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Made in the Image of God

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posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: Ghost147

You've directly referenced Jesus and the christian god?

The Term "Made in the Image of God" is Christian saying ... so I felt appropriate to use Jesus as an example

It is not up to us to explain where you came up with this incredibly divine knowledge. It is solely up to you.

No it is not up to you to explain where I came from

The discussion is on the topic of " "Made in the Image of God"
All are welcome to offer their understanding or belief in how they interpret that saying
No matter what religion or non religion they are

It is not about me proving anything

edit on 30-4-2015 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus 13

accepted. from 1z perception its 1 primary beam of LIGHT
released into a Dark Prizim.
The darkness coating the prizim interior allows the LIGHT to bounce around or continuously transfer photon energy
and as this Primary ray of Light crisscrosses itself? through the prizim never losing strength
Each connection makes more dense Light
and if a connection is a form, formed from millions of connections or rays overlapping-intersecting
it the dense intersecting region would then be perceived as a solid from an observer also made of and Created within the dense Light within the intersecting region
The forms and densities of the changing PRIMARY Light ray as well as the direction of the intersecting rays would be ALL things CREATED and CREATOR Creations.
But the Prizim would also be part of the CREATOR GOD
This again is 1z subjective analysis.

Your words conjure great images in my minds eye ... what is see a form of energy from the microcosm to macrocosm and many layers or dimensions of being

THE may even appear in other forms ALIEN to HUMAN perception. As it would allow the CREATOR opportunity to see and understand ALL* Created as THE takes on the many forms (WHY THE FORM TAKEN REMAIN SOMEWHAT UNAWARE AND UNDETECTED)
So to 1 subjectively yes GOD can take on Human form as described with LORD JESUS CHRIST
And also non human forms as described with FATHER ANU LORD ENKI and LORD ENLIL ...
This is my subjective analysis artistpoet.

I would concur with your subjective analysis ... I think similar things also

As for the rest of your post ... I will be a lazy sod and not respond to in full only to say I read every word and concur ... I like how each individually expresses their beliefs ... it is enriching ...

edit on 30-4-2015 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-4-2015 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-4-2015 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 06:21 PM

originally posted by: Ghost147
Let's say you believe God is all powerful and all knowing. This cannot be possible considering that if it has the power to change the future, then he didn't know the future in the first place. And if he did know the future, and knew he was going to change it, then he didn't really have the power to change the future at all considering he already knew he was going to do it, and knew the outcome of his actions. This is an old argument, but that's only because it actually does thwart the concept of being both omniscient and omnipotent at the same time.

There are other ways of looking at it.

It ties into the concept of free will. Omniscience forwards the idea of someone being able to have an all knowing perspective. I view omnipotence as being required in order to even entertain that perspective, because how else would someone be able to see things that way.I wish I had a more eloquent way to put it.

Imagine playing chess with someone.Depending on your experience and a host of other factors, there would be limits on the moves each one makes.Playing chess, often players can anticipate each others decisions.Knowing what the range of moves are, isn't the same as knowing which move is going to happen when.

Idk, I used to be afraid of heights.I like to climb, but prefer it on my own terms, and conditions.If someone doesn't think they can do something, or they think they can, that's an opinion.Neither is true or false.They won't know until they actually attempt it.I was fearful, until I was forced more or less, to confront this fear.(career move) The setting was right, and I had a good teacher behind me, I started climbing.Now 4 feet or 400, I know now, practicing focus is what makes the difference.
edit on 30-4-2015 by dffrntkndfnml because: grammer

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: Jonjonj

I absolutely agree with this.

So then, easy fix here isn't there?

The creator could just say "Oi, you humans, my creation, you are doing it all bloody wrong"...quick slap around the back of the head and sorted...but it hasn't has it?

Can't be that hard.

Maybe The Creator does but some do not listen and none are compelled

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 07:24 PM

originally posted by: Jonjonj
Here is the thing I don't get right?

If we are made in the Creator's image, why the hell did he create us to be so much more destructive than any other of his creations, all of which are mind bogglingly beautiful?

I just don't get it at all.

A part of me hopes that if one would be responsible in little things, they would be responsible for the larger...

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 07:28 PM
If we were made in gods image does that mean his/her s*** stinks too? (literally)

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 07:48 PM

originally posted by: artistpoet
a reply to: Jonjonj

I absolutely agree with this.

So then, easy fix here isn't there?

The creator could just say "Oi, you humans, my creation, you are doing it all bloody wrong"...quick slap around the back of the head and sorted...but it hasn't has it?

