي (متوفاي732هـ) ، المختصر في أخبار البشر ، ج 1 ، ص 247 .

دهلوي ، شاه ولى الله مشهور به محدث هند (متوفاي 1180هـ) ، إزالة الخفاء عن خلافة الخلفاء ، ج 4 ، باب : اما مآثر اميرالمؤمنين وامام اشجعين اسد الله الغالب علي بن ابي طالب رضي الله عنه ، تصحيح و مراجعه: سيد جمال الدين هروى .
ترجمه دهلوي :

وقد بسط الكلام فيما يتعلق بالخلافة الذي لا مزيد عليه الشيخ الأجل المحدث ولي الله الدهلوي في إزالة الخفاء عن خلافة الخلفاء وهو كتاب لم يؤلف مثله في هذا الباب .

العظيم آبادي ، محمد شمس الحق (متوفاي1329هـ) ، عون المعبود شرح سنن أبي داود ، ج 12 ، ص 253 ، ناشر : دار الكتب العلمية - بيروت ، الطبعة : الثانية ، 1995م .

قال الإمام العارف الكبير الشيخ أحمد المعروف بشاه ولي الله الدهلوي قدس الله سره في كتابه «حجة الله البالغة»

قال الإمام العلامة ولي الله الدهلوي في «الحجة البالغة» .

القاسمي ، محمد جمال الدين (متوفاي1332هـ) ، قواعد التحديث من فنون مصطلح الحديث ، ج 1 ، ص 239 و ج 1 ص 323 ، ناشر : دار الكتب العلمية - بيروت ، الطبعة : الأولى ، 1399هـ - 1979م .

الكوكب الديار الهندية الشاه ولي الله أحمد بن عبد الرحيم الدهلوي الهندي رحمة الله المولود سنة 1110 والمتوفى بدهلي سنة 1176 كان هذا الرجل من أفراد المتأخرين علما وعملا وشهرة أحيا الله به وبأولاده وأولاد بنته وتلاميذهم الحديث والسنة بالهند بعد مواتهما وعلى كتبه وأسانيده المدار في تلك الديار .

الكتاني ، عبد الحي بن عبد الكبير (متوفاي1383هـ) ، فهرس الفهارس والأثبات ومعجم المعاجم والمسلسلات ، ج 1 ، ص 178 ، تحقيق : د. إحسان عباس ، ناشر : دار العربي الاسلامي - بيروت/ لبنان ، الطبعة : الثانية ، 1402هـ1982م .
3 . سبط ابن جوزي(متوفاي 654هـ) :

وروي أن فاطمة بنت أسد كانت تطوف بالبيت وهي حامل بعلي (ع) فضربها الطلق ففتح لها باب الكعبة فدخلت فوضتعه فيها .

سبط بن الجوزي الحنفي ، شمس الدين أبوالمظفر يوسف بن فرغلي بن عبد الله البغدادي ، تذكرة الخواص ، ص 20 ، ناشر : مؤسسة أهل البيت ـ بيروت ، 1401هـ ـ 1981م .
ترجمه سبط بن جوزي :

شمس الدين ذهبي در باره او مي‌گويد:

يوسف بن قُزْغْلي بن عبد الله . الإمام ، الواعظ ،


I'm sorry, but I don't read Arabic.

I do find it odd that the Muslim world is torn apart over this issue.

Can you explain, in English perhaps, why this is such a divisive issue?

You all follow the same Prophet, and base your beliefs on the Quran, yet you slaughter each other over dogmas.
I never understood, when ALL Muslims see the US and Israel as the great and little satan, that you continue to kill each other.

During the Iraq war, when your perceived common enemy was on your doorstep, you would still indiscriminately slaughter each other with ied's at Mosques and religious events.

Since we have a Sunni and a Shia in this thread, could either of you explain this to me?

The Muslim world would be a force to reckon with if they ever united.

I would sincerely appreciate some insight into this from those who live it.
Thank you in advance.

edit on 5 2 2015 by stosh64 because: fixed quotes

posted on May, 3 2015 @ 12:10 PM
The issue between the Shia and Sunni sects goes back to the first days of their faith. There was a disagreement who should lead after the death of Mohamad. One side claimed that Mohamad appointed verbally in public his grandson 'Ali the other sided with one of the most learned and influential individuals Abu Bakr. Needless to say there was a period that followed filled with many battles and assassinations before the two sects were formalized. The Sunni's powerbase consolidated in Mecca and the Shia formed in Karbala each began to diverge in their beliefs and they fought for revenge, territory, believers and treasure.

edit on 3-5-2015 by JusticeLover because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2015 @ 05:11 PM
a reply to: mideast


Thankyou for providing an excellent explanation of the disunity that exists and its roots (something I've wondered about for some time). Unfortunately it's not unique as there's been a lot of trouble between other closely related faiths over the course of history.

posted on May, 4 2015 @ 11:25 AM
Agreed. I feel that the moment the founder of a spriturial movement passes or looses control of said movement it is going or break into factions. The reality of it exists only in their mind and it's their charisma that convinces others to follow their way. The perception of theses spriturial ideas will be somewhat diffrent in each of the followers so the way to think or to act will differ as well. Once human failings factor in, lust for power, etc. it's all over. I'm a believer in progressive religion where the birth, development, decline and demise are all features built into the major religions of the world and it is to be expected.


a reply to: Pilgrum

posted on May, 4 2015 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: stosh64

I agree.

