a reply to:
i would really really enjoy ur story of becoming a member
I didn't get a chance to look into the web sides u provided but will do
oh god I can't work out what year i was what age would be interesting to see how my memory actually sits with truth..
(so it started 12 years ago to get the picture of how long this puzzling went on at age 16)
ok I think.
at 16 I saw an article(don't know how don't remember us having computer or net) a reported took a photo of a German finance premier(?)at a meeting
with other random rich people at the opening of palm islands(?). his trip was completely out of the ordinary the place and others too.. I remember
this being a starting point of interest.
at 18 i read davinci code
the next I think was btw 18-21
somewhere alongside there I read an interview with one of the "good rich" illuminati he said to own an oil company
who mentioned the keeping in check with "the bed rich".. I don't know why but maybe I even remember him saying the good have the resources the bad
have the weapons..or something like that..
then I remember this young guy claiming he was kidnaped into it he said he feels safe to discuss it on net as no one would believe him..
I remember lizard guy pineal glan David ickes I think what was his very first Internet article I completely brushed this guy of up until now I like
his political views.. but omg back then this guy it sounded like someone who has completely lost the plot or that he escaped from mental institution..
now when I watch him is like (???)..
I doubt I would ever find reference not gonna even try to proof any of what I said not sure if I can completely trust my memory..
however the version u saying I believed up until Mike Hockney and who ever build an entire web side and it's content to mention him. this guy is a
sole reason of me being totally put off and confused by any web side claiming to be illuminati. don't get me wrong is just a gut feeling the whole
thing about him gave me (maybe he is legit) he completely destroyed the original views I had about the "membership" itself
up until you I never got into this point of view in conversations..
so ultimately this conversation with u is at high value to me
edit on 1-5-2015 by MimiSia because: (no reason given)
edit on 1-5-2015 by MimiSia because: (no reason
edit on 1-5-2015 by MimiSia because: (no reason given)
edit on 1-5-2015 by MimiSia because: (no reason