Can't be that hard.

Maybe The Creator does but some do not listen and none are compelled

Oh come on, that is like saying the water dripping on the rock says look, I am dripping, move out of the way or...then we get holes in rocks, I mean really? No more power than that? The power to create a universe and yet not the power to stop all that which is against the very reason for its creation?

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 07:50 PM

originally posted by: dffrntkndfnml

originally posted by: Jonjonj
Here is the thing I don't get right?

If we are made in the Creator's image, why the hell did he create us to be so much more destructive than any other of his creations, all of which are mind bogglingly beautiful?

I just don't get it at all.

A part of me hopes that if one would be responsible in little things, they would be responsible for the larger...

I am very responsible in the little things, I try to help where I can, I don't get any help so now what?

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 07:57 PM

originally posted by: artistpoet
a reply to: Ghost147

The Term "Made in the Image of God" is Christian saying ... so I felt appropriate to use Jesus as an example

Again, you're not explaining what you are.

originally posted by: artistpoet
No it is not up to you to explain where I came from

I never said for you to explain where you come from, I said "It is not up to us to explain where you came up with this incredibly divine knowledge."

I can tell you exactly where you came from, your parents. And before them, their parents, so on on and so forth through the branches of evolution.

originally posted by: artistpoet
The discussion is on the topic of " "Made in the Image of God"
All are welcome to offer their understanding or belief in how they interpret that saying
No matter what religion or non religion they are

There isn't a discussion, you aren't asking any questions, you just stated your position with no confrontation or argument. You've just blasted off all these traits of this "immensely powerful creator who created the universe and everything that's in it."

originally posted by: artistpoet
It is not about me proving anything

Yes... it is. If you make a claim that this magical being owns, operates and has created an entire universe, you need to back up those claims with some sort of evidence which proves your point. Why do you need to provide evidence? Because the notion that an invisible, unknowable magical whom creates universes, is a pretty bold and massive claim to make.

Why should we listen to you if you have no evidence, and you can't even explain where you came up with this nonsense.

Let's look back at my invisible unicorn in my back yard example. Do you believe me simply because I swear it's the truth? no... hopefully. If i make such an outrageous claim, I should probably back up those claims with some sort of evidence.

Welcome to the realm of logic and rational thinking.

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 08:43 PM
Lol, Jonjonj.You caught me off guard!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I need to get to know you better, before even imagining answering your last question.In any case, I feel our understanding or higher natures are key to achieving our goals...

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: largo

Why do some keep referring to the appendix as useless.


Appendix not useless

You know you can live with only one kidney, why don't you get rid of one? One is enough because you can live without the other. Just because people can survive without something doesn't mean it is useless.

Limited life span. How about 10 billion people living here on earth who never die, who are always in shape, never degrade. 10 billion who are invincible. Would you like that? Nothing would matter, you wouldn't be motivated to do anything, no clock, no time, finding a man or woman who needs it now that we don't need to copulate.....just bahhhhhhhhhhh whatever....what to do? what to do?...I am invincible. Oh wow! Roger, you rebuilt the pyramids 10000 times bigger than the original on Venus! doesn't matter because you have all the time in the universe to do it!!! The art is doing what NEEDS to be done in the short time we have with the limits we have. That is the beauty and the challenge. I trust the cycle model better anyways, it only worked for thousands of years. Yours sounds great, on paper ahem ahem...

God didn't slay his own son. Come on. He let humans slay him, because some made stupid a$s choices. God allows freewill, so he cannot rewrite the script otherwise that is not freewill. Guess what humans have? Freewill! Some use it for stupid a$s reasons like killing a man who clearly was not evil.

If you want to know you have to seek. If God gave you all the answers and programmed you with all the knowledge and the habits he thinks are right we wouldn't be doted with freewill now would we? More like programmed robots who do as their instructions say. No choices = no freedom. You want to be a robot? I don't think you do even if you do you are not one.

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 09:23 PM
The question of free will also reminds me that nobody can force anyone to love another...

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 09:31 PM

originally posted by: dffrntkndfnml
Lol, Jonjonj.You caught me off guard!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I need to get to know you better, before even imagining answering your last question.In any case, I feel our understanding or higher natures are key to achieving our goals...

Well, to get to know me you would only need to read the posts I have made. Therein lies the key.

By the way, ignore any of the posts that show me as an ignorant arsehole, they were made without my conscious consent.