It's all so tiresome for Muslims to "blame the West", while killing each other. The Christians put away the differences e.g. between Protestantism and the Catholics a few hundred years ago. Would it be possible for the Muslim denominations to (er) start acting peaceful towards each other? After all, Islam is the religion of peace, at least that's what I keep being told!

posted on May, 21 2015 @ 10:53 PM
What if *excuse my infinite ignorance and uneducated banter* they allow a team of experts in to repair and restore the crack? What if those experts were ... infidels!

Come on, it is hypothetical, repairable just like the uniting of ALL human beings on this Shared Planet of Ours.

posted on May, 24 2015 @ 10:49 AM
Thanks to Mideast for starting this thread about this above top secret issue.

We need such leaders. And Mahdi son of Ali will behave like his father. Jesus will behave the same. Religion of God is one and I think it is summarized in these words of Ali :

Be it known to you, O, Malik, that I am sending you as Governor to a country which in the past has experienced both just and unjust rule. Men will scrutinise your actions with a searching eye, even as you used to scrutinise the actions of those before you, and speak of you even as you did speak of them. The fact is that the public speak well of only those who do good. It is they who furnish the proof of your actions. Hence the richest treasure that you may covet would be the treasure of good deeds. Keep your desires under control and deny yourself that which you have been prohibited from, for, by such abstinence alone, you will be able to distinguish between what is good to them and what is not. Develop in your heart the feeling of love for your people and let it be the source of kindliness and blessing to them. Do not behave with them like a barbarian, and do not appropriate to yourself that which belongs to them. Remember that the citizens of the state are of two categories. They are either your brethren in religion or your brethren in kind. They are subject to infirmities and liable to commit mistakes. Some indeed do commit mistakes. But forgive them even as you would like God to forgive you. Bear in mind that you are placed over them, even as I am placed over you. And then there is God even above him who has given you the position of a Governor in order that you may look after those under you and to be sufficient unto them. And you will be judged by what you do for them. Do not set yourself against God, for neither do you possess the strength to shield yourself against His displeasure, nor can you place yourself outside the pale of His mercy and forgiveness. Do not feel sorry over any act of forgiveness, nor rejoice over any punishment that you may mete out to any one. Do not rouse yourself to anger, for no good will come out of it. Do not say: “I am your overlord and dictator, and that you should, therefore, bow to my commands”, as that will corrupt your heart, weaken your faith in religion and create disorder in the state. Should you be elated by power, ever feel in your mind the slightest symptoms of pride and arrogance, then look at the power and majesty of the Divine governance of the Universe over which you have absolutely no control.

The more they struggle for their satanic world order, the divine world order will become nearer, it is promised by God :

The wicked draw the sword, and bend the bow, to bring down the poor and needy, to slay those whose ways are upright. But their swords will pierce their own hearts, and their bows will be broken. -Psalms 37:14

posted on May, 25 2015 @ 09:49 AM

originally posted by: stosh64

originally posted by: mideast
a reply to: stosh64

The Muslim world would be a force to reckon with if they ever united.

I would sincerely appreciate some insight into this from those who live it.
Thank you in advance.

Well, my friend, You yourself is answering your own question. You said : """The Muslim world would be a force to reckon with if they ever united."""
Elites misuses the ignorance of people and Muslims are not an exception.

Maybe the answer is in these questions :

1- Who ruined the twin towers in USA ?

2- Who is the mother of Al-Qaeda ?
Saudi tribe

3- Where is the ideology mother land of ISIS, Taliban, .... ?
Saudi tribe

3- Who is ally of Saud tribe ?
Well, Bush danced and drank wine with the king of Saud and Obama kissed hands of the Saud king. Saud tribe, Turkey, USA and Israel are all allies of each other in the issue of Syria, Yemen, .....

4- What kind of Muslim is the Saud kingdom ?
They are very similar to the corrupted monarchies of Muawiah and Yazid ibn Muawiah, they are followers of Ibn Taymiah
and Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab, they can be called Wahhabi. History of Wahhabism is full of murder against Sunnies and Shias. They consider most of Muslims as infidels however their most enmity is against Shias and Christians ! they claim that they are Sunnie but the reality is that Sunnies have written a lot of books against the beliefs of Wahhabies and Saudies.
In the beliefs of Sunnies, twelver Shism is an islamically correct sect like other sects. Sheikh Shaltut head of Sunni scholars in Al-Azhar decreed this.

5- Ok, so. Who is Yazid and how is he similar to Saud tribe ?

Yazid was a corrupted king who cut the head of grandson of prophet Muhammad, Husayn, very similar to John the Baptist. Mother of Yazid was a Jew and he was under influence of wrong thoughts. Not only he cut the head of Husayn ibn Ali, grandson of their own prophet, but he killed even his six months infant and many of his family members and enslaved others.

6- So this has a root in Islam !?

Lol, No, this has a root in the history of monotheistic religions. Just think about the prophets killed by the Israel tribe in their history, and just think about hundred millions of people, killed in the process of world wars and modernism.

7- Oh, what a messy world we have, is there any hope !?

Of course, the darkest time is near the dawn, have not you read the Bible :

For those who are evil will be destroyed,
but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land.
A little while, and the wicked will be no more;
though you look for them, they will not be found.
But the meek will inherit the land
and enjoy peace and prosperity.
Psalms 37

You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8All these are the beginning of birth pains.
Matthew 24

edit on 25-5-2015 by maes2 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 02:04 AM
whats in the box ?

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