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 12:16 AM
I believe that we are seeds of great trees. As above so below, a fraction of infinite beings, a soul child so to speak.
Someone who shared their NDE with me spoke of merging with his Higher Self, and when he returned he felt as if he's missing huge parts of himself. And while that might be the case for some here, also I think that we can be akin to fractals, growing infinitely ourselves, which would make Higher Self more like Parent, and that is what is meant by, "I and My Father are one and the same".
edit on 1-5-2015 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 04:19 AM
a reply to: artistpoet

It is not the responsibility of science to disprove God. That is not how science works. The individual who makes the claim of God or God's or anything for that matter are responsible for providing evidence for their claim.

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 05:30 AM
a reply to: digitalvoodoo

This researcher has carried out his responsibility to provide evidence for the biblical statement that Man is made "in the image of God":
And it is truly remarkable and convincing evidence. Only one needs to understand the correct meaning of this well-known sentence, not interpret it literally. For Kabbalists, Man is "Adam Kadmon," or "Heavenly Man." This is the divine prototype governing not only human beings, as biblical Genesis explains, but ALL holistic systems that embody the divine paradigm. As the physical universe is part of the full manifestation of the Divine Life, ALL its inhabitants conform to the archetypal design of the "Image of God". The website linked above reveals for the first time the perfect, mathematical nature of this pattern. It is shown to be embodied in the sacred geometries of various religions, for example, the Tree of Life (Otz Chiim) of Judaism, the Sri Yantra of Hindu Tantra, the 64 hexagrams of the ancient Taoist I Ching and the five regular polyhedra of Pythagorean/Platonic cosmology. It is also shown to be realized in the six 4-dimensional regular polytopes called 'polychorons,' which are mathematically connected to the 421 polytope known to represent the E8 Lie group of symmetries governing E8XE8 heterotic superstrings. The universal "Image of God" blueprint is proved also to manifest in human DNA, in the human skeleton, in the seven octave species that form the basis of the ancient church musical modes and - par excellence - in the superstring of particle physics. This is because they are all examples of the manifestation of number in either space, time or the 10-dimensional space-time continuum predicted by superstring theory. The latter conforms to the "image of God" paradigm because the ten dimensions correspond to the ten Sephiroth of the Tree of Life, the three large-scale dimensions of space corresponding to the three Sephiroth of the Supernal Triad (Kether, Chokmah, Binah), whilst time and the six compactified dimensions correspond, respectively, to Malkuth (the last Sephirah) and to the six Sephiroth of Construction above Malkuth.

Think, therefore, of the term "image of God" as a mathematical prescription governing every holistic system in the universe. The structure of this amazing, universal, mathematical pattern is elucidated at the above website.

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 11:18 AM
The last 6000 years have been experimental purposes ever since the black people the creator, made the caucasian. They were made in Our image as in the form of a man but with a different nature. The bible and the quran says, let Us make man, We made man etc. The learned Caucasian people knows this. But they were only to rule for 6000 years which was up in 1914 and fast forward thats why the world is in the condition it's in, like I said its all just One big experiment and now they are destroying the world the caucasians built and the creator is taking back over. The reason why millions of others will fall and bite the dust is they have been tricked into actually believing that the world is like how it is because humans evolved from monkeys or whatever the theory is and everything just evolved into this and others think that they can just continue on with no problems, they think that they are safe, they believe in a false sense of security. You're are not safe.

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 11:20 AM

originally posted by: WatchingY0u
The last 6000 years have been experimental purposes ever since the black people the creator, made the caucasian. They were made in Our image as in the form of a man but with a different nature. The bible and the quran says, let Us make man, We made man etc. The learned Caucasian people knows this. But they were only to rule for 6000 years which was up in 1914 and fast forward thats why the world is in the condition it's in, like I said its all just One big experiment and now they are destroying the world the caucasians built and the creator is taking back over. The reason why millions of others will fall and bite the dust is they have been tricked into actually believing that the world is like how it is because humans evolved from monkeys or whatever the theory is and everything just evolved into this and others think that they can just continue on with no problems, they think that they are safe, they believe in a false sense of security. You're are not safe.


posted on May, 1 2015 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: Prezbo369

I tired to get it ad plain as possible so it won't be any excuses

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: digitalvoodoo

It is not the responsibility of science to disprove God. That is not how science works. The individual who makes the claim of God or God's or anything for that matter are responsible for providing evidence for their claim.

Let science study what is wishes to study and prove or disprove whatever it wants

It is not my responsibility to prove anything at all ...
I am expressing my beliefs and ideas as are others regarding their personal interpretation / beliefs of the saying which is the title of this thread

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